TO BE Stepmom, didn't take CRAP!
:sick: Hi, I'm brand new to this blog and definitely new to being a Stepmom to adult SC. Don't have kids of my own as I'm older and getting married at a late age. My fiancé has 4 grown kids. The issue I have is with the daughter - the youngest and the MOST SPOILED child I have ever come across. She's 22 with her own family and still feels the need to have her "daddy" around.
She never treated me with respect from Day 1 and I along with her dad was totally ignored at her wedding. Felt like a slap in the face since I had not had a vacation in 10 years only to fly across the country to attend her wedding. Well, I just don't take crap, so I went off on her the day after wedding. I don't want or need this negativity in my life. Been thru too much. She apologized realizing she was a wrong "bridezilla". To keep the peace I accepted that.
Here we are 5 years later and she and I get into it yesterday. I'm being blamed for taking her father away as he moved out of the state and to where I live. She never appreciated him, only used him to go shopping etc..and now it's my fault? He left because her mother cheated on him TWICE with TWO DIFFERENT men. Why would he stick around? Make a long story short, we fell in love and he's here with me in CA. He's helped me a lot, took care of my mom when she was dying and that was hard. The spoiled SD says we don't reach out and talk to them? Bitches about everything and doesn't stop to realize that we've been dealing with GRIEF, loss and trying to get our life back on track.
Yesterdy she woke me up at an ungodly hour. Told her nicely don't do it again. I get a barrage of insulting texts with one of her texts being that she no longer feels that she needs to be respectful to me since we aren't getting along, then demands me to do some things for her. I was in a place between shock and wanting to murder her.
I finally had enough -I told her to F OFF grow up and get it together. Her father is happy he's raised your spoiled ass and it's HIS TURN. I then told her to forget me, my number my name and that she's never welcomed at my home. Sorry not sorry, but I've been thru hell and back and now that I've finally emerging from my deep depression and we are getting ready to be married, the HELL I'm going to let this spoiled brat steal my joy! Had to vent and glad to have found this site! I think a lot of people on here are way too nice and need to put these freaking spoiled brats ADULT SC in their damn place! God bless you all. I Think it's best I cut her off before it even starts!
Yes, fiancé and I got into a little bit of a row since he said she's an adult and disciplining her will not work. I said you BETTER discipline her for disrespecting me or you can go back to where you came and she can have your ass.
All I know is cutting the brat off now means less time, money and heartache in the future for me. I'm too old to care! She can go to her mom, new stepdad and her own two hands and legs to work. Yeah, she has no job and brags shes a stay at home mom. Then blames my fiancé for not getting her money so she can pass a test and support her family and how dare he prevent her from doing that. I said GET A JOB BITCH! Get off your facebook posting ass and work! So over it. Maybe I sound evil, but I've lived thru 5 years of hell and misery and now that I'm finally finding happiness at almost 50, I aint letting her steal it. Good riddens!
It never gets easier, no
It never gets easier, no matter what you do or how you try to cut things off before they start. Maybe the distance between you and the daughter will help, but also your future husband is going to be in the position of choosing between you and his daughter (and his other kids, if they also don't get along with you). Think about holidays, for example, and grandchildren... if your fiance has four grown kids, that's potentially a lot of grandchildren he will have. I suppose he can visit with his family and exclude you, but that probably won't make you feel great either. It's a hard situation that often sucks (if I can use that word here) for all involved. Good luck and keep venting here
(And p.s. Very sorry for the loss of your mom.)
The good news is I don't care
The good news is I don't care nor want to know his grandkids. I'm happy being alone, peaceful and left out of their family reunions. I told him this. I'm nearly 50 and I don't need to succumb to feeling good about myself because I'm visiting skids with sgkids. I've had a hell of a lot of pain and suffering in my life and now, I'm living it for me. Yes, thank the lord they are 7000 miles away. They aren't welcomed at our home which I own and pay for. Also airtight prenup and postnup. No way his brats are gonna get anything. My niece is my angel and it goes to her.
Well played. I like it.
Well played. I like it. Welcome by the way. I hope you find this to be a good place to vent, contribute, and pick up some useful perspective from others who are living the blended family dream.
I too am a zero tolerace practitioner. My bride and I have been married for 21+ years and raised SS-23 together. He asked me to adopt him mid year 2015 and now for the first time shares our family name and the same name as his mom. The Sperm Clan was our major cross to bear for the first 16ish years of our marriage. Once SS turned 18 and the Custody/Visitation/Support order expired when SS turned 18 they have had nearly zero interface with him. That is my story in a nut shell.
Congrats on the pending nuptials and keep up the good work not allowing the toxic step spawn to interfere in your life and marriage.
Good luck.
Thanks! My mother RIP,
Thanks! My mother RIP, always said the moment its bad, cut it out like a cancer or you will get cancer. Thanks Mom! That's what I did. That being said, I do give kudos to the lovely folks on here and you all are very lovely, loving people to put up with crap for YEARS I'm thinking you have. You have big hearts and a lot of patience and I salute you. That's more than I can say about myself. God bless you all and thank god I found this forum. I thought who the heck would I talk to about this without sounding evil but I didn't throw the first punch and it's her loss, not mine!
I put $10 on your fiance
I put $10 on your fiance finding out, freaking out, and the wedding being called off.
Just sayin.... she didn't become a princess by herself. He helped make her that way.
Freak out about what? I've
Freak out about what? I've given him his walking papers if he wants - he choose to marry me and FINALLY live his life for himself after all the hell he's been thru with them. She's her husbands problem now. Not getting any of my money.
Yes, we need you. Keep
Yes, we need you. Keep contributing!
We all need each other. I am
You have healthy boundaries
You have healthy boundaries but the problem us stepmothers find and experience is our respective husbands continue to support their darling offspring... Their bad behaviour and using attitudes .. That's my issue and they just can't see it. They think they are being a good parent.
I've reacted the same way you have and we were married... Only 3 months too I might add and my DH and I separated as he preferred to support his adult daughter over his own wife. Nope,
Stick to your boundaries now and your future husband will either take it or leave it. Mine started to leave it ( live separately) but since realises that he can't live without me. I'm the only constant loving person he has in his life as his kids only need him when they want something and are quick to dump him when they don't. It's a lesson he needed to find out for himself. In the meantime... I am true to myself.
Good for you Stormy! I gave
Good for you Stormy! I gave my fiancé his walking papers. I said listen, if this spoiled SD is going to get in the way - I can't afford this mentally, physically or spiritually, financially she ain't getting shit so that's moot, but I want to be HAPPY and the crap she put us thru the other day - nobody is worth that. Your spoiled daughter is only there for handouts and shopping sprees - she could care less about you and you know. If you choose her over me - please, do so and be gone. your life here as you know it where you are loved and respected ends today. Go back east, leave our sunny weather and where you got it good and choose your gold digging offspring. I'm out. He stayed. Women need to keep strong and realize while it's nice to have a man, you don't need one with so much baggage!! I'll take peace and being alone then Skids!!
You should make sure that you
You should make sure that you are never again in a position to "get into it with her". Not worth your time or energy. She should be DEAD to you.
No phone calls, no texts, no visits, no conversations with her or about her. Do not let her name cross your lips. Permanent erasure.
I'm a little further down this road than you are. I've learned not to waste my breath telling DH WHY I want nothing to do with his worthless POS 30 year old son. I just keep SS his GF and the new baby out of my reality.
Learn not to give a damn about anything in her life - good or bad. She is no more relevant to you than some person living in a hut 5000 miles away.
My DH pouted for a couple of days when I told him that SS30 and the GF could not come for the Christmas dinner I was having for DH's siblings and their families. DH's nieces and nephews were welcome - but not his son. Didn't go into a song and dance about why. Just a statement of fact.
My DH loves me and our life together. He tells me all the time that he's never been in a better place in life. I do not think I have made DH choose between me and his son. He's free to spend time with him when he wants to - but I am free NOT to spend time with ahole SS30.
THANK YOU for this! I totally
THANK YOU for this! I totally agree with you. My row with the spoiled brat had a negative effect on me - I am human and it pissed me off to no end and me and the fiancé got into as he at first refused to stick up for me by saying I stuck up for myself. Gave him his walking papers told him go back to your gold digging daughter and your sad little life before you met me. Nobody appreciated you and you KNOW it! Now that she can't have you she's trying to play you. Ain't gonna work - today, I told him you can think what you want - she's done the damage HERSELF and started it. It's her loss, she's 22 and doesn't know dick. I will be 49 and I'm not engaging in anything to do with her or her life. He asked me what about the step grand kids - I said HELLLLLLLLLLLLLL no. I don't know your own damn daughter, I want NOTHInG to do with them either - brats just like her. IF he doesn't like it he can step. HE aint the only horse in the stable and I worked far too hard for my life to get where it is to let a bratty bitch get to me.
I need to re-read your passage here and I'm printing it out so I never again engage. I've had a lot of tragedy and loss in my life and she doesn't deserve to steal my joy. She's DEAD to me. PEriod. I really wish others understand and stick up for yourselves. These punks think they can demand, talk to you like a POS and its ok? Well, there are ramifications for these actions. I told fiancé go ahead and spend time with them - I won't and don't EVER ask me to again. Also don't use any of our money - use your money. They aren't welcomed at our home and never will be. If you don't like it - choose your gold digger disrespectful daughter - leave!!
I just don't care. I am a good person, but the bitch stepped over the line. Good riddens her loss. I come first and that's the way it should be for all of you. SKIDS DO NOT COME FIRST!
You are wonderful! Thank you
You are wonderful! Thank you for giving me hope that I'll find my spine eventually.
NEVER let adult skidmarks who
NEVER let adult skidmarks who treat you like crap back into your life when it suits them. I'm not a mother either and knew it wasn't in the cards for me, although I did have a precious dog and he WAS MY CHILD! Therefore, I could care less about gskids. I was appalled that she would come at me that way, but sanity kicked in and I it felt sooooooooooooooo good to tell her F OFF!!! I don't give a shit about you - stay away from me stay away from my family and it's good. Lose my name, number and pretend we never met. Now F OFF See YA!
Ladies remember it is THEIR LOSS THEIR CHOICE to behave this way - this does not mean you need to keep taking it up the butt - once they think they can control you its OVER. Make sure you can support yourselves and leave if you need to. NOBODY is worth your happiness and health. Nobody!! Especially these moochers who suck you dry mentally, spiritually and TRY to financially.
I'm making sure I have an airtight pre nuptial agreement and post nuptial agreement making damn sure there is NOTHING going to the skids or gskids. Make your own money you damn brat! She once hinted about us funding her kids college funds - WTF!? LMAOOOOOOOOOOOOO!! Glad she's outta my life! Hell would need to freeze over and turn into an ice cream parlor with a merry go around before that happened.
I love you OP! Wish I'd had
I love you OP! Wish I'd had more knowledge of adult stepmotherhood so I could have reinforced my spine when DH and I first got together. I walked into it with absolute optimism and was naively unaware of what a sh*t storm I was happily skipping into. 2 coddled adults, ss30 more so than the other. I had no idea how to deal. If I knew then what I knew now I would have done the same thing you did.
Well done!
I think we all initially want
I think we all initially want to be optimistic etc...but then reality bites you in the ass because you realize you never had a chance with these Adultskid marks. I'm sorry you had it so bad. Going forward tell these idiots off. By the way, when her mom was cheating on her dad, and he was working daily to support them and he finally gave up and wanted to end his life, she ACTUALLY GOT ANGRY that he wrecked her birthday by trying to commit suicide and ended up in the hospital because of depression!! THIS is what he is going back to if he doesn't stand up to the brat. I will tear her apart limb from limb before that happens. I Told her to stay the F**K away from me and my family and I will happily do the same!
I did the same with my SD 24.
I did the same with my SD 24. My man is free to go over and spend his time and his dime on her but I don't want her in "my" house or anywhere near me. Yes I own the house and I make enough to go at it alone. I don't understand how these adult Skids think their parents are supposed to support them. Go get a job!!!
It's called entitlement...
It's called entitlement... They are raised to expect to get what ever they want and when it doesn't happen ( like they are now adults and most normal people have a job and support themselves)... They still expect hand outs and to be rescued. And hate their bio who says "no". They should have said "no" years ago and when a step parent comes into the scene, and priorities need to shift.. So the step parents ends up getting blamed for the "no" coming their way!
I find skids ho have been raised like this end up using people to get what they want out of life instead of thinking about aiming be self sufficient first. You know... Have a sense of pride in their personal achievements as opposed to leaching of the next poor victim.
My girls ( who are young independent women) would go without food before thinking about asking me for money. Where as my olderest step daughter 21 will arrange to buy a $40k horse ( without having a full time stable job) but then ask her father to pay her rent for her. Every time he pays, he continues to teach her that she can make stupid financial decisions and he will be there to rescue her.. So why would she ever learn? Why would she need to go without?
You raised your REAL daughter
You raised your REAL daughter right. the skids can go to hell. My fiancé's daughter who brags about being a grown woman with her own family who can talk to me however she wants (literally told me that) still feels we owe her to pay for her school board exams while she doesn't work. Told me her dad is shirking his duties by not paying for her exmas and I better "get that paperwork done". I told her to fuck off and I aint doing nothing for her. You got to cut these idiots off at the knees. I'm old school you DO NOT speak to me that way. Try it andit's going to be bad for you. Real bad. She will never see a penny from me nor will her brat kids. Again, sorry not sorry! Get a job bitch!! Apply on Facebook you're always on that!
Stepmomlee1 I TOTALLY agree
Stepmomlee1 I TOTALLY agree with you. Everyone, and I don't get this, would never stand up to her! All my fiancé's ex girlfriends who she ALSO didn't like didn't stand up to her either. WTF is going on?!! What is everyone so afraid of? When the bitch came at me, I was like oh helllllllllllllllllll to the no! The mofo gloves are off and I'm a coming after you ya spoiled POS! She must have been shocked since she always gets her way. She promptly texts my fiancé and says "Congrats you win". This isn't a contest dumb ass - this is your fathers happiness. After all shes married with her own spawn wtf does she care? It's all about the money. Too bad I'm the bad ass bitch bankrolling her dad to help him get on his feet and get his own business going. Yeah, I may be the man in this relationship to some degree NOW, but I truly love my fiancé and want to help him. That family devastated him to the point he tried to commit suicide and all she could say to that was "he tried to kill himself on my birthday" AS IF that wrecked her fucking birthday?!! Fuck off! My man is now on his feet making good money and healing! Now she's back sniffing around and has no clue wtf it took for us to get to a good place.
I ain't young but young enough where I will put her the fuck down if she come at me. Love isn't about control and that's what all this is with these damn skids. In any case- the bitch met someone who could out bitch her and beyond her match. To all the sweet SM out there- I pray for you and fight the good fight. Don't let these motherfuckers win! They have ZERO remorse and will TAKE AND TAKE until you don't have anything left trying to use withholding gskids. Well guess what - I don't care?!! Ain't my kids never have been never will be. Fiance can do what he like but I said that's like putting your balls back in a bear trap. And no, I won't help you pay a fucking dime to visit them or they visit here- that would be a cold day in hell with the devil making ice cream cones.
DISENGAGE the sooner the better!! Yippppeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee ka yay!
Girl, what kinda uppers are
Girl, what kinda uppers are you taking?
Cuz I really need some of those right now.
Finally after years of
Finally after years of bullshit telling her to FUCK OFF!! I don't care anymore! I took my life back and told the fiancé to hit the road if he didn't like it. I'm gonna be 49 and the fuck I'm taking shit from some damn spoiled 23 year old or her dad. I'm NOT PART of THEIR ISSUES! I'm not crazy just fed up. That's my uppers! She's never welcomed in my home NEVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
My to be Adult SD is DEAD to
My to be Adult SD is DEAD to me. I told her we don't owe her shit. Stop ordering me around cuz I aint your mama and I could give a shit less about her. Disrespect got her cut off. And yeah,she doesn't work- I guess Facebook takes up too much of her precious time.
Thanks! I've been thru so
Thanks! I've been thru so much hell in the last 5 years, I don't need someone I'm not related to adding to it. I read these posts where I feel so bad for some of the women on here trying so hard. These adult skidmarks are just not worth it. After awhile you have to just cut them off. Life is too short.