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Can't find my entry?

helpneeded's picture

Hi everyone,

I have been trying to find my entry titled 'Should I stay or should I go' to see if their were any more helpful replies to read. But I can't seem to find it again. I think I wrote it on Tuesday or Wednesday. I have scrolled through a few times and it just seems to have vanished. How does everyone find specific entries again? I tried typing in the search box for the site - heaps came up but not my entry.

Any thoughts?

helpneeded's picture

Hi Lynn,

Thanks but I can't find it still. It couldn't be on the first page as I posted it 2 days and 12 hours ago, as this shows up as how long I have been a member and it was my first ever entry. Not sure which one you were looking at?

helpneeded's picture

Yup, I had the same issue! I should have chosen a less generic user name!! And I posted the entry on 'general discussion'. I didn't know about the bookmark idea, I know now!