Just now realized
I have Never seen BM without her hair done, without makeup, or without nice clothes on.
Never even a pony tail. Thoughout the whole time dating and now being married to my husband,... never once seen her at less than 100% "done up". Is this part of her personality?, always having to be the best looking, best dressed wherever she is?
BM's sisters are not like this so I don't think it's the way she was raised. I mean, I don't go to town in my pj's, but I've been in our front yard for exchanges in them. And I won't go into work with dirty hair in a pony tail, but I've gone to pick up the kids at BM's Christmas Morning like that,... and I never realized until just now that she never has. No matter the day, time, event, she is dressed up from head to toe... - Kids have been in dirty clothes and pony tails, but never her,...
Man that gets tiring. I used
Man that gets tiring.
I used to never leave the house without makeup and my hair straightened. That was "my look" so I was used to it and it made me feel good about myself. I felt naked without my makeup.
Now.....sweats, hair pulled back, no makeup- I have a ton of extra time! LOL
Our BM is similar .. the only
Our BM is similar .. the only exception being when she's sick. But yeah, she takes great pride in her appearance. Considering her propensity for cheating, I just assume it's because she's always open to new options, if ya know what I mean.
I don't pay her any mind.
I hate to admit it but I
I hate to admit it but I always wanted to look my very BEST when I knew I was going to see my EX's wife.
Come to think of it...same thing with BM.
Same here! lol.
Same here! lol.
Some of them are like that.
Some of them are like that. Skids' BM was like that at first, now I never see her. Win for me!
SD7's BM... I've hardly ever
SD7's BM... I've hardly ever seen her DRESSED. She wears her pajamas or sweats all the time. old ones from like 5 years 100 lbs ago. gross.
Isn't it common knowledge
Isn't it common knowledge that women dress for each other? Men rarely notice anyway being more skin oriented.
Put a tail on her and have them take pictures of her at the supermarket and post them on her Facebook page assuming she's sans makeup.
LOL true story .. I get more
LOL true story .. I get more attention from DH when I'm in yoga pants and a tank top than in a well put together and accessorized outfit.
I honestly think BM burnt him out on the whole "high maintenance" look.
This reminds me of the time
This reminds me of the time my first DH and I went camping with another family. The wife wore full makeup the entire time, lol. It's just the way she was I guess.
Man, I don't think I've ever
Man, I don't think I've ever seen our BM CLEAN, much less dressed up! }:)
Seriously, she always reeks of cat piss and mildew.
I usually see BM all
I usually see BM all 'gussied' up.
lipstick on a pig... That's all I can say.
On my worst day of bed head and yoga pants I look better.
(and I'm older)
In all honesty, she was spotted prior to a court appearance earlier and the outfit was appropriate if she was 15, not 40.
And who would want to? I
And who would want to? I could do my entire face over 4 times in 45 minutes. Or better yet, sleep a little longer!