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AM I being selfish????

BroomHilda96's picture

Ok... so I posted earlier on here about the SD coming for one of her many 2 to 3 week long visits.... because she works seasonal and has soo much free time... god don't we wish we all had that...
Ok.... so were are well into week #2.. I have 3 persian cats... the littlest one is quite fearful... they are all quite scared of SD and her daughter. THey usually hide the entire time the SD and her daughter are here ,but now..... my little persian is urinating blood.. yes... in my onsuite bathroom... I called the vet right away and mentioned we had company staying with us that the cat is quite afraid of... he said he knew the issue and prescribed a painkiller medicine for the cat and said it is common for persians to get upset when people they are scared of hang around.... Soooo I would think maybe it is time for the SD to go home... it is has been a week and a half, and the little cat was getting better, with the medication, but had a more bloody urine in my bathroom last night... and he is soo little, this is just awful... she just laughed and said she may consider going home on saturday.... are you kidding me... this little cat is beside itself.... get the hell out before I lose the poor little thing... my god... he is petrified, wide-eyed and hiding under my bed. I am feeding the poor little thing under my bed he is soo scared... the other two are upset but they are managing...
I am wrong to think she has been here long enough and needs to leave????
Incidentally she hates cats... so maybe she is hoping he will die... my god... also... when my daughter stops in to visit me... the cats run circls around her they love her... imagine that.

Sorry but I am choked watching this little thing suffer, and this visit has been long enough, and the BF keeps saying oh that cat is just being stupid,, ,they will leave soon enough... sure... when pigs fly out of my ass... I am soooo upset.

Willow2010's picture

Ok...I have heard of cats not eating and peeing in places they should not when stressed...but NOT peeing BLOOD. I feel there is way more wrong than just stress. (No I am not a vet but I do have a 20 year old cat) lol

Maybe try another vet.

Dunwiththem's picture

Broom - my SD from hell hated animals also. What is it with these people!!!
Get HER out of your house. Animals KNOW...

jennaspace's picture

My first thought was possibly a urinary tract infection. Regardless, I'd get her to another vet quick.

I think most cats hide when someone they are not used to comes over. Mine does anyway. You're probably wishing you could hide too :). I've been there. I hope you and DH can find a good solution so it's not so stressful.

Agged and Fragged's picture

You seriously need a new vet. Peeing blood can be a symptom of either a UTI or kidney problems but not stress. My first MIL had a Persian cattery and I can tell you for a fact Persians are more susceptible to bladder and kidney problems than your common everyday "mongrel" cats.

If your vet is not a cat specialist seek one out. I've owned cats for over 35 years and I will never, never, never again take my cats to a vet that doesn't specialize. From my observation too many vets forget that cats aren't dogs -- never mind the fact that simply saying you have a cat peeing blood should have been an instant reason for you to bring the cat in so they could get a urine sample.

As for the rest, put your foot down with your BF. Obviously he doesn't care for cats much, either, from his comment but honestly, if he wants to spend two to three weeks with his DD and GD then tell him to go rent a cottage and go on vacation with them you've had enough of being their summer vacation spot. If he doesn't have some compassion for where you're coming from then I hate to tell you but you have bigger problems than a sick kitty and stale house guests.