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one week after hysterectomy and Im not up for hosting any birthday parties at my house (is this wrong)

Mentalgirl48's picture

I just had total hysterectomy last Friday. I am sore and exhausted. My BF's youngest boy 16 wants him to cook this lavish birthday dinner for his GF at our house tonight. I am not up for hosting any such event. Her birthday was last week when I was in the hospital as he wanted to have it then. So being the spoiled brat he is daddy told him this weekend. I opted for the kid to take her OUT to dinner and we can have cake here after. Nothing that major as I don't want an incredibly mess on my hands and am not up for company. This kid takes NO responsibility. I told bf that since this is HIS GF he needs to get busy and make her a cake OR he can cook her dinner himself. BF thinks I am being a bit of a scrooge about it but excuse me..He wasn't the one that had his organs removed recently. I think I am being reasonable by saying ok CAKE (that the kid bakes) and we can all stand around and wish his soon to be 19 year old a happy birthday.. about self entitlement! This kid thinks the whole world is his save!!! And he gets it from his MOM.

Mentalgirl48's picture

Exactly! Well mamma doesn't cook for one. And she claims she is out of town (funny she hasn't left yet).. I even told bf to cook the meal at her house and we do cake here after
. We shall see

Dizzy's picture he wants to have a "special birthday dinner for two" for his GF that DADDY cooks? How romantic.

Mentalgirl48's picture

I feel he is not teaching his kid concideration for others. And also this kids self entitlement is amazing. He expects others to take care of his shit so he can then blame everyone else when it goes wrong or doesn't happen. Then I am asked "didn't you ever have your Bf's do something nice for you growing up"? To make me feel like an ogre. I never expected to IMPOSE on any of my bfs family for one. And two yes.. And they cooked the meal THEM SELVES!!!!

Mentalgirl48's picture

no I am not bf has been designated cause he is a chef..and what a mess he makes..Kids do nothing to help clean up nor to help. That is my issue. I can tell you at 18 I would have been a little embarrassed if my BF was having his DADDY cook ME dinner for my birthday. Nor would I expect to have it at someones house that is recovering from major surgery.

Shaman29's picture

Tell your SO to go f*ck himself.

You just had surgery. No guests or entertaining for at least another two more weeks.

The 16 y/o kid will survive. Your SO can take them out and away from the house.

Selfish little mother f*ckers. I'm including your SO in that group.

Shaman29's picture

I'm sure she realizes her BF is a jerk as well. But when you're in her shoes, the whining 16 year old jerk is probably what she can focus on right now.

Also.......she's not talking about a little kid wanting cake. This is a teenager being a jerk.

Mentalgirl48's picture

Good point. It's the SS that insisted it was supposed to be last Saturday (the day after surgery) and I said NO way in hell.. Then SS sais well since my surgery screwed up the plans then let's reschedule it for the week after. I said NO and suggested they go out for dinner or it can allbe done at cuntzillas house.. As I am not hosting a Damn thing.. So Cuntzilla has plans and bf is going overtthere to cook the king and his queen their dinner.. No mess or guests at my house yay!!!

Mentalgirl48's picture

Not an option as I am recovering from a Hysterectomy that's why I told him it's either there or out to dinner. No guests at my house right now.

SecondGeneration's picture

Ok so whilst your boyfriend is sleeping, take a nut cracker and squeeze his bollocks, then ask him how soon he wants to cook a dinner for his darling son and sons girlfriend.

I am seriously pissed off at your boyfriend on your behalf, no two ways about it the man is being an arse.

WTF...REALLY's picture

I had a way would I have people over a week later. No way.

You only get once chance to heal right. I would not even have them over for cake. I was still on pain pills a week later.

tell your boyfriend to cut his fuckin nuts off and make dinner the following week. Its the same thing. What a shit.