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every freeking weekend with these skids..I don't thinks so.

Mentalgirl48's picture

Oh hell and my bf have no visitation order filed with court and it's shared she decides when he gets boys..and he usually agrees. Since school let out dad has been home on the weekends from working out of she says he's to get boys every fucking weekend...and it's been every fucking weekend since.I'm off on the weekends so it's my time off as well.This isn't working for me at all.she's not working now and has all of her days free. Dad of course says sure he will take boys every weekend so cuntzilla can go out and attend her lavish dinner parties and social events every weekend. Fuck this.I just told dad that I need weekends off every now and then too. I would love to have a weekend with my bf to enjoy each other and do something without his lazy kids going along.
I'm sacrificing my time so she can maintain her life style of the rich and famous.Not anymore. Its bullshit. And yes I know I can do my own thing and I do.He sees that I'm getting burned out with his kids every weekend as I find every excuse to be away from the house any chance I get. However we now never get a night out or even a night alone now. And I'm getting tired of it. I just sent him an email bringing attention to our Google calendar that shows every weekend boys. With a request to have the fucking x take them for a weekend as well. Grrrrr

QueenBeau's picture

I've never understood how any parent could be good with every weekend visitation (custodial or noncustodial). SD7s BM hates EOWE & summers going to us because she has none of SD's "free time". & SD7's Bm is a complete loon, but even sshe doesn't want to dump her kid off every weekend

QueenBeau's picture

It's just so crazy to me. I mean I can DEFINITELY understand wanting a weekend off here & there... but to literally want zero weekends with ur kids?

Shaman29's picture

We only have GF's perspective on the situation. She didn't mention the BF wanted EOWE. He may have agreed to every weekend based on his work schedule. He may be happy having his kids every weekend. He may be the kind of dad that enjoys having them around on his days off so he can spend more time with them.

While I sympathize with the GF in this situation, this may not be the right relationship for her.

QueenBeau's picture

It's just so crazy to me. I mean I can DEFINITELY understand wanting a weekend off here & there... but to literally want zero weekends with ur kids?

Shaman29's picture

I'm going to assume this is the only time he gets to see his kids?

If this is the case, then I'd would help him find a sitter so you can have a date on a Saturday night every once in a while. Or the suggestion of one weekend off a month.

Otherwise, if you're going to stay with this guy I would get used to every weekend with his kids.

Orange County Ca's picture

^^^^^^^^ Above - this is what I was thinking. Also the kids should be with Dad during this time not hanging around in the house, with you, or otherwise taking up your time.

Perhaps a grandparent can sit.

No longer like kids's picture

This is my situation exactly! The BM does not work, has not worked for about 9 years and my boyfriend has his boys every single weekend! I have little free time because I have a job and weekends are my only time off. I don't want them ruled by annoying children while their Mom does all the things I should be doing on the weekend!! grrrr. Boyfriend does whatever the ex says... it's so fucking annoying!

Mentalgirl48's picture

Oh my god exactly. Yes I'm sure he loves having his boys but I can also tell he would like a day or so to himself or just the two of us. Bm is never home when she had the boys. She's a socialite and it's important to her to have her face posted all over Facebook with very important people.I know he's afraid to say anything to her about not getting a day to himself. Its sickening. Nothing is stopping me from doing my own social things with friends however I deserve a fucking weekend with my man to be adults. Trying to plan a weekend away is impossible because of her.Going on 8 years and we have never had a vacation alone. She however had had many and has not done anything WI her boys in 7 years.she's a selfish person. And so am I.

FTMandSM's picture

We get SD every weekend and it has been like that for 2 years. It never really bothered me. And now that we have a bio of our own, I really have no problems with it. I always felt like this is the ONLY time that FDH can see his daughter. She is three years old and needs a father figure in her life, and if it's just on the weekends, then so be it. I don't understand how a non-custodial feels about seeing their children every other weekend. I know that I could NEVER do that.

Our BM gets every weekend free. She fought to have a weekend here are there during the year. I mean, they argued for months to have that put in the CO. It's in there that she can a few weekends a year IF FDH agrees to it. Has she EVER used it, NO!!! IDK what she does on the weekends, nor do I care. She does have a 3 month old now. I wonder if she goes to her Dad's every weekend too. Although she did tell my FDH (god only knows why she tells him shit) that the new baby's dad is a POS...lmao!! So I'm sure she is controlling his life by holding his daughter over his head just like she did to my FDH. FDH and new baby daddy should start a support group. Maybe FDH could give him some advice! LOL!!

If you don't like having free weekends etc, then maybe you should re-evaluate your relationship. At least you figured it out before you got married and had kids together.

QueenBeau's picture

I think most cp who have eowe have extended visits in the summer. DH has 8 weeks in the summer every spring break and a week for either Christmas or thanksgiving it alternates. So that actually turns out to be 37% of the year vs the 28% that every weekend is.

When she was younger before starting school he had 3 weeks every 6 weeks

Sweetnothings's picture

My DH had been doing this for years when we met and it sucked BIG time !! Seriously EW is such a killer. DH worked longer than full time hours M to F. BM sat at home doing nothing with both skids at school by then! And she got EVERY weekend off too :jawdrop:

In those early days I had to literally fight to get a weekend for us free, grrrrrr.

If anything happened to DH and I was on my own , there is NO way I'm dating ANY man with kids.....I've done my time!!!

oncechoosetosmile's picture

I have to tell you that I would just be as unhappy with this !!!!! It seems not logic to me that BM has them no weekends at all.Not for the kids, not for them and not for you.
I think EOWE works the best for most people( independent what happens during the normal weekdays).I have my kids most weekdays and EOWE- it is really great to have the free time with the kids, but ALSO important to have free time with my partner.