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New here and learning the "lingo"

Sugar1975's picture

Hello! I am so happy I stumbled on this website! I have seen alot of people in similar situations as myself. I am having a hardtime with some of the "lingo" or shortforms that are being used. I have picked up on a few such as "skids- stepkids" does anyone have time to make a list for the newbie?

Thanking you in advance

RedWingsFan's picture


From the FAQ portion of this site:

What do the abbreviations mean?
Here are just a few (for now):

sm = stepmother
sd = stepdad
bm = biological mother
bf = usually biological father but every now and then some use for boyfriend
sd = step daughter
ss = step son
bs = biological son
bd = biological daughter
dw = darling wife
dh = darling husband
dd = darling daughter
ds = darling son
poa = power of attorney
cs = child support
mil = mother-in-law
fil = father-in-law
pas = Parental Alienation Syndrome

BSgoinon's picture

Don't forget:
POS (piece of shit)
IMO (in my opinio)
IMHO (in my humble opinion)
CO (court order)
PITA (pain in the ass)

not2sureimsaneanymore's picture

PAS - Parental alienation syndrome.

BOB - Battery operated boyfriend (or, the lover that only gives, never takes. Except maybe a fresh battery once in a while.)

GBM - Grand Bio mother (or, biomon's mom. Skid's maternal grandmother.)

as123's picture

For the longest time, before stumbling on the FAQ page, I thought "DH" meant d*ck head, not Darling Husband. I think both can apply, though. Biggrin