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I know this is petty on my part.

Willow2010's picture

So I went to a wine festival this weekend. Me, DH, my son and his future bride, my DD and her hubs, my mother and father and my future DIL's parents.

It was so fun. My future DIL's mother took and posted a nice picture of us all on FB and tagged us all in it. Her caption was "Great time with a great family"

Everyone posted nice comments such as "Great family". "Looks fun" ECT.

Then along comes my DHs turn to comment on the picture. Guess what his comment was...."My son would have really made the day complete"

FYI - SS is in the military and had been in Washington for about 8 months.

I won't say anything about it, but it just annoys the crap out of me. The lady that posted that picture has never even met SS. Just weird to me. I never point out when my kids are NOT with us when we do something fun. And DH has done this even when SS lived with us. Just annoying!


Willow2010's picture

I really wished he would not have posted that. It has just put me in a bad mood. We had such a good time, and now it seems it was not that great since SS was not there. UGH..I know I am being a baby, but damn...I thought we were done with that kind of crap.

Willow2010's picture

They had some GREAT wines. It was at a vineyard so it was a lot of different wines straight from that vineyard.

stormabruin's picture

Petty, but irritating. Especially being someone else's picture. If it was a picture he posted on his page, he can say whatever he wants. But to ruin the vibe of someone else's really is tacky.

myspoonistoobig's picture

What a dick thing to say.

He's the one being petty. It is, as stormabruin said, incredibly tacky to bring your own discontent to someone else's happy moment.

Drac0's picture

DW and I used to have a private retreat we used to go to for just the two of us. We would spoil ourselves. Swimming, Spa, fancy dinner with bottles of wine....

A couple of years ago I was planning on visiting the place again and spoke to my wife about it....The first thing she said was "Oh! Can we plan it on a weekend that SS is with us? I would really like for him to see the place".

Like I said... DW and I USED to have a private retreat we used to go to... Sad Sad Sad

Hanny's picture

My SO and I were talking the other day about having a XMAs Open House this year. We did one last year, but kinda small, mostly my family. We still are not drinking in front of his 24 year old who got the DUI about 2 1/2 years ago. So he said I'd like to invite 'the girls' to the open house this year. I said great, but we WILL be serving alcohol, and I WILL be drinking, and don't even suggest otherwise. Crickets!

simifan's picture

Not right but I'd wait for the end of an intimate moment & blurt out ... If only SS was here to make the day complete. Maybe then he'd realize how inappropriate it was; if not well wondering what the hell i meant would be fun too. }:)