SD 31 and DH
I joined this forum over a year ago. Changed name because I changed email and forgot password LOL
Anyway I had the Bridezilla SD who disinvited me to her wedding?
Here's update
My DH lied to me on Saturday saying SHE had called him wanting to apologize but he made that up
I caught him in a bold face lie! He called me from parents with this big long spill about a conversation they had and said he told her he would ask me. I said that was great even offered to make something she wanted for dinner!
She was suppose to call by noon Sunday but DH had to call her twice. The whole thing was MADE up!
She never wanted to meet with me in first place!
I just don't see how I can continue a marriage that the husband lies and about such a sensitive issue!
Hubby is just trying in his
Hubby is just trying in his lame way to keep peace in the family...give him a are stupid like that....
We didn't attend SD41's first
We didn't attend SD41's first wedding. We were originally invited with strings. At the time, BM called DH and told him SD41 was getting married (SD41's fiance didn't ask DH for his daughter's hand in marriage either-not very respectful of him) and that we were expected to pay for half of the wedding (a semi-lavish one) and if we did that, DH could walk SD41 down the isle....with her Step-father. This really hurt DH as there is a lot of bad blood between them. He told BM that he was SD41s father and he should be the one to walk her down the isle, step-father had his own daughter to walk. BM told him he had another daughter (our bio) that he could walk too and that this is what BM & SD41 wanted and that's how it was going to be. SD41 never discussed this with DH, she let BM do her dirty work. SD41 sold her father down the river for a fancy wedding. It was a knife to the heart for DH, he's tried all his life to be a good Dad and be there for her. And she has snubbed us, excluded us, resisted all our efforts to include her in our lives and treats us all like we are dogcrap on her shoe. Except when she wants something. So we declined. We gave no money, we weren't invited and DH was so hurt that he didn't speak to SD41 for several years afterwards. That marriage ended after approx. 7 years. DH's hurt feelings still exist. SD41 recently re-married. She invited DH to go to Vegas to witness the wedding. I'm not sure the rest of us were invited, I didn't hear that we were. He declined but is planning to gift them a week at our timeshare for a delayed honeymoon. I'm detached now, so when he talks about it, I am as silent as can be. SD41 used what should have been a happy time to crap on her Dad and his family. I don't want to give her anything. F her!
My hubby went to Baghdad as a
My hubby went to Baghdad as a contractor about 2 months before my SS got married. SS was sooo upset that hubby could not come home for his wedding. He was on contract and could not leave. Did I mention SS was having a shotgun wedding? Any how as I was the representative for hubbys side, I was asked to pay for the rehearsal dinner and then asked did I REALLY want to come to the rehearsal dinner - I didn't have to if I didn't want to...WTH? There was so much crap going on - mostly caused by SD and her crazy mother during this time. Once the wedding was over it was demanded that I write a check to the SS and his new wife for 10K. Can you imagine? Who in the world came up with this figure? I refused and said I was not writing a check for anything until I got an apology for all of them acting like white trash. I was outcast for the next 3 years. The whole time my hubby was overseas (3 years total) no invites to Thanksgiving, Christmas or Baby Showers. Nope - nothing. Well when hubby returned SD thought she would give good ole dad a piece of her mind about what a bitch his wife was...Precious hubby shut her down. Told her the only thing that mattered was his wifes opinion. He was not bringing up what happened 3 years back. Not even talking about it. Well guess what? Dad was then not invited to her wedding at all... What a foolish young girl. Her father was always there for her. She thought she got even with me??? Now hubby says he has been without the drama from his kids for so long that he really does not miss them much... How sad.. But let me tell you I don't miss it. I get along when we meet but that is as far as it goes.
Wow, Mindy, your DH is my
Wow, Mindy, your DH is my hero. Not only for sticking up for you but for seeing through all the bullcrap these skids cause! My skids cut their dear dad out of their lives too when he finally stood up for me. No one called when the last two grandkids were born either. Their loss and yes, sad for DH but there comes a time when you are done dealing with all their BS and just want peace!
I have a HUGE problem with
I have a HUGE problem with the lie
Told him 1000 I want him to see her I just need to stay out
This was his plot to call me first and God knows what he told her I might have said
Probably that I wanted too see and say sorry
Hell she banned me from wedding I paid a grand of my own money to !
No , not going to get over this and when will he lie next