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An evite from BM.......

VENUS452's picture

So DH and I both just received and Evite to go to BM's house this Sunday (conveniently at the time she's supposed to pick up SS for her days)....and in the info it says.... I can't tell you anything, just trust me. Looks like 8 people we invited total.

I'm terrified...yet a little curious.

There's not a bone in my body that "trusts" her in any form and DH has not clue what it's about either.

Any guesses?? Should we run for the hills, or go?

VENUS452's picture

Right! But curiosity killed the cat LOL. I keep trying to think of a way it could some how backfire on us...and we don't have any of the same friends, so we don't know anyone else invited.

VENUS452's picture

She's married already...could be a baby I didn't think of that, she has a 1 year old with her husband now, but that doesn't rule out a baby. But why would she want to announce that to DH and I??

hereiam's picture

Intriguing indeed but I would have to pass. And I know my DH would absolutely not go, he has a 5 mile radius rule when it comes to BM.

"Just trust me?" Sure.

Glassslipper's picture

I agree with hereiam, "just trust me" sounds frightening, but my BM is not one to be trusted and i have a 500 ft rule, I won't go within 500 feet of my BM, because mentally unstable humans scare me.

VENUS452's picture

Seems to be all friends (although I don't know enough about her job to know if some are coworkers). No family though.

Aniki-Moderator's picture

You couldn't pay me or my DH enough money to set foot in BioHo's house. We would definitely decline.

hereiam's picture

Probably, she has won the lottery and is going to give you and DH a cut. Hahahahahahaha!

VENUS452's picture

BAHAHAHAHAHAHA if only, if only. I could totally see her throwing herself a party for that LOL, but def. not sharing Smile

WTF...REALLY's picture

No way would I go. But our BM has been known to stab people when she's had a little too much to drink so that's why I wouldn't go.

Maybe she bought a car for your step kid?

Dizzy's picture


Maxwell09's picture

Is your skid old enough to get someone or be pregnant? As a stepmom who goes to things with BM because we have mutual friends, I say don't go! It's obviously something to do with the kid right?! Why else would she include your DH...unless y'all are "friends" with BM which I also wouldn't advise.

robin333's picture

I would rather hear what the great announcement is (darn that curiosity) from the comfort of my home with NO BM around. Word will spread quickly enough, why torture yourself to be in BM'S home?

twoviewpoints's picture

How is BM planning to be home for her big moment when at the very same time she's suppose to be at pick-up for SS?

Did her evite to Dad/you ask the you take SS home instead of her picking SS up? If not, and unless you actually agreed to drop him off for her, how rude to just assume you would.

WTF...REALLY's picture

(Goes to computer to delete Echo from the Evite she was sending)

It was an Evite to enjoy a multimillion dollar home on the island of Fiji for a year for free. Oh well. Plus all the ice cream you can eat. Blum 3

VENUS452's picture

So I figured out what is was.....It's one of those sell parties for Thrive. Not 100% sure what it is, but we're def. not going!!!!!! I have no interest in giving her any more money than required by the CO.


hereiam's picture

Why in the hell would she think you and DH would be interested in going to her house for that? What an idiot.

Just J's picture

When my DH's ex started with that kind of nonsense (Legalshield, some travel website, a few other hair brained pyramids schemes) she invited DH to her events or hit him up to buy her useless junk because she "thought he'd want to help support his children." i can't believe she tried to guilt trip him with that utter garbage!

VENUS452's picture

Right!!! DH said that even if it was a product/pyramid scheme he was interested in, she would be the LAST person he would give money too LOL

VENUS452's picture

Nope! DH said if she doesn't pick him up that's her problem. They have a rule that pick-up cannot be after a certain time on school nights due to his bed time schedule, so if she doesn't make it in time, he will stay here. And that's perfectly fine with me.

VENUS452's picture

Nope didn't go. We found out it was one of those pyramid scheme parties! Not sure why she would think we would want to come....even if it was something we were interested in, we would find another person to buy from.. LOL very odd!