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When to stay or when to go?

helpneeded's picture

Thank goodness for this website! I typed into google 'step parenting nightmares' and it led me to this group. I need to vent - badly. I've vented to my partner till his ears must hurt, my parents, my friends and soon my therapist will get a dose. But I need to vent to women in similar positions as I need advice and I feel very alone but now I know I don't have to be!

In brief: I have been in a relationship with my partner for 15 months. His children - a girl, now 12 and a boy aged 10 live with his 50% of the time. The BM has untreated borderline personality disorder - but that's a whole other issue...
As a teacher, I predicted that I would encounter resistance from the children at first, especially the girl so I told my partner I wanted him to hold off on introducing me to the children until he had spent time talking to them about me, introducing me slowly and casually mentioning activities we had been doing over time. I trusted that he would do this but 2 days before I was due to meet them, I discovered that all he had told them was my name and the area I lived in. I was so angry as I was trying to do the right thing by the children and he agreed but didn't keep up his end of the bargain. We don't live together at the moment.

I have had resistance from the 12 year old from the beginning (she was 11 then). I had to point out to my partner her behaviours - she always left the room and shut the door when I came in to the room. She turned her back to me and talked to her father, shutting me out. She wouldn't make eye contact with me or say hello/goodbye. I found out from the ex Mother in Law (who wants me to be in her grandchildren's ives) that Miss 12 had been terribly behaved to the last girlfriend 3 years ago. She left him and I wonder if SD was the cause.

I have just returned from meeting my partner's parents for the first time (they live a plane trip away), I stayed 5 nights with my partner and the kids. They had been there for 2 weeks prior to me arriving and I hadn't seen he kids since before Xmas. SD started sulking as soon as I arrived and her behaviour towards me made it VERY clear that she did not want me there. I was in tears on and off and lost a lot of sleep worrying about it and feeling resentment and strong dislike to her. This has been going on for months and is getting worse. She admitted to me that she does not want to share her Father with me, ever. He does not have strong boundaries with her, she has been getting away with whatever she likes for too long and has had full run of the house, she argues with me, gives me attitude, sulks, ripped my arm off her Father when I causally draped my arm over is shoulder, twisting my wrist and hurting me. She does everything she can to sabotage my relationship with her Father and right now it's working. I don't trust her and I can't see any way to change her situation - I have done everything I can to be nice to her but all I ever get is hostility, immaturi
ty and a bad attitude. I teach girls of her age and normally get along pretty well with them but his is a whole different kettle of fish.

We were going to move in together this year. I want a child of my own. I have told my partner that I can no longer spend time with him when he has the children as I can't stand the animosity and tension, I suffer anxiety and my health is going downhill. Right now I would rather pull my own finger nails out than spend another minute with his daughter. What future do we have? I have such a lovely bond with his son, we get along like a house on fire. I am going to miss him.

What do I do? Do I just have a part time relationship with my partner when he doesn't have his children? Sometimes he can have them for two or three weeks at a time. Or do I leave completely and try and find a partner without so much baggage? I'm 35 years old and want a baby. I don't have a lot of time and having a baby with my partner seems a world away. 12, 13, 14, 15. 16 , 17 years old...I don't have much to look forward to with SD. I love my partner but he is SO soft, weak and he does not discipline his daughter or stand up to his ex wife.

Any help or advice would be much appreciated. Do I run now while I still have a shred of sanity left or do I stick it out (we have already been seeing a psychologist for strategies with the children). I am already running out of steam, I feel drained and don't see a solution for the long term. My partner and I have a lovely time when we're together but he comes with a package and that isn't going to go away! His children will always come first and I not asking him to choose obviously - I have to make the choice. Do I stay or do I go?

notagain2012's picture

Did he punish her when she snatched and twisted your arm? Does he say something to her about her behavior? It's clear he already didn't do what u guys agreed on. Does he dismiss her behavior or deny it?

The answer to your question, is going to depend on him and how he handles the situation. My guess is the same thing happened with the ex gf. If he doesn't step up to the plate, then you could be setting yourself up for disaster.
I wish I had found this site early in my relationship.

If he allows all this, it will be up to you to decide if you want to join us here for every visitation, or move on to a man who can parent his kids.

helpneeded's picture

Thank you very much for your reply. My partner was driving when I put my arm at the back of his shoulder and SD ripped it off. He did say "hey, no silly business, I'm driving". Straight after this SD put her feet up in between us - to try and put a barrier between my partner and me. He told her off for that and she later repeated it 2 times. When we got to our destination finally (a cafe) she received a milkshake when she asked for one which I don't think she should have because of her behaviour in the car. I was in tears by the time we arrived and said that I would not share the car with SD on the way back so she went in the car with the Grandparents.

I later had to point out to my partner why she did those things - to try and make a statement to her Father 'he's mine, you can't have him' etc. He was completely unaware of this.

The sulk continued all day and she was sarcastic and rude to me. She was then allowed to go to a horseriding lesson on the Saturday which I don't think she should have been. As far as I know, he has not spoken to her about these behaviours. Myself and SD's Grandmother spoke to SD in general about her behaviour towards me but as far as I am aware my partner has not. I said he should talk to her on the plane home which didn't happen and now the children are with the Mother. He says that there will have to be consequences in the future, but he is so soft that I doubt it will happen. He always agrees that her behaviour is terrible but does not seem to be able to 'man up' and do anything about it. The other Grandmother spoke to SD in the beginning and told her "you have to be nice to this one" but of course that hasn't happened!

I am not sure that I can trust my partner to have strong enough boundaries with his daughter. I have a strong personality and he is way too soft so it frustrates me that he won't discipline her when I can see quite clearly that it is needed. It is not my job to discipline his children anyway!!


helpneeded's picture

Oh Cheri,

You are so right, it makes me want to cry. You just wrote everything that my gut feelings have been telling me all along. I don't think a trained Psychologist could have worded it any better. I feel very sad about it but know all you have said to be exactly the case. He is such a NICE man but it a total pushover, even his own Mother and ex Mother in Law (who lives next door!) say the same thing. He just agreed too. It is why his ex wife with borderline personality disorder made an excellent choice as she has and continues to walk all over him.

The whole situation is just too big for me to handle. Yes I want a baby but I have anxiety issues and depression runs in my family so it would have to be the right situation with the right man. I have terrible anxiety symptoms while around SD and cannot relax at all, I feel as if I am walking on eggshells, I lost a lot of sleep, became teary and felt completely exhausted and drained this last visit. I can see no other solution than to leave now, there isn't much point in continuing to see him part time, that will never work in the long term. I don't think that he actually really wants another child anyway, he is a people pleaser and just said ok to please me.

He recognises that his daughter's behaviour is wrong, but I don't think he is capable or strong enough to deal with it. She is insanely jealous and possessive of him and refuses to share him with me. I actually would be concerned for a potential baby's safety with her around. I think "if she acts like this at 11 and 12, then what will the next 5 or 6 years be like? She is terribly immature right now, mixed with a bad attitude and ongoing sulkiness. She had a temper tantrum last year that would have put a 2 year old to shame, it went on for hours. I think she may follow in her Mother's footsteps and end up having BPD.

His daughter is very angry (as am I) about not telling her about me in the beginning. Also he did not inform her that it wad not a permanent arrangement when I 'moved in' for a couple of months while I had a teaching contract as it saved me a 50 minute drive. She thought I had moved in for good and it was a big shock to her - I only just found this out. She complained that he doesn't really talk to her, she doesn't know what's going on and is only informed at the last minute if I am staying over.

My partner is very academic and has a job in the medical profession, but his emotional intelligence is somehow retarded and at 45, I don't see that changing. You are right about personalities also, at 12 - SD's is set and she has had her own way for too long.
In me leaving, she will get exactly what she wants so she will know that she can continue such behaviours with any future relationships her Father tries to have and they will probably leave too if they are in their right mind.

For once in my life I am going to think of myself and stop trying to rescue people! I need to self preserve and leave with my sanity and health intact.

Thank you, thank you wise woman, you have been an absolute gem in confirming my thoughts, I have been making excuses and trying to think of a positive way to deal with all this without ending the relationship but really I cannot continue on, my partner must start taking more responsibility. In many ways he is a lovely Father and I don't think that he purposefully seeks to be so weak with the boundaries, I actually think he doesn't know how, he is incapable of standing up to anyone and his daughter learned that early on, she sees it all the time with how he responds to the BM.

Anyway, I feel a lot of emotions, relief, anger, sadness, disappointment etc. But better to feel this now than in five years time right?

Much love and gratefulness to you Cheri and thanks so much for your time, thoughts and advice.
Smile Kat

Love51's picture

IMO=In my opinion

I'm sorry it isnt working out. Always trust your gut with these things. You deserve better!

amber3902's picture

I don't doubt for a second that the reason your BF's previous GF left him was because of his daughter. THAT should be a big warning red flag for you. I wonder what SD would tell you about that relationship.

I dated a man for two years that had a 7 year old son. Whenever I said something to BF about his son's behavior it caused an argument with him. He was a lazy/guilty parent.

It got to the point that like you, I thought about having a part time relationship with him and keeping the kids out of it, but I realized that was not going to work. I could not be with a man that could not stand up to his kid.

In your situation, BF's kids are never going away, and there is always the possibility that he gets them even more.

Should you stay or should you leave?
Hmmm, let's see...

-BF's daughter hates you,
-She's physically abused you and BF does nothing about it
-Your health is suffering
-You have anxiety
-You're having to see a psychologist
-and we haven't even talked about the BM

Please don't let your biological clock push you into staying in this relationship. BF can't parent his daughter, do you think he is going to be any more help if you have a baby with him? Yes, you are 35, but women are having children as old as 40.

Yes, you should leave him. How much respect can you have for a man that can't stand up to his daughter or his ex-wife?

I left the man I told you about, and I don't regret my decision at all. The sooner you get out of this relationship, the sooner you'll be free to find someone who will parent the same as you.

helpneeded's picture

Well Amber, seeing it all written in such black and white terms is hard to see but very true. I simply cannot trust him to make the changes necessary for any possible future, I am not willing to be in constant competition with my BF's daughter. She is running his life just like his ex did (and continues to do) and you are right, he doesn't know how to stand up to his own daughter, or anyone else for that matter.

He is very good at listening and agreeing with me whenever I point out his daughters behaviour towards me and says that things need to change, that she needs to have 'consequences'. Well, this has been happening for a year now and I see no end in sight, I sadly believe it is too little too late to try fixing the situation now. Actions speak louder than words and there has been no action. At 12 SD hates me and that isn't going to change, no matter what I try and do.

I do love my partner so much, I wish he didn't have kids and a crazy ex wife. But I can't change the fact he has so much baggage and will continue to be weighed down until his children leave home, at least another 8 years away. I'm a patient person but that's waaay to long, even for me.

Thanks for sharing and providing honest advice - I really appreciate it.

giveitago's picture

I would be having a serious conversation with him about who/what he wants in his life. Ask him if he wants to be totally dominated by his daughter for the rest of his life. If the child does not want to share her 'daddy' with anyone then the child is the one who should be absent at times when you are together, maybe the child will get the message if she is excluded? I am so damned sick and tired of kids fe fe's being the paramount consideration in today's liberal society. While I agree children are very important (I raised three and have three SKids) I disagree that they are paramount. If I were SO then I'd exclude the child, she seriously needs that learning curve or her daddy will never have another relationship.

giveitago's picture

Another thing I would consider, too, is how deep is SO's level of committment to you if he's willing to let relationships go so easily?

cant win for losin's picture

do not move in, do not have a kid, do not get married! Do not pass go! (okay that last one was a monopoly reference)

Seriously, the red flags are there!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SD is making it very clear she WILL do anything to sabatoge your relationship.

I say don't keep seeing this guy because you would like to have a baby and a family. You think that girl is gonna be any nicer to your baby? I think not.

Break it off for your own sanity. Go find another guy.

Best of luck to you.

RedWingsFan's picture

PLEASE don't have a child with this man. His daughter is like a miniature wife already and he's doing NOTHING to stop her.

Break this thing off while you can get out with minimal damage. Good luck to you!

helpneeded's picture

Well everyone, I would like to say thank you for all your comments, advice and personal stories. You have helped me immensely by confirming a lot of what my instinct is telling me. Damn it - he is such a nice man, a lovely person - he isn't a monster and can be a lovely Father. I could write a page of all his lovely qualities but when it comes down to it, he needs to grow a backbone and learn to stand up to his daughter and his ex wife and I know that is not going to happen in this lifetime.

The way I feel right now I don't ever want to see his daughter ever again and I'm sure the feeling is mutual. I love my partner's son, we share a lovely bond, he has always been accepting of me, so polite and I think it's so unfair to him that I will be out of his life soon.

I have a lot of emotions right now, but better to be able to walk away with my sanity and health intact than stay and fall apart. I am not so desperate for a baby that I am willing to put myself or a potential child in this situation.

Thanks to member 'Old Dart' who wrote about teachers - I felt like I had failed at step parenting because as a teacher I should know how to do this but it is true - it is a VERY different scenario here.

I now know that I do not want a future partner with children. There are just too many issues involved which I don't think I could cope with. At 35 that is going to be difficult I think, especially because I live in a place where there are too many women to men!

Thanks again to all, I have been overwhelmed by the responses I received. And yes, I didn't even begin to go into the issue of the BM with an untreated mental illness and how THAT affects everyone else!

I wish everyone on this site all the best in the SParenting relationships, I hope that I can somehow return the favour by sharing my story one day and being able to help someone else. FARK - I never thought it would be this hard.

amber3902's picture


I understand the emotions you are going through. I went through them myself when I broke up with my BF. The feeling of “if only he didn’t have a kid/crazy BM” – I can definitely relate to that. Give yourself time to mourn and heal. As time goes on, you'll start to realize that leaving this relationship was the smart choice. Every time I read posts on here it helps remind me that I made the right decision breaking up with my exBF.

There is something I just want to comment on. You've said that your BF is a lovely father. Hon, your BF is NOT a good father. A good father is not afraid to stand up to his daughter. A good father does not let his child hit other people. A good father disciplines his children when they need it and teaches them that there are consequences for their actions.

I see it a lot on here – my DH/BF/SO is a great man except he doesn’t parent his kids. It’s funny, if we were to say my DH/BF is a great man except he cheats – THAT would not be okay. Or if we said my DH/BF is a great man except he doesn’t work. But the fact that he’s a spineless man that can’t stand up to his kids or exwife - THAT is okay? No, it isn’t.

Really, the way a person parents is an important part of who that person is. And you deserve to be with someone who has the same parenting techniques as you.

I’m glad that you realize this relationship will not work, and you have not let your biological clock overtake your thought process. You have not failed at step parenting, it is not your fault that your STBX can’t lay down the law with his daughter or exW.

And don’t worry about finding someone with no kids. The intenet is great for finding single men with no kids. Since I broke up with my BF, I have dated several men that did not have kids and I’m with a man that has no kids and things are going good. Feel free to PM me if you need to unload.

Good luck to you!

christinen's picture

helpneeded, I feel your pain! I am in a similar situation, only I made the mistake of marrying the guy. I am fairly certain that if I had not gotten married to him, that we would not be together by now. I think about leaving all the time but I don’t want to be divorced and I want to have my own child and have a fear I might not have time to find a better man before I am too old to have kids. I know it sounds stupid, just telling you how I feel! My DH really has no qualities that I would ever look for in a man. The only good part about our relationship is that we do have fun together. He makes me laugh. But he’s a shitty parent, he’s lazy with his parenting, his marriage, his work, and everything else. Please do not marry you bf. Things will not change. I thought things would get better for me when I married DH. I thought he would grow up and we could start a family. So not the case. It makes it worse because now I feel trapped. Sure, I can leave but that means I have to get a divorce. It would have been so much easier if I had not gotten married!

helpneeded's picture

Dear Coconut
Thank you very much for your thoughts and advice. The trouble is my BF is a 'YES' man, I have had many conversations and emails with him about his lack of boundaries with his daughter, he always agrees that her rude behaviour is unacceptable and that something needs to be done. And then...NOTHING. In fact, I was just reading an email from last April where he said exactly that and he said it again recently but really, actions speak louder than words and I feel like he is just not capable of actually being assertive with his own daughter (or anyone else for that matter) even if he wants to.

I have thought about printing out what I wrote (edited as you suggest) with all the responses but I think it would be too little, too late. I have been harping on about the fact that his daughter is not the lady of the house, she does not get to dictate who her Father sees etc etc for a year now, from the time I first met Miss 12.

The fact that his son has good manners doesn't mean that there aren't issues there, it just means that I have been able to use strong boundaries with him (which he desperately needed) and he responded well. He wasn't even eating any vegetables until I came onto the scene and put my foot down - he always eats them now when I am around but when I am not it reverts back to 'normal'. I have made an effort with him and he has responded positively. But I have seen him have tantrums and been very disrespectful to his Father and of course was not disciplined for that.

Anyway, I am seeing the red flags very clearly now, especially after reading everyone else's comments - it has confirmed what I have been thinking and feeling for some time but I think I have been trying to make excuses for my bf but seriously - he needs to start taking responsibility and I don't feel that he really respects himself or me as he is letting his daughter break us apart. If he really felt as strongly as I do then he would have stepped up to the plate and done something about it before now.

I have invited him here tomorrow evening, he doesn't have the children and I am going to break the news. It's going to be so hard as I do love him but I have to learn to love myself and for once and going to choose self preservation over my usual trying to fix and rescue others.

Wish me luck Coconut. I'm glad your partner say the light, I'd say you are a keeper and deserve to be respected by your partner and SD.

oldone's picture

Well before you leave the relationship be sure to treat the daughter like utter shit. Make her cry. You'll feel better. }:) }:) }:)

Don't physically touch her - but make her feel like the POS that she is.

fedup13's picture

I have been in your shoes except with an older daughter. My previous relationship, before I was married to my now husband, I was with a man a bit older than me and he had a daughter whom he had raised from an early age on his own. By the time she was a teenager, she WAS the woman of the house. She ran off every single girlfriend he ever had and in the end that list had my name on it. I put in over 4 years waiting for him to see it, waiting for him to stand up for me, waiting for him to grow a pair and put her in her place and demand that she respect our relationship and that I was the woman of the house and she no longer even lived never happened. I grew to resent him and realized I was wasting my life and left. Loved him dearly but hated her too much to stay. It was a very heartbreaking experience but men like him and it sounds like your fiancé, rarely if ever change. Sorry. I think I am now cursed because my marriage now is being ruined by a SS who is 5. In my opinion based on the experience I have 7 plus years now with the both of them, is RUN. RUN FAST AND RUN FAR and BE GLAD you got out while you are still relatively young and can find a CHILDLESS MAN. Young Skids, old Skids, they are all the same when it boils down to it and it is not worth it and adding another child into the mix will only make you more unhappy in the long run.