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skid that doesn't like BM (repost from blog)

QueenBeau's picture

BM has lied to SD6 so much, I can't blame her for not liking her. Hell we don't like BM either. But SD lives with BM 65% of the time. Anyways, I know it isn't really our problem, but I feel like it's weird? Most people here talk about Skids undying loyalty to BM.

my SD6 cries to go back to BM's, tells BM she is going to go live at daddy's, etc etc. After she went home yesterday I saw a notebook she had been drawing in sitting on the kitchen table. I flipped through it (she is a good artist for a 6 year old) & she had some cute pictures. One of them she had a picture of "Daddy, Queen (MOM), & SD6" and in the picture I had a baby in my arms & there were 'voice bubbles' above mine & DH's heads with hearts in them.

A few pages back she drew a picture of BM, her brother & herself. They all had frowns & she didn't write "mom, brother, SD6" she wrote "BM (like BM's first name), brother, SD6".

I thought it was a phase, but it's been going on for a few months now. I showed DH the picture, he hates BM so much that I think he was happy a lil bit. I just don't know if it's something we should be concerned about?

Oh well, part of me thinks BM is getting what she deserves.

Anyone dealt witha nything similar?

derb84123's picture

My sks have gone through phases. Usually the oldest is a die hard. He knows BMs issues, but is more protective of her- feels like he needs to take care of her. It is really sad for him. The youngest has her moments. For my sks, every time they go through this phase things are usually bad at Bms, but we have a violent and neglectful bm. I try to encourage their love for her, but their understanding of safety. If things are unsafe and they dont want to go, tell us and we will make it safe again. I would be concerned as to what it is that is making her sad. It could be as innocent as she likes your house better bc there is a blanket there she likes, or it could be a lot, lot more than than that. I would try to find out what is up.

QueenBeau's picture

Yeah. I'm not sure if it's my place to try and dig to find out. I may leave it up to DH?

I am thinking it's that SD's BM use to live with SD's brother's dad. So she felt like she didn't 'fit in'. At our house we don't have any other kids so she feels like she fits in.
