Time to share stories about their BM's Unrealistic thoughts of themselves
Our BM tries to dress and act younger than she is. Her behavior just makes me wanna puke :sick:
A couple of years ago when my SD was 10 she was buying clothes at Aeropastle and BM was 42 and buying the clothes. One day, she came walking out of her house wearing a pink capri sweats and matching sweatshirt with white polka dots. Her hair was up in a pony tail with one major curl, white socks and sneakers. BM then turned around and lightly ran back like a little kid with her pony tail swinging back and forth. I started laughing in the car...I couldn't help myself
When she became pregnant with her 4th child (another sucker to pay her money }:)she thought she was being sneaky and no one would know!?! When she was 3 to 4 months prego, I said to my DH that I thought she was pregnant. 4 months later my SS's announce to us that BM is pregnant. I said I already knew that, they were shocked :jawdrop:
2 months before her delivery, the Judge stated she did not know BM was pregnant (she was wearing baggy clothes and sitting behind a desk) all of sudden BM speaks up and says "I know, even the Dr.'s can't believe I'm the age I am"
Does anyone have stories to share about how tacky their BM is?
I need a pick me up
A quick edit...BM was wearing
A quick edit...BM was wearing clothes from the same store her daughter bought clothes from.
Our BM compares her weight
Our BM compares her weight and size clothing to her own daughter. I think that's just sick
Haha, our BM does this. I am
Haha, our BM does this. I am MUCH younger than her and I dress very nice for work (pin skirts, heels everyday) and she used to always look dirty and worn out until she decided to try and compete with me. Then all of a sudden one day shows up to karate practice for SS in full off color make up, skin tight jeans, a top that is not even appropriate for a 16 year old with her botched boob job hanging all over the place, and high heels that she can't even walk properly in. SS started crying telling his karate teacher not to let BM take him and all of the parents just stared her down in disbelief. I looked exceptionally good that day too which made it even nicer. Me and my DH giggled all the way home.
I always get a kick out of how competitive she attempts to be.
Apparently our BM has been
Apparently our BM has been wearing the standard jeans, pink top, white sneakers and her hair in a pony tail or down, with her feathered bangs. She has had the same hair style since the 80's. The clothes are pretty funny. Ya know it's bad when you're own atty (the one I had to divorce my first husband, had nothing to do with this BM) whispers to me in court "does she ever wear anything different, other than jeans and a sweatshirt?" :jawdrop:
I've now come up with a new name for her...Pink Dragon
Our BM has started wearing
Our BM has started wearing alot of strapless tube dresses and tops. Some that I bought my beautiful SD17 (gets her looks from dad's side)...with no bra....over boobs that are a small B and sag horribly. Really they look like over easy eggs. Not a good look. She is much shorter than me and about 4 years older with dyed red hair (mine is natural red). Whenever I see her in court, she does this wierd walk where she shakes her hips so that she ends up walking like a duck. It's really wierd looking, not hot, which I think she feels it is. DH was laughing about it the last time - I guess she does that on purpose? Yikes, it looks like she is crippled.
I've witnessed ours wearing a
I've witnessed ours wearing a Tiara... No, it was not Halloween. No, she was not playing dress up... Just proudly walking around IN PUBLIC with it on! I have NEVER seen her in anything nice. Just oversized sloppy clothes, minimal make-up and hair never done. She's a rather large woman and her clothing choices make her look even BIGGER.
LOL...a tiara! Oh, I love it.
LOL...a tiara! Oh, I love it. My BM is 6 years younger than I am and I look younger than her. I think that is why she tries to act younger and wear clothes her 12 year old wears.
BM is pushing 50 and loves
BM is pushing 50 and loves all of her plastic surgery, especially her very obvious fake boobs that are always only half covered! She has dyed her hair blonde and truly dresses like a hooker--always!
One of the her teenagers even makes comments on inappropriately she dresses. How embarrassing for her kids to have a cheating whore for a mom, but one that dresses and shows reflection of who she truly is to the world!
My favorite thing about the
My favorite thing about the BM is that she is short and wide. DH says she gained 100 pounds when she was pregnant with SD. She's almost as wide as she is tall. Well, being petite she does this thing where she buys capri pants and wears them as regular pants. Except they are about 1 inch too short for that purpose. I saw her one time in capri pants (intended to pass as regular long pants) and a matching jacket and it was SO hard to just not laugh out loud. Like anyone can't tell those are capris!
Our BM had everyone convinced
Our BM had everyone convinced that she was attending a pretty prestigious nursing school. When in actuality, she was attending a "run of the mill satellite campus NOT, in any way affiliated with this particular prestigious school" where she was studying to become a surgical tech (entry level position). BM gets a DUI and asks my DH if he can drive her to school and pick her up (he did this ONCE after asking me if I minded). Fast forward to months after she finished school - and still doesn't have a job - and DH and I are at a party and some of our friends were saying things like: "Howcome BM can't find a job? With her "nursing degree" from "Prestigious university", you'd think she could find a job." Well, my drink just about came out of my nose. We told them the truth about "nursing school."
WHY would you lie about yourself like that? AND to people who are mutual friends? Some of these people attended a "graduation" party at our local bar for her accomplishments!!
How embarrassing for her? BUT how stupid of her, also! Also, BM NEVER passed the certification test, hence the hard time finding a job.
I have one. Bubble butt told
I have one. Bubble butt told me that she was prettier than my on her worst day compared to my best day! first i am A LOT skinnier then her as she is about 300 lbs, second she doesn't wear make up and keeps her hair short like a mans and she looks like a man! All i could was laugh. that pissed her off. lol
The thing she does the most often is that when she gets in trouble for the crap she tries to pull she will turn it around telling dh that he is the one in trouble. An example is when she said he was behind on CS and she had a case opened to investigate even though dh told her not to b/c he knew he was ahead but she wouldn't listen. So after the amount of time they said it would take to do this dh called the case worker and sure enough he was almost 1k ahead. plus the case worker told dh that he was a lot nicer then the ex and that she called her a bitch and that she better get her her money. Case worker said she sent her papers to sign b/c of it. Then she said she is no longer the case worker b/c she will not deal with her.
Then a couple of days later bm called dh and told him the that he was behind and he better pay before they take it all out of his check at once. Dh told her that he was ahead and he is not paying and he has the paper work to prove it. bm then said I don't care what kind o0f paper work you ahve but mine says you are behind and you better pay you ass hole. Dh told her he would wait til they took it out then. of course that didn't happen in fact she didn't get anything for almost a month. }:)
That is only ONE story i have like that. lol
BM calls CPS and files false
BM calls CPS and files false child abuse charges on SO. Four months later she emailing SO asking him to sit down with her and her new husband and teach them how to parent since our relationship was doing so well and we didn't have the issues that she had with the kids.
BM would drop SS off on
BM would drop SS off on Thursdays looking like she was going out on a date or going out that night. Always in heels, that usually looked like they were going to break or if I nugged her shed topple. Usually something trendy- like long shirt and leggings, but she'd pick horrible tops as most of the time her round belly just poked right through making it look more maternity wear. I've seen her once in sneakers and with her hair pulled up and that was when she picked up from MILs- probably because she didn't think we'd still be there. I just figured that was how she dressed and didnt put too much thought to it (other than wondering how the hell she had so many shoes-I mean you notice knee and calf high stilettos in numerous colors even if youre not trying to) and wore whatever I usually wear.
After a drunken night in Vegas with SIL (who is friends with BM) I found out that BM dresses up on purpose, "borrowing things that dont even fit" to come drop off SS to try and make herself feel above us. Well, with that tidbit, the fact that BM has asked H out for dinner and drinks on 2 seperate occasions and her severly misdiagnosed sense of entitlement (she's tried to walk right into my house before and picked up my daughter when she was a baby without asking either of us parents); I now purposely make sure to have on something nicer than sweats. My favorite is wearing a tight shirt, just so she can see my flat stomach compared to her large one }:)
BM used to dress all up for
BM used to dress all up for court wearing skirts, high plastic looking high heels, and what looks like a maternity shirt but she is not pregnant just fat. Now she just wears ugly wide ill fitting pants a tight plain shirt and ugly flats with her hair pulled back tight giving you a clear view of her ugly rosacea face.
One Halloween, we had the brilliant idea that we would go out trick or treating together so we could meet her boyfriend. We didn't find out until later that they broke up so she said he was working. She had on a orange shirt and I was dressed all cute like batgirl and my husband was dressed as Heath Ledger Joker bc his hair was that long. When she saw us she laughed and said that she had grown out of dressing up like a kid. I told her the truth, that "her" son picked these out for us and that is why we dressed up. I overheard her tell my husband's niece that she felt fat like a pumpkin. My husband never heard her say that, but minutes later she was lagging behind us walking from house to house so he said "Come on Halloween pumpkin catch up!" Her face got even redder than usual and she did her little "I'm pissed chin/jaw/ teeth grind" face. I couldn't help, but chuckle.
Speaking of what bm wears I
Speaking of what bm wears I have never seem bm in anything other than sweats or jogging pants. She wears t shirts with them. NEVER seen her wear make up or hair longer than maybe an inch? Tennis shoes is all she wears too. I never thought about til i read some of these posts. I did see her one time in a tank with no bra and sweat shorts. EEEWWWW... She is huge and I don't think she knew I was going to be with dh that time to pick the boys up. Jeans? NEVER has she worn them I don't think she owns a pair.