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There goes my holiday!

CantKeepDoingThis's picture

Monday, I'm supposed to take BS19 out and do his senior pictures. SD15 was supposed to be at BM's, so DH was going to come with. Now, we have to pick up SD15 on our way into town for the pictures!!!! I told DH I did not plan on her being with us...that I didn't want the day ruined with her Bering bored and wanting to go home. It was supposed to be a day for BS19!!!

I already know how it will be...DH better bring his camera to take pictures of SD15, or she will be upset that she isn't the center of attention! I can also bet she will have "great ideas" that involve her asking for stuff! Oh hell no! It is not her day...this is not her time!

CantKeepDoingThis's picture

That's my thinking, but he doesn't see it that way! He thinks I'm trying to exclude her. Maybe I am, but so much is about her! BS19 is leaving for college...he is graduating high school...this is his time! He has never tried to be the center of the universe like SD15! He deserves this time...he worked hard.

lintini's picture

Ah how crumby.

Would your son want her there though?? If you asked him would it make a difference in how you arranged things that day?

CantKeepDoingThis's picture

BS19 doesn't want her there. She treats him like crap all the time! It's bad enough he has to deal with her at school.

Calypso1977's picture

I would leave on your own and have your day with your son.

that is ludicrous. your husband can deal with his daughter on his own. please put your foot down on this one!

CantKeepDoingThis's picture

I'm the one doing BS19's even more special! They will be of my son through my eye...not some stranger's eye! We have a fun day planned...driving down to the city where there are some fun backdrops.

I refuse to let SD15 ruin the day! She is still being all mopey over the break up! DH got on her case again last night because she outright ignored what he told her to do...make her lunch for today (has an all day guard practice, which is stupid...end of the school year no performances), take a shower, and come see him before she went to bed. She didn't do any of that...just went to bed. DH went storming to her room and made her wake up. SD15 was all curled up with the now-ex-boyfriend's jacket that was supposed to have been given back to him already. DH told her to hand over the jacket and get over it already! He then went on again about how she doesn't respect him, only talks to him of she wants something, ignores what he tells her to do and doesn't whatever she feels like, etc. She started playing victim..."Why are you yelling at me!" Really? Did you not listen to the words coming out of your father's mouth? Ugh!

CantKeepDoingThis's picture

Thank goodness!!! SD15 is staying at BM's until after we are done tomorrow!! Don't know why the original plan was to pick her up early, but that is no longer the case, and I'm doing my happy dance!

CantKeepDoingThis's picture

SO GLAD SD15 ended up not going with us! The weather was not cooperating today, but we still managed to get some great pics when we got some breaks in the rain. When we finally went to pick up SD15, she was in the crappy mood I knew she would be in...super crappy! She would have surely ruined the day! I swear the ONLY way she is in any kind of a good mood is when she is the center of the universe, and even then, there is no guarantee. There always seems to be something ruining her day.