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might his ex have a mental disorder?

AmIWicked's picture

We have always said my husband's ex was crazy. But we meant it tongue and cheek.
However, her behavior on Christmas has me thinking she could actually be.

She has been like a switch in the past. Randomly screaming about stuff. But she went over the edge Christmas.

The intensity of her pounding on the door.

The false allegation that I was choking her son as we were opening up presents which was a random comment after the door was shut.(and never happened-my in-laws were present too)

The way she so blankly denied that she agreed to anything in mediation. Said it never happened.

It just seems like there is something mentally wrong with her.
I mean rational people don't do these things.

SanAntonioSoccerMom's picture

No, she is likely a woman scorned/mad/bitter/jealous/etc. The distinction between that and a mental illness is hard to determine }:)

over_the_rainbow's picture

Our BM makes stuff up too - she spins every situation to make everything someone else's fault. SD got caught shoplifting - we found out about it like a week later on facebook, but BM said she called DH as soon as it happened and told him. We sent SD in our clothes a couple times, BM SWEARS she ALWAYS returns everything - she has never returned anything, since SD was a baby. Not one thing, including the couple of times we sent some of SD's homework with her for BM's EOWE visitation. Then she yells at DH that he treats her precious princess like garbage....crazy BM, YOU are the one that was found to be an unfit parent, investigated by CPS, lost custody, and STILL does not make sure SD gets a shower or eats properly or has decent clothes, and has her sleeping in a bed that is literally dripping with urine and has shit smeared on it from another kid in the house, and you are the one that STILL goes out drinking instead of spending your EOWE visitation with your kid. And DH is the one that treats her like garbage?! REALLY?? Crazy bitch.

PolyMom's picture

Pretty much, any BM that gives you grief well after divorce and remarriage, I truly believe suffers mental disability. Why else would anyone have to return to court? Why else would our lives be so miserable? I think it runs rampant in the blended step world in which we all reside.