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SD was humping the kitchen counter

SonyaJ's picture

I watched my 7 yr old SD this weekend humping our kitchen counter while my 8 yr old son sat in the floor behind her.

In the past two years I have seen her fondle herself in the back seat of cars with her hands, stuffed animals and other items, as she is sitting at the kitchen counter, kindergarten teacher called my husband and said she was sticking pencils down her pants and now this. Oh and she has been having a discharge for almost a year. Recently got my husband to address that and supposedly she has a ph sensitivity.

I am not a pediatrician or psychologist, but someone please explain to me how this can be normal behavior.

And she has never complained about an itching problem. Even when we directly ask.

nothinforya's picture

Pinworms. Have her tested ASAP. It's very contagious. They can migrate from the anus into a girl's vagina.

SonyaJ's picture

I have pushed and pushed and pushed and they finally got a urine analysis done and a swab within the past 3 weeks. All that came back with an elevated vagina flora; ph sensitivity. Unless they aren't telling me the truth.

nothinforya's picture

Pinworms are diagnosed with the "tape test". A piece of tape is put on the child before bed near the anus. It is tested the next day to look for worm eggs. My SD had all sorts of cultures and exams before they finally diagnosed her. A urinalysis WILL NOT pick this up.

SonyaJ's picture

This could be her problem. But damn getting them to do anything about it is horrible. I have asked and asked to be added as someone who can discuss her health concerns, but my husband will not do it. Shame on him.

nothinforya's picture

Maybe when her father gets infected with them, he will change his tune. All of you are at risk for infection, if she does indeed have pinworms.

SonyaJ's picture

I honestly have no idea. My mind is leaning that way due to her actions, but I don't know for sure. And when I kept pushing about the discharge issue, both the mom and dad haven't taken me seriously at all. Until I got the grandmother involved. After the grandmother threatened the mom with calling social services then she took her. I almost wonder if she has been abused in the past and no one is sharing that information with me.

tryingmom's picture

DH and I have friends with a daughter who is 6, from the time of 3 yrs old the little girl will hump your leg if she sits on you. Both DH and I are uncomfortable about it, when I delicately brought it up with her Mom, she laughed and said yes, she is self soothing. Ummmm, ok. I don't think it's abuse with her.

Pinworms can explain a lot. I had to give my son the tape test, while asleep I had to place a tape strip on his anus. He never talked about itching, it was just a Drs hunch. Test results came back positive. Everyone in the family had to be treated, its one pill and then repeated in two weeks.

SonyaJ's picture

Very interesting comments about the pinworms. Thank you all. I will try to talk her dad into doing the test.

whatwasithinkin's picture

My SD used to have an inappropriate relationship with the water faucet in the tub. She would get herself all wide spread under it so that it was right on her privates

SonyaJ's picture

No outcome yet. DH is out of town this week. I am going to send him an email to think about our relationship. And I plan on bringing up you cannot force me to love your daughter like my own. It's such a sad situation to be in. It really is.