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Manic Depressive, Bipolar and Schizophenic (sp)

jisselle's picture

Hello everyone! I am not sure if I spelled schizophenic right but do any of you have a biomom in your life that has these conditions and if so how do you handle them? Any advice would be much apperciated. Thanks!


dbsojo's picture

But the first step is determining if it affects the child. In our case, it certainly does, so we are in the midst of having a psych exam for the child through the court. The thought is that once they hear from the child what is going on that they will want to investigate further into the psychological well being of Ms. P.

Best of luck

Little Jo's picture

...we gave into her episodes. We were understanding. But she has since created so much drama and stress, now we ignore her as much as humanly possible.

And it does effect the kids. But she has them so wrapped, we just simply do whatever we can without putting our lives in the train wreck.


"May the forces of evil get confused on the way to your house." George Carlin

jisselle's picture

Thank you, you two for your comments I did not know that there was a forum for Bio-parents with mental issues, I guess I will check there for additional help, but your comments were also very helpful, it is comforting to know that I am not the only one with this issue. Little Jo, I am much like you where I just try and ignore the issues as much as possible, but every once in a while I get hit with something from left field. thanks again and good luck to you as well.