
seesaw208's picture

My DH was very jealous of my relationship with skids when they were little and he set out to change there feelings for me. He would take any parenting power away from me. He would tell them not to listen to me,only him. We have been married for 12 yrs the skids are now 21,23,24. They now have no respect for me at all because of him.

Has anyone else had this problem?

oldone's picture

I think it's a man thing.

My dad started giving me instructions on how to bake cookies. This from a man who never baked a cookie in his life.

Orange County Ca's picture

Are you asking for advise or just want to know if others had the problem?

Advise would be to disrespect them right back or better yet completely ignore them.

No I didn't have the problem. We ironed out differences in private and publically backed the bio-parent. I.e. - her kids her decisions etc.

smdh's picture

"Advise would be to disrespect them right back or better yet completely ignore them."
I have found that it is more productive to call them out. Anyone has something negative to say about how I do something will find themselves doing it. I take care of just about everything around here and I don't take crap from people. I am not mean about it. I simply say "I don't allow people to talk to me that way. If you don't like the way I do things, you're welcome to get off your ass and do it". That generally shuts them up.

OP, if my dh ever told his child she doesn't have to listen to me, they'd both be looking for somewhere else to stay. I don't do disrespect in my home.

HarleyQuinn's picture

:jawdrop: firstly I cannot believe he said that to skid about you- WTF. And secondly ^^^^^smdh hits the nail on the head, no discussions.

hereiam's picture

My husband taught his daughter at a very early age to respect all adults.

I wouldn't be with him today if he had specifically told her to disrespect me.

Siriusly's picture

I'm sorry, but that is appalling. I have heard of BMs doing trash like that, but not a biological father. What the???