the saga of my life continues
Every morning I get up and do a load of laundry before work so I have the luxury of putting it in the dryer when I get home (no matter who has been home in the meantime). Saturdays are extra special because I basically do laundry all morning to get caught up. Ive been boycotting doing the SS's laundry since they are 16 and 18. Ironically the 16 year old will do it from time to time. Today I was in a decent mood and decided I would just do it because I'm tired of looking at the huge pile in my laundry room...and frankly it stunk. After folding 5 loads of laundry and putting it all on the kitchen table, I realized that the only items that belonged to me in the whole mass of things were 2 tank tops and a pair of underwear. ARE YOU KIDDING ME? These boys do work but they changes clothes on average 3 times a day...which leads to ungodly amounts of laundry. I left it all in piles on the table and ran to the bank and to do a few errands, assuming the two morons would see that it was all theirs and take it up the stairs. I am having a hard time carrying huge baskets up now that I am 6 months pregnant. So guess what? I get home and the oldest is sleeping on the couch (wrapped up in my blanket which really irritates me because I have one for myself which is pink and floral since they will come home all nasty and smelly and wrap up in our blankets and I was sick of smelling that funk. It's too hard to walk over to the closet to pull a blanket out though.) The clothes remained on the table.
I walked out and sat on the porch steaming mad. My DH asked why I was so upset and I basically unleashed. We just had this conversation about how they don't do anything around here and continue to get "an allowance" of 100 bucks a week each. WHY THE HELL ARE WE GIVING MONEY TO KIDS WHO DO NOTHING? of them is no longer a kid! Another reason I was pissed: I had to drive 45 minutes away BY MYSELF to pick up the crib for my child. My DH was too busy working in the yard with no help from the ingrates to go with me, then takes the 16 year old to camp a couple hours away tomorrow. Sometimes I feel like I'm going to be a single mom. I explained that to my DH and he doesn't seem to get it.
Once I got home from getting the crib, guess where the clothes were? Still on the table so I threw (literally threw) them in a basket and put right in front of the stairs. My DH said that after I left he told the 18 year old he needed to help with the yard. He then helped for a few minutes, packed a bag, and said he was going to his BM's and that he needed to work on graduation party thank you cards ( I know for a fact her enabling self was doing them for him.) As he was walking to his car he said to his dad, "I'm helping mom with stuff tonight, she actually appreciates what I do for her." Insert profane language here. Seriously, its so good that I was not home to hear this. I would have been screaming profanities and I'm a pretty rational person. HE DOES NOTHING AROUND HERE SO WHAT IS THERE TO APPRECIATE!!!!!!???????? College starts this fall and I hope it hits him like an AK47. I can't take his entitled spoiled brat self anymore.
If you're wondering about he laundry, the 16 year old got the hint and took the basket up and put his items away. Its a start....
Thanks to all the other SP's out there taking the time to listen to me vent. There's some ice cream in the back of the freezer calling my name.
2 New Rules. Post them on
2 New Rules. Post them on the dryer door so nobody forgets.
All children's dirty laundry stays in the bedroom. Yes they are second class citizens.
A dried laundry load left in the dryer is tossed on the wash room floor if someone else needs the dryer. Same with the washer. Careful with this one and set your alarm to get your stuff out right on time.
What's the hurry with crib?
What kid says to Dad is Dad's problem - if Dad were here I'd have told him to tell the kid to stay at BM's as he's not staying with me with a mouth like that. I sassed my Dad only one time and it resulted in a gentle right hook to the jaw, this by a ex Golden Gloves boxer.
I don't understand these mealy brained parents that put up with stuff like that.
You don't need your husbands support, you're a voting member of the house, become such a bitch to these kids that they either shape up or ship out. If husband starts to blame you cop him the same attitude. You will be a doormat as long as you're lying down.
I stopped doing the skids
I stopped doing the skids laundry when they were teens. They can do it. My husband used to "feel sorry for them" and do it. But that was on him. I used to love taking their wet laundry that they left in washer and put in basket so I could do mine. It used to get pretty smelly and they would have to start all over. I know they hoped I would just throw it in dryer, nope.
If they get $100/week for allowance then you can afford to have your other nursery items shipped and pay to have someone put everything together.
I just started putting money aside in a special account for my kids every time my DH spends on his kid. I think if they can treat DH as shitty as they do, and they get very expensive gifts, trips,...then my kids will get that later on as well. The difference is that they will never treat me like that if they want things.
Good luck!
Sloths!!!! Bahahahahah Made

Made me laugh--thanks
I used to do my SS17 laundry
I used to do my SS17 laundry and ironing.
He also used to change his clothes 3 times a day.... No shower... Just change clothes cos he had so many that he couldn't choose.
So all the clothes including the pressed clothes that I stood and did ended up back in the laundry basket for me to deal with because he was too lazy to hang them up.
I bought him his own iron and ironing board which I told him to keep in his room. I gave him a black bin sack and told him to put dirty laundry in there in his room until he wanted it done. If he wanted it washed, to give himself a whole evening to deal with it once washed. If he went out, I put the washed laundry back in the black sack and put it outside his bedroom door including his washed sheets. They never get dirty on his bed, just from being thrown on the floor because he is quite happy to sleep on a bare mattress which is now black!
He never got an allowance. He was given endless amounts of cash from DH just to get him to piss off and give him peace.
I invented a list of jobs that I hated doing.
He got £1.00 for every 15 minute job and I ticked the job on the list after checking it was done right. He had the choice of doing that or get himself a job.
His dad and me worked hard for the money was getting (before the list) so why should he get it for nothing.
I convinced his dad that it was good parenting to make somebody his age work for money.
I also took £1.00 out of what he earned if he went out and left his TV etc on and explained its to cover the excessive electric bills. He soon learned to switch them off.
You should spray your blanket heavily in perfume and see if he likes to use it then or just hide all blankets so as not to encourage him lazing around..... The lazy little shit.
i dont care if you are
i dont care if you are wealthy and can afford it - $100 a week for a kid is asking for trouble.
when i was in college, i knew a kid that got $500 a week sent to him from his father for "spending and incendentals". do you know what this kid did that with that money? He started a drug dealing business right out of his dorm room.
I only do the skids laundry
I only do the skids laundry if they put it in the laundry basket. My DH told them any clothing left on the floor when the house is vacuumed (LR and 2 BRs) goes into the trash. Each skids lost socks and almost new tshirts this weekend. I didn't do it - DH did!
If I vacuumed, I used to
If I vacuumed, I used to throw everything from the floor onto SS bed including stinking socks, guitars, loose change... Everything. He had to put it all away before he could go to bed.
I have the same experience as
I have the same experience as you except they aren't skids; they are my kids! All boys ages 11, 15 and 16. I put the folded, clean clothes on the stairs. All nicely folded, no wrinkles ( I used to iron but gave up when I learned that they would jam the clothes into any drawer they could find). They walk over the clean clothes in the stairs, risking twisting an ankle to avoid taking their clothes, lovingly folded by mom. My husband does a lot of their laundry too. He is not happy. I caught my younger taking clean clothes and (get this) when he's too lazy to put then away---he puts them in the dirty clothes!!!! I figured this out when we were doing 6 loads of laundry a week and I founded folded clothes in the hamper. Well, we are moving this week. Things are going to change.
Sounds like hope for the 16
Sounds like hope for the 16 year old...every now and then laundry, got the hint and took his up to his room. The 18 year old? Had I seen him asleep like that after I already slaved over his laundry AND folded it, I would have taken it and dumped it on his sleeping head on the couch! Let it fall all over the place! Then I would tell them I was starting aniki's new house rule...if it is still laying floor an hour from now, it goes in the trash! If he doesn't get the message, start loading it up in a trash bag with coffee grounds and what not.
Ha...and if they say you are acting crazy? Blame it on hormones! LOL
Aniki's DH's house rule...
Aniki's DH's house rule... LOL
SS12 lost another pair of socks this weekend. They were on the floor TOUCHING the hamper. Guess he was too weak from lack of sugar to make it that extra inch.