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teenage SK's

ohiodoc's picture

My wife allows my 14 yo SD and 17 yo SS to have opposite sex "friends" in the bedrooms with doors closed. She "trusts" them. This can also occur when she is not home and I am the only adult. I have expressed my discomfort with this to her. I certainly would never allow this to occur with my own kids (7 yo daughter, 5 yo son). I don't like the example it sets for them and I dont like the idea that my house becomes known as the place where "the teenagers can go and get it on even when the parents are home". Taking a stand on this leads to interminable fighting.... wwyd??

Last In Line's picture

Ask her what she thinks they are doing in there that requires the doors to be closed.

Provide prophylactics.

And I certainly wouldn't allow it under MY watch. If I'm the responsible party, then it's my rules--and that is no opposite sex in the room with door closed. Don't like it? Go elsewhere.

Rags's picture

Set the rules for your home. Enforce the rules. End of story. Your SO does not get to over ride you on this issue. Allowing teens to bump uglies in your home. Both adults have veto rights but the "no closed door teen time" rule certainly trumps the "go get your freak on kids" policy.

These may not be your kids but it is YOUR home, YOU are the ADULT, and YOUR policy on this stands.

Enforce, enforce, enforce.

Good luck.

cm3missingit's picture

My dh used to allow this but would walk in to sd's room whenever he wanted. When we got married and moved in together I told him I was not comfortable with this and that it set a bad precedence for the other kids. Open door policy went into effect. Score one for me.

ohiodoc's picture

Oh and forgot to mention the 20 yo unemployed SD who lives in my basement has swarthy male friends come visit via basement sliding glass walk out door. No one has ever seen these chaps. They come and go stealthily. I just see the rusted pickup trucks parked out front and hear the deep voices through the vents.

Aniki-Moderator's picture

Change the lock on the sliding glass door to one for which only YOU have the key.

If this is YOUR house - your rules. If your wife wants to be a grandmother, skids can fornicate only while she's home.