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BM had herself and SS6 admitted to mental ward

Auberry2's picture

OMG. Four days into BM's extended summer visitation and we get a phone call. SS6 is throwing a screaming tantrum in a resteraunt (the kind of tantrum she always swears he is incapable of and could only be throwing because Auberry is mean to him) and she wants to take him to the hospital and get him sedatives. DH tells her no, be a parent and deal with him.

Fastforward thirty or so minutes from the first call, DH callss her back to see if SS6 has calmed downed and her friend answers BM's phone. Turns out BM took him to the hospital anyway (which she can do) and proceeded to have not only him but herself admitted to the mental ward for mental break downs. She just couldn't handle the mental stress if SS6's behavior. She is such a piece of work. She didn't even last the week, and it is all poor her, I am so fragile. She couldn't even admit him herself, she left her friend to do it. She takes her kid for metal treatment and leaves him alone in a strange place so that she can have people pay attention to her. She is pathetic.

simply_monica's picture

Oh my Lord. That is beyond horrible. Trying to admit a six year old over a tantrum is beyond words. Honestly, tantrums are the result of lack of discipline (if no mental health issue has been diagnosed). My heart goes out to the child who must be frightened beyond anything in the world.

Lalena75's picture

So an emergency hearing to remove the pos from making decisions for the child is in the works right? Right?

Anon2009's picture

That poor, poor kid. To me, BMs actions are sufficient grounds to try to convince a judge she should have NO rights to this kid.

DH needs to be talking to his attorney about what to do next and really pursue this, and give this kid lots of love and support.

ej'scrazy's picture

BM in our situation committed sd for the same reason. I firmly believe it's because there are no rules, and throwing a fit with BM works to get her way.

Unfortunately, once they are admitted, there's nothing you can do for 48 to 72 hours. They are stuck, unless you try an emergency court date. I'd get a copy of the report from the hospital (intake ER report should be enough). Based on the info given, I'd say leave BM where she is and don't say anything about challenging her "parenting" time. She's not parenting anyway.

Auberry2's picture

Update - we got to the hospital to find that they were no longer there. Apparently, according to SS6, all they ever did was go into the waiting room, his mother threw a hissy hyperventilating fit and received meds for it, and they went home. He had no hospital bracelet and was terribley confused when DH asked where his was, though BM was wearing hers loud and proud. BM talked over SS6 and said she had, conveniently, already removed his.

I had the police meet us at her apartment for a welfare check, because we didn't know what her mental state was, but all was calm when we arrived. She was upset that I called the cops, and very loudly stated her right to have SS6 in her possession, and demonstrated the messures she had taken to ensure his safety (her boyfriend was at the house in the event her tranquilizers caused her to pass out or in case she flips out again) so the cops wouldn't let us remove him from the home, but this is going before the judge as soon as we can get a court date. She is psycho. She was bragging to the cops about scaring SS6 into behaving by taking him to the hosputal and telling him he would get shots full of medicine if he didn't calm.down and then he got to see her have a mental break down caused by his behavior, and it shocked him into behaving. Actually bragging to the cops about how she had handled the situation so well.

She also stated that SS6 has sent her to the emergency room twice in the four days she has had him, once two days ago because he hurt her shoulder by snatching a bag from her and then today because he gave her a mental break down. I worry about the backlash of me calling the cops, but I wanted an official record if the situation amd official witnesses in case she tries to pull some BS trying to get us in trouble.

Auberry2's picture

Update - we got to the hospital to find that they were no longer there. Apparently, according to SS6, all they ever did was go into the waiting room, his mother threw a hissy hyperventilating fit and received meds for it, and they went home. He had no hospital bracelet and was terribley confused when DH asked where his was, though BM was wearing hers loud and proud. BM talked over SS6 and said she had, conveniently, already removed his.

I had the police meet us at her apartment for a welfare check, because we didn't know what her mental state was, but all was calm when we arrived. She was upset that I called the cops, and very loudly stated her right to have SS6 in her possession, and demonstrated the messures she had taken to ensure his safety (her boyfriend was at the house in the event her tranquilizers caused her to pass out or in case she flips out again) so the cops wouldn't let us remove him from the home, but this is going before the judge as soon as we can get a court date. She is psycho. She was bragging to the cops about scaring SS6 into behaving by taking him to the hosputal and telling him he would get shots full of medicine if he didn't calm.down and then he got to see her have a mental break down caused by his behavior, and it shocked him into behaving. Actually bragging to the cops about how she had handled the situation so well.

She also stated that SS6 has sent her to the emergency room twice in the four days she has had him, once two days ago because he hurt her shoulder by snatching a bag from her and then today because he gave her a mental break down. I worry about the backlash of me calling the cops, but I wanted an official record if the situation amd official witnesses in case she tries to pull some BS trying to get us in trouble.

Auberry2's picture

The police didn't take a report, not sure why but they just talked to SS6, DH, and BM and then left, advising BM she should get herself stabilized if a child's temper tantrum can put her in this state. I am not sure if I needed to tell them we needed a report, or uf they just blew the call iff because BM was calm at that point and they thought it was a waste of time. The police can.still be called to court as witnesses if need be, but there is no written.recird. I assusmed that there would be a because they came to the.scene.

Auberry2's picture

Just Wow,
My DH is the CP, he and I married about a year ago. Before he and I got together BM wasn't even exercising visitation. She didn't start seeing SS6 until DH and I got serious, and she wasn't seeing him consistently until we got married. This is the first year she took him for the summer. In fact, she lived in a homeless shelter for over a year, hoping that DH would take her back so she wouldn't have to get a job.

She has failed two psychiatric exams, one that got her discharged from the Army, and a private one that aided in DH getting primary custody. She is always in and out if the hospital for made up issues. When DH and I got engaged, she waited until a week later when she had SS6, had her friend call DH to come get SS because she was at the hospital having a heart attack. When she got out she let DH know they had diagnosed her with a strained elbow. The week after our wedding she got SS and then had a friend call DH because she was having a heart attack, she told us later she was diagnosed with thyroid disease (which according to my sister who is a nurse, is not something they diagnose in the emergency roon) She us always at the emergency room with something, and whatever her chief complaint may be, her diagnoses never has anything to do with it.

She always needs someone to pity her, feel sorry for her, pay attention to her. She is a massive piece of work. She is currently trying to get on disability for all of her "health problems" One minute she is screaming that SS6 is only the business of her and DH and I need to stay out of everything and the next she is demanding DH make me do favors for her. She has no business being involved with SS6, she is a lunatic in my opinion. The social worker in the case recomended supervised visitation, but the judge granted regular visitation. Hopefully we can haul her back to court and at least get supervised visitation.

SS6 throws massive, screaming, biting, hitting, scratching fits, always after he talks to his mother or has been there for a weekend. I think what happened this time is he was there long enough to start getting confortable and acting there like he does at home, he threw a tantrum and she thought she saw a way to use it to her advantage.

Auberry2's picture

I don't understand a lot of it. Everything I know about the actual custody battle comes from my DH of course, so I know nothing first hand. That said, in the two years I have been with him she has been so unstable that I don't have reason to doubt him about the details. I can't for the life of me understand why a judge would give her unrestricted visitation. It is mind boggling.

I don't know of any diagnoses of mental illness. I am not sure myself what it could be that is wrong with her. She is attention seeking in the extreme, goes berserk when she doesn't get her way, manipulates, and has little regard for the well being of her child except for how it benefits her. What is bad is SS6 behaves in a very similar fashion, and we are not sure if it is learned behavior or genetically inherited mental illness.

DH has been reluctant to seek mental help for his son, much to my frustration, but since she gas declared she is going to start taking him to counseling while he is with her this month DH doesn't see how he will be able to get around not getting him counseling, so I am hopeful that maybe we can shed some light on the subject. Of course, I hate that she is sending him first, because I know she will sit there and try to spin all of this as our fault, but I am prating he gets a good counselor who will be concerned about finding what is really going on and not just aiding her in her attention seeking blame game.

Auberry2's picture

She is definitely a frequent flyer, tog, and yesterday's visit was probaby pretty typical for her. It was just us it was out of the ordinary for.