SD graduated High School and BM .......
So my SD graduated High School and DH and I could not be more proud, we threw her a big family graduation party and invited a few of her closest friends, after the party I asked her about her plans for the summer and she said probably just hang out with friends and find a job before she starts college (I am so proud of her she is so responsible, nothing like BM). I asked her, if she and her brother (my SS) were going to go on any vacations with BM or spend time with her this summer and that is when she spilled it and my mouth dropped to the floor, she said probably not BM got fired from her job, (a job that she only had for 2 months anyways) and she no longer has a car, however she promised SD and SS that they will do something during the summer to celebrate her graduation, gosh BM is such a loser, I am sure my SD will have a job before BM, hey maybe she can help BM get a job, but at the rate BM is racking up the points with the skids it is not likely I just feel so bad for my skids knowing that there BM is such a loser. She is always making promises she can't keep getting their hopes up on things, just so she can turn around and crush them later. It is so sad that they just expect the worse from her now. For any kid to have to ride this emotional rollercoaster I just feel so bad for them.
- jisselle's blog
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focus on kids-not BM...
why are you so worried about what the BM faults are, and inquiring to HER children if they will be doing things with her for summe? Not really any of your business. When I graduated HS, my parents did not plan anything grand - that does not make them bad parents. It's unfortunate that BM is having issues with money and all but that does'nt really concern you either! Focus on your relationship with the children and take the bullshit out of the equation. Is bashing her helping you? Or your stepkids?
"All that we are is a result of what we have thought."- Buddha
I didn't get the same impression
I didn't see jisselle bashing the BM to her SD. The way I read it, she asked SD about summer plans and was simply commenting here about how the answer made her feel.
Also, the summer plans question was a way of making conversation with someone who is part of her life. I asked my students what their summer plans were, not so I could get juicy gossip, but because I care about them.
Thanks Marika
Thanks Marika you had the right impression, too bad everyone else took it the wrong way!
Too many stepmoms and biomoms
Get into a competition for the children's affection and attention. It becomes a "who gets cared about the most." In this game there are no winners, only losers...mostly the kids. That is what I see in the initial blog. You know sometimes when we protest our innocence about motives, we protesteth too much and it reveals our true intentions. Spend time on being happy instead of figuring out someone elses motives, lifestyle, etc. There is NO MAN worth spending a lifetime fighting over or losing yourself and self esteem because of. When we figure out that for becomes simply fabulous!
isn't this what steptalk is all about?
to vent? we shouldn't be bashing each other for voicing our outrages and concerns. just my two cents...
Look at Jisselle's blog history....
"Jisselle" is my son's stop mom, her name is Jennifer.... she was exposed for harassing me on this site months ago.... Jennifer is a step mom to my son... there is no step-daughter, she throws that in as to not to look so obvious. I had a job for 2 months and Jennifer was calling and harassing me at work (again look at her past blogs) and I was fired as a result. Jennifer is an extremely jealous indvidual and needs to seek therapy.... she is not here for support, she is not here to vent, she is here to harass me and she has already been reported to the police and will be getting herself into a heap of trouble if she does not stop stalking and harassing me.
now this is getting interesting...

thank god my bb doesn't blog here...or does she?
sorry, chocoholic. sounds like your bb is a tad crazier than mine!!!!
Sorry Chocoholic
I didn't realize what I was stepping into with my comment.
One more thing....
I do have a car.... again Jennifer is harassing my son to get information that is none of her business and she never gets the story straight.... My dh's truck broke down (it is now fixed) and so he was driving my car while his truck was in the shop.... Get your story straight Jennifer.... if it makes you feel better to bash me then go for it, you obviously have a lot of issues that maybe you should be focusing on...
Oh, and just so everyone knows.... I did not graduate Highscool; however I earn more money than Jennifer whom spent 9 years getting her BA degree.... and what is Jennifer doing now with her big degree that she brags about?? She works at Walgreens!
She is jealous of me and the relationship that I have with my dh because her husband lies to her and I have an honest relationship.... The woman is jealous and needs help.... please look at her past blogs and please don't encourage her.
Look it lady I do not know you nor do I want to know you! However I seriously feel for your childeren. Stop commenting on my blogs! Your comments are not helpful/useful or welcome. You are just making yourself look bad.
That's what I was
That's what I was thinking...I would never bash anyone over their legitimite concerns and feelings!!! There is just somethings in the writing style that seems fishy. Now I know why!!! Sure a lot of these BM are unbelievable- and vent worthy, however calling them losers every other sentence seems I dunno-childish.
"All that we are is a result of what we have thought."- Buddha
okay, jennifer/jisselle
your fun time here is over. get a life, move on.
Thank you Imdavi0
Jennifer/Jisselle does really need to get a life and move on.... she has her husband, a son, and my son lives with them 1/2 time... be happy, do you're thing.... It would do you some good to stop obsessing over me and live your life.
You really hit the nail on the head.... Jennifer has been in a one way competition from the very beginning... now that my son is older, she is angrier than ever that her antics didn't work.... you see she has been working on him since he was a baby by putting me down and trying to make him think I am a loser.... when he was learning to talk she taught him to say horrible things about me, never allowed my own son to refer to me as mom, etc... now that he is old enough he sees what is going on for himself and that has really gotten her goat!! I never had to sink to her level, he learned all on his own.... which will be the same for a lot of you stepmoms here.... let the bm talk trash about you, don't sink down to her level because the kids will grow up and will see the truth for themselves.
I feel very confident about my sks not talking trash about me...
I never talk about their mom nor do I interfere in their lives. If they want me If they don't....well, that is okay with me too! I don't worry much about our relationship...I am just content with my own life!
i pray for that
because my bb does all that and more. i'm glad to hear that not all kids grow up to be as evil!
I know that your prayers
will be answered.... I used to cry and get so upset when this lady would teach my son nasty things to say about me.... it was the hardest thing I have ever encountered..... My dad used to assure me that everything would work out in the end, and that one day my son would grow up and want to get as far away from that woman as he could... I never believed him, but I held out hope anyway.... and when my son continued to come home repeating the things she was saying to him, my response was simply, "Jennifer is jealous, jealous people who don't like themselves try to make other people feel badly". Believe me it was hard not to respond with something like, YEAH, well Jennifer is a nasty bit*h! OR send him back with a disposable razor and have him tell Jennifer that she needs to shave her huge uni-brow!
Yeah, there are a lot of nasty things that I could have said.... but I'm not like her, and my children are not pawns.
I feel similar to everyone else who responded however I am curious as to what your ex-husband's role is in all of this - does he know his wife Jennifer/Jiselle is harassing you? Does he know she bad mouths you to your son? What action does he take if any? This woman sure does need help - focus your attention Jisselle on your own self-esteem and respect and stop badgering Chocoholic? She's here for support and that's what she'll get from all of us. What do YOU get from writing on this site? You're feeding your bitterness and jealousy - move on.
my ex... her husband
I was never married to her husband.... I was just a kid when I got pregnant and had my son. However; for the sake of simplicity, I'll refer to him as my ex.... Anyway, I have told him about the harassment and shown him the postings.... my ex and Jennifer got into a huge fight over it... but the bottom line for him became that I cannot PROVE beyond a doubt that it is Jennifer posting.... He agrees that everything adds up, the circumstances and whatnot and that Jisselle sure sounds an awful lot like Jennifer.... BUT, he does not want to get into a war with her when all she has to do is deny that it is her and he can't prove it. He did tell me that he believes it is her.... so at least he knows what shes up to.
Regarding the harassment against my son, my ex knows about that too and rarely leaves her alone with our son as a result.
My ex and Jennifer also have a 2 year old boy together and he told me that he has to put up with Jennifer until his little boy is older.... he knows how vengeful and spiteful she is and knows that she will try to take his son from him.... I think he feels stuck. They live a lie (but I really don't see any other way for him)... I feel bad for him, but hes allowing her to dictate his life and thats his own fault.
He and I have an understanding.... the allotted times we can speak about our son (when she is not around) and we are able to keep things kosher. When he and I can't come to an agreement my dh and he talk to each other (I don't speak caveman).... and they are usually able to get one another on the same page.... then my dh and I talk and a final agreement is made.... LITERALLY the only one who cannot seem to get along and be human in Jennifer.... my ex actually fakes arguments with me just so that she will think we are not getting along.... he will call me and we work out whatever has come up with our son via phone and then we send hostile e-mails to one another just so that she does not know that we get along.... When Jennifer/Jisselle was posting a few months ago and harassing me, I called her out on it and my ex got mad at me and said that I "threw him under the bus".... by telling the truth.... but I don't really care anymore.... he knows that she is the problem.... BUT.... she is HIS problem, not mine.... and if she hears things that she doesn't like when she stalks and harasses me, then so be it!
I really just feel badly for her... she is obviously very unhappy.
Thats awesome Janice....
I'm happy that you didn't have to deal with this crap. I feel the same way as your bm does toward you, toward my daughter's other mom, (my two kids have different dads).... She is a wonderful person and I love and appreciate her... I would do anything for her.
I too think it is just cruel to kick others when they are down. Fortunately, I don't care what she thinks because I think she is pathetic, I do however feel very badly for my son.... he has met my daughter's other mom on numerous occasions and he always leaves her saying, "why can't she be my stepmom?" or "why don't I have a stepmom like her?" It is really sad....
So glad this is my refuge from bm!
De inimico non loquaris sed cogities.
And so sorry chocoholic that you have to even tolerate this attempt at harrassment by this Jezabelle.....oopppss, I mean jisselle. Rest in the assurance that this YOUR home and we are YOUR online family chocoholic!!!!
I feel that I am giving....
I feel that I am giving too much attention to this issue however I thought I'd let you gals all know that I picked my son up tonight and he had some interesting things to tell me.....
First off, as stated in the above postings, due to my husband's truck troubles he was driving my car.... so last week when it was my time to drop my son off with his dad, my sister took him to the exchange for me (it was on her way home anyway).... If you read Jisselle's post she says that I "lost" my car because I am a "loser".... well my son told me tonight that Jennifer/Jisselle was harping on him and asking him "a million questions" about why my sister dropped him off. My son is a kid and therefore not left in the loop on adult things and so he didn't know that my dh's truck was in the shop and thats why dh was driving the car.... so my son told her that the car wasen't at home (it was with dh) and Jennifer drew her own conclusion which she posted above....
It is also interesting to me that Jennifer JUST recently learned that I lost my job.... I didn't tell my ex about it because I didn't want to deal with Jennifer harassing me about it.... well, during one of her interogations against my son she found out....
Janice, the fact that Jennifer harasses me here under the name Jisselle is nothing.... Jennifer has literally followed to each job that I have ever gotten (she and my ex have been together nearly 10 years).... she follows me and calls my employers trying to get me fired.... luckily it has never worked before this last time.... in fact a bank that I worked at contacted their attorneys due to Jennifer's harassment because once the bank manager told her not to call anymore Jennifer began threatening and harassing the manager! Jennifer has even gone as far as to show up at my places of employment. Jennifer sent letters to my ex boyfriend's employer (not her dh) when he and I first met... she was bashing me and telling him to "watch out".... (of course they were anonymous letters).... There has been so much more.... The bottom line is that yes, I feel very badly for my ex (her dh) because he knows what she is yet he feels traped.... I am grateful that he does protect our son from her. As for Jennifer, I don't know if I think she is truly insane... but I do wonder sometimes.... She has been together with my son's father (her dh) for nearly 10 years.... I moved on LONG ago yet she still belives that she and her dh are going to get back together.... she is EXTREMELY jealous.... she even forbid her dh from going to a local coffee stand because she thought some of the girls working there were "too pretty".... she didn't allow her dh to attend parent/teacher conferences last year because my son's teacher was absolutely gorgeous.....(that must be why my dh INSISTED on attending!) LOL... my ex has told me that Jennifer hates me because I am pretty and she is jealous. My ex, who is friends with my dh couldn't believe it when my dh told him that I am friends with a few of my dh's ex girlfriends... he said that Jennifer would absolutely never allow him to ever speak to anyone he ever slept with in the past...I think that Jennifer is such a sad, sorry person and I see how miserable she is and even through everything she has done, for my own sanity, I forgive her... I feel pity for her and hope she can get help.... but I mostly hope she gets help only because she is involved with my son... and she does impact his life.
You know...
I'm sorry, but I don't know about all of this.
It's just as childish to me to 'call someone out' on it as it is for someone else to harass, conjure up 'fake' identities/lives, etc.
Seriously, I've read other blogs by jisselle before, and I just don't know what to say to all of this. Is it really 'the other woman' stalking another one? How can you be absolutely sure? To me, I'd ignore it, so what if it really is the other woman making grand assumptions or situations about the other? If this were 'my' BM, I'd just let her conjure up her own fictional fantasy and move on, appear as if I didn't know, wasn't me, etc. (I really don't care.) Because the bottom line is I could never be 100% sure if it was her- in less she did something totally stupid, like I dunna know, use her email address that totally identified her in her blog.
Granted if the material was directly calling you out, by name, yeah, you've got a problem, but the mere fact is that this person, who Chocolate claims to be the SM, may really not be, but the stories are similar... happens you know. There are quite a few ladies here that I could swear were living my life and describing things my BM did to a T... that was a few breath holding moments sometimes, LOL.
I don't know, maybe I'm wrong and it is what Choclate claims, but at the same time, I still wonder... what if it's not?
Man has the intelligence to change his life,
Sometimes, he just fails to use it...
Wow, all these post..
Its like Jerry Springer just on the net instead of TV.
Jiselle, if you are Jennifer this womans sons SM- Grow up leave the lady alone, you can vent about whatever but try to stay within your boundaries. Asking the kid 100 questions I have to ask why? I never sit and ask my SD or SS what did your mom do, what is she driving, is she working. I could give a shit less what or who she does as long as it does not include anything to do with my husband. Once you cross that line with me then there is a problem.
Chocoholic- it will be hard to prove who this is, really. I think its sad because you actually sound like you have moved on with your life and it kinda seems like this woman is stalking you. And the only person who is suffering from all this garbage is your son.
and sorry to say but it does sound like to me that you both need to step back and quit fighting for the kids sake. After all they are suppose to be the most important thing here. Not whether BM has a job, or car or anything else.
Jiselle mind your own business, especially if what BM is doing in not truly effecting you or your marriage. You also need to put your ill feelings aside for your STEPSONS mom and think of what you are doing to him. He is the one who gets hurt by this nonsense, not you, I mean he is a child, we are all suppose to be adults.. So let this woman have her life and stop trying to be so involved with her. She does not want your husband at all, she just wants to make sure her kids are taken care of. ITs time to grow up.
We are all here to help eachother and I agree that sometimes in the heat of a moment even I say things about the ex's that I shouldn't but then again they are not on here and I am not starting a war with them on here.
Thats my two cents whether you like it or not.
" make sure you tell the people you love most EVERYDAY.. Its important not only for them to know but for you to tell.. Life is to short to be miserable..