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BM picked up the fundraiser stuff for SD6

SMof2Girls's picture

SD6 and SD7 had a fundraiser that ended earlier this month. BM sold SD7's stuff; DH sold SD6's stuff. The items are ready for pick up this afternoon starting at 2:30.

DH got a text from BM at 2:40 saying she picked up everything for the girls so to let her know when he'll be by to get his items from her house :?

Why in the world does she do crap like this? Just annoying ..

GoodbyeNormaJean's picture

Why doesn't he tell her to drop it back off at the school so he can pick it up there?

SMof2Girls's picture

He asked her to take it back since he already had plans to go there this afternoon .. she replied saying she'd be home for the rest of the day so to just let her know when she's coming.

Taking it back is too much of an inconvenience for her now ..

ej'scrazy's picture

What happened to her not being the messenger/middle man?

I don't trust this situation to play out well.

SMof2Girls's picture

Yup .. I don't either.

Considering she tried to steal her neighbor's Heavenly Ham one year, I can only imagine how much stuff she'll claim was "lost" or "not included" in what she picked up.

sbm014's picture

She stole a neighbor's ham?? Who in the hell does that?

I feel bad for DH wish he would have let the school know who sold what so they knew who to release it to...

SMof2Girls's picture

Haha .. the UPS/FedEx guy delivered it to BM's house because the neighbor wasn't home. When the neighbor got the delivery confirmation but no package, she called the company. They told her it had been delivered to a neighbor since it was perishable, but they couldn't tell her which one. So neighbor knocked on everyone's door in her row (townhomes), including BM's .. BM denied having it.

When the UPS/FedEx driver came back and knocked on BM's door with the neighbor, BM claimed she didn't know THAT was the package she was asking about .. and retrieved the ham from her fridge.

SMof2Girls's picture

He did let SD6's teacher and the PTA chairperson know that SD6's things should be going to him and SD7's things to BM .. but these PTA events are run by parent volunteers who aren't really "in the know". When BM shows up to pick up SD7's stuff, they have no reason to believe she shouldn't also be picking up SD6's stuff.

SMof2Girls's picture

The problem is we're going out of town tomorrow .. so we have to pick the stuff up today and distribute to the people who purchased it.

DH won't have time to drive all the way down there and back AND distribute the stuff if he waits until tomorrow.

Besides, BM won't take the stuff back. I can almost guarantee that.

SMof2Girls's picture

I definitely agree. I'm not a huge fan of turning children (or their parents) into sales people, peddling overpriced crap that no one really wants or needs. Even as a kid I hated participating in these things.

This one is on DH .. and I think he's learning his lesson }:)

bearcub25's picture

I only participate in that stuff when they are selling cookie dough or foods. Cookie dough saves me since my Mom doesn't do Xmas cookies and I'm the one that does it for 15 people.

MamaDuck's picture

Sooo... it's too hard for her to hold onto PAPERS from the school to pass onto your DH but... boxes of goods, those she can pick up from the school and cart back to her place ready for your DH to collect from her. There's just no expecting any sound logic from a crazy person eh