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O/T Have you ever "danced" for DH???'s picture

Or put on a little show???

FDH would love it and has straight up asked me for 2 years if I would and I seriously do not think I could do it!!!!

He makes me feel comfortable, I feel attractive and confident in general, I have some rhythm and know I could pull it off but I'm scared to death!!! Even after some drinks I would be terribly shy- Who's done it????

And any men out there- Whats the big turn on?!'s picture

lol right! Like howabout as soon as your daughters stop acting like bitches you can get a dance..which will be NEVER!! HA!'s picture

yea, it would be kinda awkward right? I know he would LOVE it but I'm just afraid I wouldn't know what to do and I'd be so shy I'd have this huge cheesy not sexy grin on my face

stormabruin's picture

There's not enough money or liquor in the world to make me "dance" for DH.

That's one of 2 things I'll never do. The other is karaoke.

For the right price I'll:
-Jump out of an airplane
-Eat a bug
-Donate body parts

I'll NEVER "dance". I know my limits. LOL!

oncechoosetosmile's picture


stormabruin's picture

I wouldn't happily do any of it, but for the right price I would do all of it...except "dance" or sing karaoke. LOL!

No doubt my Dh would enjoy it, but not in the "Ohhhh, you sexy thang!" kind of way. It'd be like being on stage in a comedy club.'s picture

I'm curious why you wouldn't? If you are willing to share!!! I never thought I would either, and still probley won't but I'm considering maybe one day........

lol, I would do it for enough $

but I would NEVER jump out of a plane! Huge fear of heights and falling!

And if I ever tried KAreoke I would probley faint before the song started! lol

stormabruin's picture

As much as I love music, & as well as I can play an instrument, I have ZERO coordination or rhythm when I move.

I bought a Carmen Electra learn-how-to-strip-tease kind of DVD like 11 years ago thinking I'd practice when I was home alone. I popped into the player & less than 15 minutes into it I popped it right back out. I put it in my vanity drawer, where it has been ever since.

I was watching myself in the mirror while I was trying to follow the DVD & I looked R.I.D.I.C.U.L.O.U.S!

Like Hypovic mentioned, my DH would be embarrassed for me. He would be mortified on my behalf. LOL!

While some people lack a natural rhythm, I believe I was cursed with an unnatural non-rhythm.'s picture

LOL, ok I understand. Thats what I'm afraid of too- is looking ridiculous. FDH says he doesn't care and he would LOVE it- I'm just terrified!!!LOL

dragonfly5's picture

Don't think about it...just feel. You'll be fine. Men are visual. I buy amazing lingerie, it makes me feel pretty and sexy. But the truth is when I wear a black bra, lace underwear and high heels....well you can figure out the rest.

You don't have to be a professional dancer, stripper or a pole dance to rock his world. Turn down the lights or light a few candles and have fun with it...
I bet you wont' do many moves before he attacks....

New second wife-step-mom's picture

Been there and done it! DH sat there in shock! :jawdrop:

Then he looked to make sure all the blinds were closed!!! Wink

I have also done lap dances for DH...


Take him totally off guard. When he will least expect it. Wear normal clothes on the outside but underneath put on something very sexy.

Put on something with a beat and move to the beat. Just act like you are doing a little dance then take it to the next level when you get his attention.

(Practice in front of a mirror when noone is around first, see what moves look sexy).

Start taking items off. Lay them around and on DH.

He'll love it!

Shaman29's picture

DH would blush and giggle if I did this. He can be so straight-laced sometimes.

We went to a sex shop twice now, he looked as though he was doing something wrong the entire time.

Kind of took the fun out of it for me.

Step-Volgirl's picture

I'm with ya! In order for me to have enough liquid courage, I'd be passed out (or on my way to the hospital for alcohol poisioning treatment)!

New second wife-step-mom's picture

IMO, the right song is up to the individual. Do you like oldies or rap?

Let's get it on ~ is a favorite...

Carmen Electra’s aerobic striptease collection. I believe she has some Youtube videos with instructions.

BTW, I think the key is to THINK you are sexy. If you think you look stupid and are self conscious it will show on your face.

Just have fun with it!

bearcub25's picture

Done it many times sober!!!

I'm a little older and not as self conscious as when I was in my 20's. Don't have to dance long b/c they usually attack you pretty quick...LOL.

dledden's picture

done it sober, done it drunk. my DH and I ahve a good time, i'm also 41 and comfortable with my flaws. and i'm not a good dancer but don't give a crap! Just do it and ahve fun!!!!

Shaman29's picture

Does it count if I followed him around the house, doing the Gangnam Style dance to annoy him?

Shaman29's picture

He says "Will you knock that off, you know that song annoys the crap out of me!"

However, he's laughing at me the entire time.'s picture

Funny- I've danced with/on FDH at the club in Mexico or weddings but I'm talkin like sexy just the two of you ESP for his pleasure

misSTEP's picture

I think the key to anything like that is knowing that your SO/DH thinks you ARE sexy (or why the hell is he with you??) so, as long as you have enough confidence (or can "fake it til you make it"), you will be fine.

Like others have said, the dance will NOT last long but the longer you can draw it out, the hotter it will be for him.

sandy1234's picture

I have done it for DH once and he thought it was the sexiest thing and has been barking up my tree for another Wink I also have some trouble with rhythm but just get a chair, turn it around, and grind around with your butt towards him to his fav songs. DH loves rock music so I did some to Breaking Benjamin and a few other bands. Make a playlist and youtube some "dancing" tips. They will show you how. Go for it girl! I guarentee your man will not be paying attention if you skip a beat!

buterfly_2011's picture

I think of P.S. I love you when you all are talking about the fear of Karaoke. Ha makes me chuckle every time. Hell no and Hell no again for both!

not2sureimsaneanymore's picture

Done it. I used to go clubbing and I wasn't exactly the "good girl." Always sober, but I loved to dance, and college dancing these days are pretty... dirty.

I used to just be in a T-shit and panties at home, dancing my myself when a favorite song came on my iPod (Shoot me, I love Britney Spears) right before DH got home from work. Or if he was ignoring me I'd dance by myself in the living room. He'd come to see what's up, I'd push him on the couch, and well, the rest is history.

Pinki3663's picture

Have him dance with you! My SO requested this a lot and I was like uh..this does nothing for me. I felt alone and he certainly wasn't cramming money in my undies. So I made him dance with me...or just request that he dance for YOU. If he won't do it for you then I feel you are off the hook.

HarleyQuinn's picture

this thread is hilarious!! I would lovew to do it for DH but because I play around doing silly dances ALL THE TIME he cant take me seriously!!

Braxton123's picture

I have been considering taking a post dance or tummy dance physical fitness and health category. I think they audio fun and it never affects to learn some new attractive goes.

Algonquin gyms