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Why is it...

MamaTracy's picture

that a BM would mess with a 5yo little head? My SS5's BM has told him all about what good urine should look like (she has kidney disease)..she tells him all about her uncle dying that he hardly knows..she wanted to come pick him up today to take him to the hospital with her since they are taking her uncle off life support(which we said no)..I guess she wants SS5 to watch this man die..I just don't get it at all..everytime we pass a cemetery SS5 will say "that's where uncle ****** is gonna go"..yet she doesn't explain to him about heaven and God..I've seen what little children are like at funerals..I work in a funeral home..and I just don't want to see my SS be in that situation..he hardly knows this man..everytime she goes to the doctor she takes him with her and he gets to watch her get shots or pee in a cup for tests..I may be wrong but to me it's just if someone has any insight to someone like this then please let me know..because it just confuses the crap out of me...


frustrated like nobodies business's picture

sharing with a 5yo. our bm has all sorts of adult conversations in front of SD that she shouldnt or with her that she shouldnt. the things that child repeats back to us makes our jaw drop. it really doesnt make any sense and i totally feel your pain on this. it's very inappropriate. but we have just accepted that we have to straighten it out with SD one subject at a time because there is really nothing we can do to put a stop to it. SD and BM are more like best friends rather than mother and daughter. but the kid is only 8...there are things she just should never hear.

MamaTracy's picture

It is sick...she has done so much death talk that we have had to reassure SS that his PaPa (DH's father) is fine and not dying just because he takes pills..well my DH put her in her place on the phone a few minutes ago and told her that when she tells us when the funeral is then she can come pick him up for that..what she doesn't realize is that I will be calling a friend of mine over in that area who works at a funeral home (I do too) and check on the date and time for it just in case she lies to my DH about it..he has finally started to call her on things little by little...and that is a big step for him since he likes to keep the only took me 3 years to get him to stand up for himself and his son..but he is learning..we are the NCP in case ya'll don't know..we have him this whole month for the summer..his ex never even told him that SS took Pre-K school pictures until I called the school to find out..he doesn't have one..I am trying to find out who took them so we can order some..he also missed out on 2 school programs for his son that she didn't tell him about..I found that out when I called the school too..we finally have the corrected birth certificate so we can go to the school and give them a copy showing him as the father and get contact info and such to keep up with the school stuff ourselves..luckily my DH did get to have a "1st" with his son last SS lost his first tooth and daddy got to play tooth was awesome!!..we haven't told the ex yet since we don't want to hear her rant, so we will let SS tell her when he talks to I am rambling it did feel good to get all that off my chest!!! Thanks!!!

ColorMeGone2's picture

I guess it could be argued that it might be helpful for him to see her go through this stuff if he also had kidney disease and needed to learn how to deal with it, but at 5? No way. My son was 5 when he went to his great-grandfather's funeral, but they were very, very close. I took him because I wasn't taken to my grandmother's funeral at the age of six and was always angry at my mother for not letting me go to tell her goodbye. But to go when he doesn't know the guy? Again, no way.

♥ ANNE 8102 ♥