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Birth mother gets no visitation

krich1990's picture

my husband has custody of his now 16 month old son , but we have had him since 4 months old. The mother has done bad thing after bad thing and at the final custody hearing it was ordered that she shall recieve no visitation until she completes 4 clean hair follicle tests over a year period.
How do we co parent with someone like this?
She never called to check on this child or even show up to visitations until we recieved the court papers last weekend and now she is constantly harrassing everyday wanting to talk to the child, whom cant talk. just harrassing my husband telling him that his wife needs to but out and he needs to think for himself.
Im sorry but after a year straight of raising her child while she parties and does her thing, its all my business. She probably showed to to 15 total visitations over a year period, and she had visitations set up for every single week. She has made my life living hell and i am 6 months pregnant, i cannot handle the stress anymore.
How can my husband effectively talk to her without getting in trouble? how can he coparent with this woman when it is never about the child, always about her drama. Any and all tips will be greatly appreciated.

krich1990's picture

we dont have a house phone only a cell phone, we dont let the baby play with our cell phones so were not going to let him just for her to talk. we have let her do it one time and she was on the phone for 10 seconds, and the baby ran away into his room.
Weve been dealing with her and all her crap, plus involved in her open cps case, a fighting this custody battle. we have been nice to her this entire year in hopes she would straighten up but that has not happened. now its almost hard to be mean for fear that we will get in trouble.

Lalena75's picture

If it's not court ordered you don't have to allow her shit not one thing more than what is ordered by the court. the court has ruled the way it did for a reason if she wants more let her take it to court pay for it and win it. There is no co-parenting with a woman who has no visitation I'm assuming dad has sole custody if she doesn't even have visitation? Sole custody means her input isn't necessary if she can be rational and civil and make rational decisions is including her okay? Sure, but it doesn't sound like she fits that. DH needs to put her on ignore. Don't communicate except by email and or text so it's all documented, and he needs to tell her so, get a google voice number for her to use it can forward to a cell and accepts texts it's how we communicate with BM.

Anon2009's picture

I agree with tog. Dh should only communicate with her via text and email. Follow the co.

She sounds like a nut. How much could a 16 month old baby have to say on the phone? Please tell me your dh has pursued getting child support? If she can find money to party and use to buy drugs, why can't she find money to give to her baby?

krich1990's picture

Yes, she only has to pay a hundred a month. She's already way behind and that's nothing. She has 2 other kids too, which my husband never even knew about when they were dating because CPS had taken them away. So we get less even though she doesn't pay support on them either. She's never provided anything for this baby, her family has helped when they could.
We've set her up an email and will only communicate through email cause being able to text is apparently too much for her to handle. And we set up a blog for her to view pictures of the baby and nothing more. I think that's fair and that's all she will get now.
In the court papers it states she cannot take my husband back to court until she completes 4 clean hair follicles over a year period, and if she doesn't then she cannot modify.
She's started drama about this too saying its excessive, but each test only goes back 90 days and the judge wants her to be CLEAN. Not halfway clean. She did meth when she was pregnant with this baby, along with other things.

krich1990's picture

That's exactly what we thought! Thank y'all! We've had to worry for a year about saying the wrong thing to her but thank god it's finally our turn!

krich1990's picture

Still doesn't get the hint!! She called 4 times yesterday starting at 7 pm when the baby was already asleep, then numerous texts. You think you would get the hint if nobody answers. We're waiting a few days to block her number so we can go file harassment charges, we know they won't do anything but it will be something to show.
Does anyone by chance know how to file contempt of court order charges without a lawyer?

derb84123's picture

unless the court order says otherwise, change your numbers. sounds like with no visitation, you shouldnt have to let her talk to a baby

krich1990's picture

Her only right is to see doctor records and approve high risk surgeries. That's all it says in the order. If she does what she was supposed to I'm sure it would be changed later but she's not even willing to supply an email. It's sad.

SanAntonioSoccerMom's picture

Just let her disappear and go away. It will be the best thing for everyone. I've dealt with a loser BM for the past 18 years, her disappearing was the best thing that ever happened. Don't call her, don't encourage visits, let her go away.

Don't worry about what she does, concentrate on your family including the 16 month old baby.

Rags's picture

I would give her cash to go away. Just enough for a couple rocks of crack occassionally so she can lose a few teeth and fail all of her follicle tests then system will make her go away .... for good.

Which is of course in the best interests of this baby.

IMHO of course.

krich1990's picture

Lol cash wouldn't even make her go away. She gets enjoyment out of making our lives a living hell. Yeah I just researched it, we're in Texas. My husband is the sole managing conservator while she is the possessory conservator. There is no joint anything. Possessory conservator in a sense gives you visitation rights only but then again it says she is allowed no periods of possession. So she has no rights except to be informed of a significant change in the health, education, and welfare of the child. Education doesn't matter seeing as he is one. She still has yet to email asking a question about the child. Always just talking crap