SD got here with a cold sore.
SD has a cold sore.
BM sent abreva with her.
Sure, maybe it's just a bump because BM tells SD7 to clean her face by 'licking her lips' if she has food on her mouth or her lips are dry. So SD7 obsessively licks her lips all day long afraid something is on her mouth. She's never in her 7 years of life had one before.
Either way I ain't taking no chances.
I told DH a long time ago I thought it was weird when parents kissed their kids on the lips because my parents never did it. Just not my cup of tea. When I give SD bedtime kisses I kiss her forehead. DH use to kiss her on the head, nose & a peck on the mouth. Anyways, when we had that talk he told me he thought it was weird to... so I'm like... but wait, why do you do it? Since SD is older it's kinda stopped.
He can't kiss that cold sore & kiss me (anywhere). sorry - can't. Know it isn't her fault, STILL not exposing myself to that. Nope nope nope.
I'm sure BM has been sucking everything in town then coming home & kissing her kids. Another thing that makes kissing your child gross if you pick the wrong BM - you're basically also getting all her diseases.
Yep and if you carry that
Yep and if you carry that analogy to its limits she's (hence you) been in contact with every you-know-what in the country. Oops with todays fast transportation make that the world.
According to the U.S. Center for Disease Control Human papillomavirus (HPV) is the most common sexually transmitted infection in the United States. HPV is the most common sexually transmitted infection (STI). HPV is a different virus than HIV and HSV (herpes). HPV is so common that nearly all sexually active men and women get it at some point in their lives.
You're right in telling him that his lips will never touch you as long as he kisses her lips.
Hpv causes genital warts and
Hpv causes genital warts and cervical cancer. Not cold sores. That is herpes type 1 in most cases I believe. Scary thing is it can be transferred from mouth to genitals in some cases, ugh!
Not sure where ur going with ur facts about hpv, which I and many other women are vaccinated and is not transferred through kissing. As far as I know
Sorry for typos on my cell
I am glad that you told DH
I am glad that you told DH not to kiss her, and then you especially with cold sores.
I hate to admit it both DH and I have them, and I have had them for years probably came from sharing glasses with everyone in the family as no one cared so who knows where it came from. SS has a habit of grabbing DH's drink but when he has a cold sore is very big on making sure that SS knows he cannot have a drink, as we do not want BM making the same comments you have made about us.
DH and I still kiss but as stated I have had them since I was a child, and my father the one that would sleep around was never home so it probably came from a cousin, or someone as they are frequent in my family. One thing I would say is use the Abreva, if she can take pills I would also get Lysine as it is a actual vitamin that helps them go away. Also, make sure that you wash all washrags that she uses and as inconvenient as it is if she uses one to was her face I would not use it more than once as it can re-infect the virus, pillows and stuff I'm sure are good for the weekend but wash as soon as she leaves.
Thanks for the advice. I know
Thanks for the advice. I know lots of people get cold sores but I am pregnant and nauseous and exhausted and I just cant take any more discomfort right now!
My dad gets cold sores. We were never a kissing or drink sharing family. Idk if that was why I just never one it was weird
I may pm u for more advice its bothering her a lot and she won't stop picking at it
I'm here and understand you
I'm here
and understand you not wanting more discomfort they are not fun.
I rarely shared drinks I would share with two cousins, my brother and my mom. Now it is just my mom and DH. SS thrives on the fact I don't really share anymore as he used to "accidentally" get a drink and I would give it away. I am very selective now.
Several things I like to do is if your house drinks tea boil some tea give her the cooled*** tea bag or ice helps. You want to numb the virus. Frequently towards the middle I will go to sleep with a cold water rag on my lip.
Thanks. Ugh just one thing
Thanks. Ugh just one thing after another. Im going to have a baby in 8 months. Now I gotta worry about cold sores.
In other news, your blog is
In other news, your blog is the lucky winner for the vagina fruit ad tonight.
? Confused
? Confused
Previous rant where we said
Previous rant where we said we were sick of the vagina fruit and toe nail fungus ads. It's a back-handed compliment.
OMG its not a backhanded
OMG its not a backhanded compliment LMAO! It literally showed up on the page because HPV was mentioned
God damn - time to change my user account name again since I cant even make a good natured fucking joke. Paranoid?
I've got a really good
I've got a really good adblocker so I just thought you'd been at the wine! I was trying to imagine which fruits look like a vagina. And then I was wondering if there was a fruit with a vagina taste. So I got grossed out. And I was thinking you must have had a LOT of wine!
Hmm well if I do my immune
Hmm well if I do my immune system has kept me from ever having a cold sore lol. And if she has a different type couldn't that make me get cold sores?
Not so much me either but this new baby. -sigh-
I feel bad for her because it is like open looking so I know it is annoying and painful.
I know right BM is so crazy
I know right BM is so crazy and mad I won't engage her I can see that. "SHE MOLESTED MY BABY LOOK THEY HAVE THE SAME COLD SORE THATS PROOF!" -sigh-
Its a shame right? I know if
Its a shame right? I know if BM wasn't crazy, or was dead, id treat SD much different. I hate it because its not SDs fault but I have to protect myself.
Absolutely no reason to kiss
Absolutely no reason to kiss a kid other than on the cheek. There are creams aren't there to make it feel better. Daddy can get them mover the counter. I'm pretty sure I've seen them while wondering through the pharmacies.
I had a HUGE problem with my
I had a HUGE problem with my SO sharing drinks with his SD (and even his diabetic tester). NO. I don't want to go there. I have taken both under control. I just kept harping, and harping, and harping. Me: "If she shares your drinks, she is sharing BM's drinks, and who knows WHERE those lips have been. It is the same as putting your lips on BM's lips" Very SCARY! BM is a wicked bitch whore. As far as the tester, I freaked! What the hell is wrong with these men?
All the comments here are important. With a BM in the pic, you never know what you can contract…you never know….are the lip kisses part of mini-wife syndrome and will SD be surprise jumping my DH's bones one day (still can't get that one comment on here out of my mind…and laugh every time I imagine Disney Dad leaping off the couch with the phone and kid flying.)…you just never know….sad for us really!
On a good note, he finally got it. SD17 still asks for a drink from his soda. He gives it to her and simply says, "Keep it; it's yours." Now I need to get him to say, "Get your own, you lazy ass!" hahahah
Are you certain it's a cold
Are you certain it's a cold sore? You said she licks her lips a lot..Is is at the corners of her mouth? I ask because a bunch of kids out here (my BD6 included) got these gross cracks at the corners of their mouths that looked cold sore-ish...they get it from the constant licking of the lips. I had heard that an anti fungal might take care of it and might not. I chose to apply a triple antibiotic ointment instead and it cleared in 5 days. Lasts weeks in some kids...anyway, just a's a link:
No it's not at the corner,
No it's not at the corner, it's top center. huge. I was hoping it was something else, ANYTHING else.
The chances of catching it
The chances of catching it are greatly reduced if you avoid all contact while the cold sore is showing. My ex used to get them. I would ban kisses and ban sharing drinks/cutlery etc when he had one. And when he didn't have one we'd kiss and share drinks etc without any problems, in 5 years I never caught his cold sores.
The herpes virus can spread
The herpes virus can spread even with no active sores. This is a fact. Those who have avoided catching it by not kissing loved ones when a sore is active are either lucky or have already contracted herpes and have never (and may never) had an outbreak. Just FYIs.