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Just wondering...

MamaTracy's picture

I tend to go off in different directions so bear with me on DH's excow has caused us many problems over the years..she never calls my DH when his son has a doctors appointment and waits 2 or 3 weeks after to tell him about it..when my SS has school programs she never tells us about them until the day of knowing we can't make it that quick..we live about 75 miles from her..she makes sure her livein bf is there for all my SS activities but not his dad..I thought that she was supposed to call my DH whenever my SS has a doctors appointment and let him know..she has filed false charges on my DH in the past and he was cleared on them..I just don't understand why my DH doesn't get mad at her when it comes to these things..I get so angry at watching her walk all over him..she tells my SS that he is not safe at daddy's house and not learning good things but she tells him that her BF teaches him good stuff..I just feel so sorry for that poor boy..I just don't want him to turn out crazy like her in the end..How do I get my DH to understand all of this? parents were divorced when I was 7 and I haven't seen or talked to my "dad" in 10 years..I just don't want his son to turn out the same way with the influence he has from his "mother"..anyone else have these kind of problems?


sparky's picture

How do you propose for the child not to turn out like his primary mentor? Time and time again I have seen kds turn out just like their parents. Maybe your H does get mad but he handles if differently or he has known her a lot longer than you have so maybe he blocks it out.

losingmymind's picture

Does your DH say that he has tried to talk to her about this stuff? Why doesn't he email it or write her a certified letter saying that she must contact him before. DOCUMENTATION!!!! Do they have JOINT legal custody?
I told my teach people how to treat you. If he allows her to do this without saying anything, IN WRITING, then he is telling her that this behavior is okay.

MamaTracy's picture

they have joint custody...his theory is that whatever he says goes in one ear and out the other with her..I just don't know how to get him to understand to stay on her about these things..and I just keep praying he doesn't turn out like her since I have yet to hear anything but lies from her..and yes we document everything..we even recored all conversations with her..I just hate to see this lil boy turn out to be a lier and manipulator like her..I just wish my DH would fight for his rights to be that child's dad and be involved in things..

SerendipitySM's picture

Mama - have your DH go to SS's school and talk to his principal and his teachers and get placed on the mailing list to receive notification of every school event pertaining to your SS and his grade. These days you can maintain regular communication with teachers and faculty through e-mail so he can be made aware of any issues that may arise with SS at school, such as his grades, behaviorial issues so on and so forth.

MamaTracy's picture

we had to send in to correct his birth certificate because she didn't put my DH down as the just said unknown...and yes he was tested after the fact so we are having the corrections made because right now he can't get any info from the school until he shows them the birth cert with his name on DH is gonna go to the school this year and give them a copy of it and make the corrections on the school file...the cow just seems to do all she can to push him out of SS life..of course she claims she does all she can to include him...I do wonder if she is bipolar or just a complete ditz...who knows...I'm going to talk to my DH tonight and have a lil heart to heart with him..maybe he will listen this time...I hope...

Most Evil's picture

About the time we started fighting back, and telling SD16 the truth of for instance, things her mom did, for a while it got a lot worse but now seems to be on an okay phase.

What seemed to really improve the relationship was not speaking to either BM or SD until they realize we are not sending presents either (not refusing to, just not contacting and neither did they). That maybe 'sticking up for' BM means that SD does not get as much or as many invitations, that in fact it costs her, and she had time to think she does want a relationship with her dad (I guess). We have thought it was corrected before but seems to need a refresher every 6 months or so.

Now she is actually coming here in a couple weeks and I am nervous about how it will go! but she is very excited and I hope we can get back to how we were (pre-PAS)! Point being - sometimes you have to fight back and be willing to let them go, to make things better!! and definitely contact the school directly when you get your paperwork straight, that sounds like it will eliminate a lot of it!

"A lie told often enough becomes the truth." - Vladimir Lenin

MamaTracy's picture

we talked and I think he actually opened his eyes..he wants to send her a certified letter that she has to sign for so we will have more documentation..we are going to wait until we have SS to send the letter so she can't pull is going to state that she has failed to keep him informed on SS activities and appointments and that she was told verbally to do so and this is now in writing to do so...but I actually think he realizes what is happening and wants to fix it..I have to say..I don't post on here very often but I read every day all day looking for new ladies and men are awesome..I've been looking for a stepmom group near my area and haven't found one yet but am thinking of starting one...just one of those meet for dinner and exchange ideas and stories...also a way to get away for a few hours and unwind..does anyone do anything like this?

dragonfly's picture

similar problem here..we are not told of sd's activities at school or when she goes to the doctor. there are many times when bm and her parents plan vacations on dh's weekend and dont even consult him. they only call him when its convenient for them and when exhippo wants to mess with our lives. im pretty sure they tell sd stuff about me and label me as a witch. sd is learning all this crap and shes putting it to the test. these kids see this kind of crap at bms and learn to use it as well and i also think its in their blood. my sd is slowly turning into her mom and that really stinks..

luvdagirl's picture

I made it a ritual every year first day DH and I would go with our court order to get it all straightened out and get onthe mailing list- if you have a order (most co for support and visits state at the top of them that so n so being the father of said minor child)that says in it you have the right to school, medical records or that states joint custody and the school refuses then go to the superintedant of the system- my SDs birth cert. still says unknown, we rarely had to speak to more than the secretary.
yet every year we would change the contact card from her BFs name as dad to DHs- boy did that bug her when we first did it.
It really sucked to have to do it, but we ended up making it fuun for us by going out to a decent lunch to celebrate him being her father again every year!

All in stride cause its a bumpy ride!

There is no reason where logic does not exist

MamaTracy's picture

I will mention that to my DH about going up to the school on the first day...we got the amended birth certificate in the mail a couple of days ago and it now says his name for father...we didnt tell the excow we were doing it...she will have to explain when SS grows up and sees the one she has and the one we have and asks her why she doesn't have his daddy's name on hers...I guess as long as we take the birth certificate, the divorce decree and the custody papers then we should hopefully be able to get on a mailing list or something...we also want to meet the teacher while we are they let you do that too?