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Rhinodad's picture

So, DW and I had out argument on Friday, primarily concerning SD7, but also parenting in general, and how we needed to get on the same page. She thinks I'm too hard on both kids (SD7 and BS3) and I think she does not correct inappropriate behavior (SD7's lying and temper tantrums, and BS3's jumping on furniture and not listening). Anyway while it was strained between DW and I, I did notice her making a real effort to correct SD7's behavior, which was made all the more interesting in that SD7 was a total drama queen this weekend. Numerous times when SD7 has talked back to me, DW has punished her. I was trimming trees outside and asked DW how they looked, and DW says "much better." SD7 (not part of the conversation) chimes in with "You cut too much. They don't look good." I'm used to this horrible back-talk that would have gotten me smacked as a kid, but DW is just now starting to realize how Sd7 treat adults like garbage... DW was furious at that comment. SD had to stand in the corner for 30 minutes... during which she is foaming at the mouth she's so upset at getting called out on her baloney.

I've mentioned SD7's meltdowns before and her horrible behavior while doing extracurricular activities with me, and how I've stopped putting myself in that position. Well, DW tried to do some with her this weekend and it did NOT go well. SD7 does not know how to ride a bike yet, so DW wants to teach her. The entire time, SD7 is screaming and crying up and down the neighborhood saying "You are being too hard on me!" All DW was doing was trying to get SD7 to balance on her bike. SD7 then starts screaming that "You keep pushing me down! You're hurting me!" DW was doing nothing of the sort, SD7 was just acting special. I was playing catch with BS3 and just had to laugh. I'm not doing that to myself anymore! DW was so furious she sent SD to her room and asked if I minded if she stepped out and went for a drive to collect herself.

Then we had family game night (at SD7's constant insistence), and DW agrees but says that everyone will get a chance to pick a game. SD7 has another meltdown because GOD FORBID someone else get to choose a game - especially me, her evil step-father! I just rolled my eyes. It was ridiculous. Of course she picked first, we played and then DW asked me to pick. I picked a game we could all play, and all I hear is "I don't like this game. It's boring. I'm so bored." I just looked at DW and raised my eyebrows. We were done playing games after that.

The best part? While she is throwing a tantrum about the bike riding, her brother (BS3) says to me: "SD7's a baby, daddy?" Out of nowhere. Even a three-year-old can see it. I just had to laugh.


Rhinodad's picture

I don't expect it to stop. DW tries to put an end to it, but short of corporal punishment (which we don't do), there is really nothing she can do but constantly take things/privileges away. She does that, SD7 earns them back, and then the cycle starts again.

I'm just glad I'm not dealing with it anymore. It's all DW.

KittyKatMomma's picture

SD15 did the throwing herself to the ground/kicking/screaming etc
didn't matter when or where-she did it often

BM/SF/DH have tried everything under the sun to prevent these maniac episodes.
I just simply ignored her and walked away.

until the day I had enough and joined her.
we were in the middle of a store (Hello People of Walmart!)
and she stopped and glared and said "you look like a fucking idiot"
I replied "So do you!"
I got up and walked away and all those watching agreed with me that a child of her age (she was like 12-13 at the time)
should know better then to act like a child of 2/3yrs of age.

Hasn't done it since.