How old are we again?
So DH and I are currently on holidays & we visit a little gift shop to buy DD3 and SD4 some gifts. Anyway hours later we're back in the hotel packing up out suitcases to fly out tomorrow to the next location & I notice that he has taken all of skids gifts out of the plastic bag & packed them in his suitcase but has left all of my daughters presents in the plastic bag.. What the fuck.
Am I wrong for being pissed? Not only did we JUST get married (we eloped while on holidays a few days ago) so shouldn't we be getting over the whole my kid, your kid thing? And how old are we anyway? Well the answer is SUPPOSED to be 30- he is big old 30 going on 15.
When questioning him about it he instantly stars swearing & carrying on 'oh for fuck sake how childish, I couldn't fit them in my fucking bag ok'. Half of me is tempted to go back in my suitcase & take all of the shit he got for the rest of his family & leave that on the bed- not my family; not my problem!
Do it!
Do it!
^^^ I second that!!! ^^^
^^^ I second that!!! ^^^
Well, I didn't do that.. But
Well, I didn't do that.. But I did leave our marriage certificate & wedding photos behind.. Right now I'm sitting in the lounge room listening too someone make room in their suitcase.
You just got married? Is it
You just got married? Is it okay to say congratulations?
Happy Honeymoon 
Wait till the next destination. If he does it again, you'll know it's subconscious behavior, he may not even know he's doing it. BUT let's hope he's not always going to be an inconsiderate blind prick
Thank you.
Thank you.
Shook I just read your
Shook I just read your response to post about Mother's Day .. 'Celebrate Mother's Day your way, then celebrate Father's Day too because you seem to have bigger balls than SO' - Hahahahahahaha!
Oh this made my day. Thank you!
Was there room in his
Was there room in his suitcase? Yes it is a tad childish but it's also not a huge deal if its an isolated incident I don't believe. If its an ongoing problem then yes I'd be mad too. Just don't ruin your whole vacation for something like that. Enjoy it and have fun. Just try to talk to him reasonably and calmly if possible. I know my DH has issues sometimes with his anger and temper. Just try and rationally discuss it Instead of fighting.
it'll all be good. 
Apparently so because he's
Apparently so because he's packing the marriage certificate & photos I just left behind. It is an ongoing problem, one that is already making me question why I did this.
Thats not a good sign
Thats not a good sign especially if its already happening this soon after your marriage. You need to make sure he understands how important this is to you. That you are all a family now and you expect you and your child to be regarded as such. Just as you are to accept his family now. That's what marriage entails.
My daughter lives with us and
My daughter lives with us and his visits whenever they feel like arranging it- so every few weeks for a day or so.
I just think its blatantly rude, especially because of his previous reaction to my being very distant from his daughter- things were spoken about & it was agreed things would change- obviously that's not happening.
Well our marriage will not be recognised until I file our certificate in our home country, maybe this is an alarm bell.
We bought the gifts together- well his money really as I no longer work- I guess that seems ungrateful now :O I just don't think paying for everything entitles you to be an asshole.