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3 games Saturday....

lintini's picture

Everything was going great until about an hour ago when SS12 called FDH and says he has THREE bball games Saturday, at 12pm, 2pm ,and 4pm. So that means he needs to be there at 11am, making us have to leave at 9am,(830am for traffic) for the two hour drive, and then making us not get home until 8pm, probably more like 8:30pm if we're lucky.

Every weekend we have this kid one day is always taken up by sports. The ENTIRE day. And so lucky for us this league is going on until the Fall.......ALL SUMMER LONG.

Fdh and I get in a big fight about it, he's screaming at me and telling me that just because the day isn't about ME. Calling me a princess, etc. Then he tried to tell me that he's had his son skip a game for me when we moved .....yea because we were moving so of course we didn't make the game that ONE TIME.

I tried really hard to be a good sport and have gone to his last two sports things that have been all day events with 4 hours total in the car, but this league is so last minute and FDH doesn't even get the information from them in email so we never are in the loop. The ongoing poor/zero communication with BM.

I just feel so cheated out of time we could do something else. I'm so upset I'm ready to leave and drive to my parents. This isn't about me, this is about every weekend we have ss12 nothing else gets accomplished and there are no other activities. I have a large cabin in the mountains and my grandparents have a 30 foot sailboat on the lake that we could enjoy but NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO we have to play sports all day long so we have 1 day weekends !!!!! So if I stay home, then everyone (the grandparents) will wonder where I am and then it just makes me look like I'm a bad person. I don't even like sports and I don't think he even cares if I am there. He's got his 7 person cheer section without me.

I hate this!!! I can't be a step mom I am such a stepmonster!!!! As the wedding gets closer the more upset I get.

Orange County Ca's picture

The sports teaches kids a lot I wouldn't discount them as easily as 'notasm' has. I was in the Boy Scouts and learned things I'm using 50 years later. Sports doesn't often do that of course but its better than sitting in front of a TV or ipad.

But it's not your kid and I'd quit worrying about the Grandparents. Just tell your fiancé that you've got other plans and even if its watching TV its got to be better than this suffering. Some people, like me, just don't care for sports. If somebody else does I'm glad, without that diversity everyone would be doing the same thing at the same time.

Is he putting guilt trips on you if you don't attend? That's a good reason to postpone the wedding to get some counseling and reconsideration of marriage. Is he controlling? It always gets worse. Remember he's an ex for a reason. Maybe it would be best to hold that marriage until the kid has been out of high school a year and you can better evaluate how this guy is going to work for you.

He'll want to know why of course and obviously tell him the truth. If this brings on another screaming argument maybe it is time for you to leave. I don't know if you want to have children with this guy but that should go on hold for several years after the wedding.

Frankly if you have no children and want them I'd find a guy without kids. This just isn't worth it.

lintini's picture

No it is last minute and they do not have FDH contact info, there is NO WEBSITE, and it's VERY last minute. It's some shin dig that just got setup and the elementary school and all this team does is try to get into last minute tournaments that they can get into. It's completely unorganized. Thanks for thinking I am lying about it. And it's not travel ball, it's all around his mom's house. BM doesn't even go to the you are so so so so wrong.

lintini's picture

Because I plan out the weekend and then the day before I get told that we have to spend the day 2 hours away ALL DAY. And if I am not a part of it then I am home alone or have to travel an hour the other direction to visit my friends or family. I've moved into the middle of no where and I am not happy.

Calypso1977's picture

i would not spend the day or even 2 hours at a sports even for my SD13. not your responsibility.

in the time ive been with my fiance ive only attended one thing for SD and that was a dance recital. not only was it 3 hours of sheer boredom/torture to see her dance for a grand total of maybe 12 minutes, she was a totally ungrateful shit to both of us and all but ignored us after the performance. she further made a comment about how we "didnt buy her flowers, but it was ok because MOM did".

i will never go to an event of hers again. ever.

IAMGOOD's picture


I understand your viewpoint. I am in the total opposite end in my situation. My kids love playing their sports and the sports are also about their community/home and being a part of it. Huge confidence builders and it really keeps them connected with other kids that are motivated. Leads to better students too cause it is about discipline & sense of achievement. Both my kids are headed for sports scholarships which means "college savings". Even if one of them gets one BINGO! Really - the sports are good for the kids. I know it seems ridiculous at times and it really isn't all about them. Sometimes the sports can be annoying - like when they have a saturday night game (OMG). I hate when they have something Sunday morning too. However, the kids, they are "doing" something that builds character. I go to every game that I can go to. Even with my step children I go if I am not at another game.

The good news is that those weekends you should get to do what you want to do. There is an opportunity in this for you to have some friend/me time. Let dad do the ride and go to the games with his son. His one on one time!!! Make your own plans with your family and friends. Take some down time & chill. Go for a pedicure....or gym visit...or cocktails with a gal pal.

Spend the weekends you don't have the kid(s) going to those other places.

The choice is yours. Either put a hat on and get the pom poms out or just don't go. But either way just smile and have fun with it.

Good luck!

lilym's picture

Yeah, I know it's a drag, I have it too with 3 kids over here doing sports, but that's just sort of how it goes. No reason you need to go though! But kids have a lot of activities and as was said, if both parents are in agreement that they should get the benefit of the activities, and the kids are committed, then they are need to be there to honor that commitment to the team and to their own development.

Just make alternate plans (cabin sounds great!) and say unfortunately you won't be able to make this game because you have a commitment of your own. I only occasionally go the kids games, instead I cherish that time alone! And enjoy the heck out of the weekends with no kids!

SMto2's picture

I feel your pain. My SSs live 2 hours away, and when they were young, BM had them in every sport coming and going, year-round, and sometimes sports overlapped. Because of their age differences, SSs were on different teams, which played at different times. Many times, DH would go get SSs on Friday night and bring them to our house, 4 hours RT, take them back Saturday for their games, which lasted over about 4 hours, and then bring them BACK to our house 4 hours RT, then take them home on Sunday afternoon, another 4 hours RT. Not only was this a HUGE time-killer but it cost us HUGE amounts in gas and tolls. Of course, SSs claimed they could NEVER miss these things for EOW visitation, but of course, they were fine missing them if they were going on a vacay with BM or one of their friends. And we almost NEVER got a schedule until the season was almost over--BM would claim she didn't have it! So we were always finding out at the last minute whether our weekend was going to be tied up. OMG, my blood pressure rises just thinking about it!

I tried to tell myself that stuff about how sports are good for them, promote character, might lead to scholarships, yada, yada, yada, and while that is true in many instances, by high school, NEITHER of them were in ANY sports whatsoever, as they were both in a heavy metal band that was the opposite of what you'd want for respectable young men. I don't know that they gained ANYTHING from those games other than something to do on the weekends that took away from time they needed with their father, who only had visitation EOW. (Oh, and did I mention, once DH told SSs that THEY could decide whether to visit, they NEVER played a sport again?? Seems it had less to do about character and comraderie and more about a way to sometimes get out of visitation!)

After I had my first DS, it was difficult to do all that traveling with a baby, so my DH went and I stayed home, which I hated as well. If I could change anything, I probably would have tried to be even more supportive of my DH, realizing he could not help it. (I tried to be supportive, but sometimes my bitterness and frustration would get the best of me.) I would add, remember, this too shall pass. Your DH will be able to look back and check that off the list of things he did for his kids, which is how my DH finally came to view the situation with the highly PAS'd SSs. My SSs are now 18 and 20 and have their own lives, still living 2 hours away. We see them infrequently, so they are a minimal part of my life, so it's just my DH and our 2 DSs and what is going on with them 99.9% of the time. I won't lie. I am THANKFUL those days are passed, but I'm more thankful that DH and I are still together and happy.

onthefence2's picture

I was a competitive swimmer growing up and spent 24 hours a week in the pool. At age 10. When I was 11 I tried to quit a couple of times, but with that free time started getting into trouble. My parents put me right back into swimming. I also played softball for 8 years and I have wonderful memories that I still remember, 30+ years later. Sports rock. My kids now do so many activities it would make your head spin (but still don't spend the amount of time I spent in the pool!) It keeps kids focused and often does lead to college scholarships (I got one). If you don't want to go to the games, don't. It's the parents' and kid's decision and as long as they are happy with what they're doing, there's not much you can do. You just need to decide if it's going to be a deal breaker or not, because if this keeps going through high school, it's going to be a long 6 years.

B22S22's picture

My DS14 was on a travel sport team so I know what you mean about the time factor. There was a stretch of time where I didn't spend a Saturday night in my own bed for 9+ weekends -- because DS's team was on the road with games 2-3 hours from home, usually Friday - Sunday.

Never once did I expect my DH to travel with us. I think that's expecting way too much. I know my DH would get frustrated that I wasn't home on the weekends, but then I reminded him that his son was in travel a few years before and he was gone all the time.

But I do have to agree with others that if your SS truly enjoys this sport, it's a positive even if there is a lot of time involved for everyone (let alone the $$!!!). At least for my son, one of the things that came out of it is he learned the commitment factor of being on what was considered an "elite" team -- although he got to play, he also was giving up time at home, time with friends not involved in the sport. It made him realize that sometimes you have to give up some things to do other things you want to do. Lucky for me, he's decided being on that "elite" team isn't all it's cracked up to be and won't be trying out for it next year.

If you don't want to go, don't. Like I said, I never traveled with my DH and his son (and his also were Fri-Sun trips sometimes) and I never expected him to travel with us.

AllySkoo's picture

Yup, that's life with kids. You don't get to do what YOU want anymore, at least not on any sort of regular basis. Your FDH is on board with the sports, he's willing to "give up" doing fun, relaxing, non-kid-related activities. Great, he's a dad. YOU do not have to do that though... but you also don't really have the right to demand your FDH act like he's kid free either. Go do your own thing, don't worry about what anyone else is thinking, and don't try to pressure your FDH to do YOUR thing either.

On the other hand, if what you REALLY want is to be with someone who doesn't have all the responsibilities (and limited time) of a parent, then maybe FDH isn't the guy for you.

lintini's picture

You guys don't have to prove to me how sports benefit us, I know. I'm a musician and very into drum corps and marching band and orchestra which also teaches you the same qualities and I too got a full scholarship.

ss12 constantly cries at the games when the ref calls something he doesn't like, or something doesn't go his way. And he's the only one crying too. He didn't even make it through the halfway point in the first game before he lost his mind and had to sit out. This is nothing new.

And yea, BM signs him up for sports all year round so we get to travel 4 hours and burn all the gas and waste all that time in the car. She never picks up her car keys for anything.

We just moved a few months ago and I have NO friends here, in fact the two lots next to me are just foundations so I don't even have neighbors. I have to travel almost an hour to see any of my friends or family, which is normally what I do if I don't want to be going to a sports game. Once the lease is up we're out of here back to the bay area.

This basketball league is very unorganized, and we will get word 1-2 days max before a tournament to be told where he needs to go. It's INFURIATING!!!!! FDH isn't even on the email list with the coach and BM doesn't bother to forward it. FDH just gave him his email now but the coach had his cellphone #. There is NO WEBSITE, NO SCHEDULE. It's some afterschool program that is trying to grow and just joining random tournaments whenever they can. They even had us take him to a tournament on mothers day. BM does NOT come to games when we take him. I haven't seen her in months. So yea I am not lying or whatever you think I am making this all up. It's not a legit league. They have 4th graders coming in to play with the 6th graders and then that makes ss12 cry more! UGhhhhhhhhhhhh

One game would be fine....I can handle an hour. But no, its 3 games and 1.5 hour breaks in between. Then SS12 finds out they are playing quarters and not halves, and they are 7min quarters instead of 10 min, and he STARTS CRYING!!!!!!

The crying happens in any sport, its getting to be a problem but no one will do anything about it. FDH just tries to help his son work on batting and ss12 starts crying. He can't take any constructive criticism or help without losing his mind.

So yea, I either make FDH go alone and then he's wishing he had adult company , or a I suck it up and go and try to be a supportive fiance, or I just act like a asshole and stay home and I am miserable. I dunno what to do either way is frustrating!!!

Poodle's picture

DON'T SUCK IT UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I would not even do this for my bios at this age. He is too old to be watched the absolute whole time by a non-related person, even by a related person. I'm so appalled that you have a cabin of your own and access to family who want to see you and that fabulous sounding boat, and you're watching a kid snivel at a kids' game, FFS! No, when this happens, present this as your chance to light out for a while and bond with friends and family at places and activities that you enjoy. You could even invite SS from time to time -- surely he would love that!... Sorry I still am reeling at the horror of watching a skid do an activity I have no interest in for weekends on end... you have definitely been an angel, but it's time to get some fulfilment and leisure enjoyment yourself.

lintini's picture

Thank you! Well he would be invited to these things but he doesn't have time since every weekend he's playing in a game. And no, you don't want to hear about all the crying at the cabin last time he was there. He cried because we had to BUILD and sled run, and cried when it was raining, then he cried because there is no tv. Sigh. It is a horror, I don't know why so many people wanted to argue with me on this post when I was just venting about how at a drop of a hat my entire weekend gets changed. And I am trying to find a balance of disengaging and being apart of things, but he doesn't care if I am there or not. So ....I guess I'm done then. Thanks!

Poodle's picture

Oh yeah, the whingeing for the TV... you brought it all back to me (my skids are grown now...)

lintini's picture

No actually have to play on lot or go to the lake, maybe even fish!!! Or if there is snow ....heaven forbid .... (bay area cali kids don't know how to react to snow) it's cold....and you need to make a slope with shovels to ride down on, they don't just magically appear. And my grandparents in clear lake just invited him to go sailing as soon as he could when I called them. Told them he's too busy with games but I'll be right up!

Sigh. I think it's just upsetting that with all these sports and how clearly distraught he gets when he cries at all them.....why can't we take a break and go sailing or fishing? I don't know why FDH goes along with this.

I'll take off the next weekend we have him to the cabin with my fishing gear and see how FDH and SS12 like that.....hahahha. Then not let them eat the trout I catch!


hereiam's picture

So if I stay home, then everyone (the grandparents) will wonder where I am and then it just makes me look like I'm a bad person

So, what? Who cares what they think? This is not your kid, you don't have to go to EVERY game, it doesn't make you a bad person. They probably wouldn't think that, anyway. They might not really want to be there, either and would just be jealous.

If you keep doing things that make you resentful, you are going to be angry and bitter all of the time. Now, that can make you be seen as a bad person! Go to a game now and then and make your own plans the rest of the time.

I was very supportive of my much younger brother and his basketball, and went to almost every local game and tournament (and he played A LOT). My husband loves me, he loves my brother. Basketball and crowds? Not so much; he only went to a few games. Nobody in my family thought any less of him for it. It's not everybody's thing.

lintini's picture

FDH's parents even think we should be going to EVERY SINGLE GAME so that's why I said that. That every weekend we should be driving around 8 hours in the car to make sure we get to all the practices and games, oh and those 4 hour long practices Friday nights till 10pm so we get home really late~~ yaaay!

You are so right about doing things that make me resentful, because I pretty much am angry and bitter all the time. It just makes me want to drink wine all day and night.

If this was more local it would be different, but it's not. I think I'll take poodles and your advice and the others who said the same about doin my own thing and show up once and awhile, and I'll just stop posting about how trashed my weekends get since I don't think half of these people really understood where I was coming from, I guess I am a poor writer with I am in a full blown rage.

hereiam's picture

Well, FDH's parents are delusional. And there is no reason on God's green Earth that YOU should have to go to any practice.

Is your SS even any good? Doing all that driving to watch him cry certainly wouldn't be high on my to do list. Not like, say, drinking wine.

SMto2's picture

What does your DH think? In my case, my DH would have been CRUSHED if I did not want to go with him. It was only after our first DS was born that I stopped going for a bit while he was an infant, as DH understood how difficult it was to travel with a baby and sit there and deal with him through the games. When he got a bit older, however, I continued going and we took my DS. As much as I hated traveling with DS and I especially hated having to see BM at the games (yes, MOTY that she is, she never missed them!), I hated more being away from DH, especially because if I was not there, he had to sit alone with BM and her clan of a family staring him down. I guess if DH would have been fine with me pretty much never going, I might have done that, but knowing how much he wanted me there, and wanting to be with him, I went as much as I could, when I could.

Also, my SSs were in "rec league" basketball. That was the main sport they claimed they "could not miss," although NEITHER of them were good enough to make their school's team. We NEVER got a schedule for that. And that's the one that, when DH finally told SSs they could decide whether to visit us for the EOW required visitation, that both SSs promptly QUIT.

Merry's picture

I have spent a lot of time being angry, and it is soul sucking. If FDH wants to go to the games, and if SS actually wants to play this sport (given his hissy/crying fits, is FDH sure this is a good thing for him, or is it a poor attempt at helping SS become a man?), then they can do their own thing. You will eat yourself alive if you continue to be resentful and angry over this.

Find something to do that you enjoy yourself. So what if you have to drive an hour in the other direction to see YOUR friends? Do it. Beats the hell out of spending an entire day somewhere you don't want to be doing something you don't want to do. You'll be happier if you take care of yourself, and that means emotionally too. Do NOT let FDH and SS dictate what it is you do and do not do.

I can see where the last minute stuff would drive you nuts. If you and FDH have solid plans, then he should not be changing them to accommodate the sports schedule. Or, at least he should check with the coach to see if games are scheduled for that weekend before he commits to you. It sounds like FDH is dumping plans with you in favor of last minute plans with SS, and that sucks.

And I have to say that nobody here has accused you of lying. They were sharing their own situation, and likening it to yours. For the most part, this is a supportive group. You sound so unhappy and so angry.