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is this an issue?

ocs's picture

This shouldn't bother me... I know it shouldn't...

A few months ago before I detached, I read an email by accident from BM to DH. It truly was by accident- I opened my iPad and his email was open on it and it was the opening line.

BM was having one of her tirades as per usual, but this time it was about a wedding like 10 years ago where she is insisting that my DH was flirting with someone else at the table. (they were a couple at the time)

He entered into an email argument about it defending himself bc she was accusing him of cheating and causing her nervous breakdown... (yeah HE caused it.. you Freakshow)

Would this still be an issue unless she still had a thing for him? I'm not worried he'd go back to her, but she causes so much drama! (LOL- she also just got engaged and is planning her wedding the same time as ours...She made it out to seem she got married, then it came to light, no... No wedding- planning one though)

For some of you- did it seem BM went more nutso when you got engaged to her former SO?

giveitago's picture

I do not think my husband even knows my ex's full name! I know both of his ex's, since he has an older son with one and twins with the other. I really do not care what they do, nor does DH, unless it impacts us directly or harms the kids. Well, the kids are all of age now so they can paddle their own canoes and they can have their own relationships with their mothers, or not, as the case may's none of our business.
BM 2 actually does still bring stuff up from the past, it's silly, DH takes no notice of it and it barely goes in one ear and out the other. She also tried threatening me when I would not give her money, above the child support check DH left for one of her minions to pick up. I told her to go ahead and do her worst...we aint skirred!

SMof2Girls's picture

BM was nutso from the beginning. It comes and goes in phases. She refuses to accept that DH has remarried and he's happy. She cannot fathom anyone being happy without HER being in their life.

She resolved a long time ago that if she was going to miserable and unhappy, then she would do her best to make everyone else feel that way too. She has no filters, no limits, no boundaries.

Tranquility's picture

Just remember, she and her drama and her failures are pathetic. Just ignore it, smile as if you are untouchable (because WE are) Wink

ocs's picture

Thank you for that!

I smiled at her like a crazy person last time I saw her. I know it made her uncomfortable because as we pulled in she was with a friend on the porch and I saw her roll her eyes and say something while nodding to the car. The friend made a ridiculous attempt at hiding her eyes while she checked me out. I, on the other hand, was head held high and smiling.

Petty as it is? I'm cute and she's a troll. LOL

ocs's picture

Daisy! Congratulations on your engagement

Most of the time DH thinks of her as an annoying fly that he has to swat. I think its funny she brought up this random silliness. It was to detract from a whole other conversation they were having about skid and her groundless nonsense about wanting more money because we cohabitate. (TRY IT)
I could care less about what any of my exes are doing either- I wish them well (mostly, LOL) and hope they do the same.

They were never even married and had broken up, then she found out she was pregnant.

Thanks for the comments. I truly don't feel like I have anything to worry about from his end... Hers?? Well... Crazy knows no bounds...

Can I do this's picture

BM doesn't do it as much now, but she used to always email SO when we first got together (for almost the first 2 years of our relationship ... fortunately she's been with her current bf for almost 2 years so we don't hear as much as we used to) and I remember she'd send emails reminding him how he'd pick the lock while she was taking a bath and end up washing her while they discussed the day and emails reminding him how he and his brother ditched her in the bathroom at the airport when they first got married ... it drove me crazy! I'm so glad she finally found someone so she can leave my man alone!!!!! He never really responded or would say "I don't remember that" or just tell her to stop it (not that she would!).

Can I do this's picture

Do you find that even when she does call about the kids that it sometimes seems like frivilous crap that she probably could have dealt with on her own? (I've finally gotten to the point of telling my SO, "Listen, your kids are 12 & 13. You can communicate more with them now about their activities than with her. And you can deal with what happens at OUR house on YOUR week. She can deal with the crap at HER house on HER week." He's gotten a little better about it.

ocs's picture

The frivolous has now stopped.

I lost it one weekend- he inadvertently sent me a text meant for her. He was bitching her out because she has no sense of money and she wanted CS early, (nothing unusual there). I was in the midst of shopping with him and he was clearly distracted. I called him out on it and said that while it was unfair that BM was intrusive when skid is WITH us, NO FREAKIN' WAY WILL SHE BE INTRUSIVE WHEN SKID IS NOT WITH US.

He has since blocked her from phone and text- email is the communication of choice. The phone is used only if skid is physically with us.

I was sick of my time being wasted by her petty BS texts that were meant to push his buttons.

not_the_momma's picture

When BM found out, the sh!t hit the fan. . .more court paperwork that didn't hold anything good for her. . .then she 'gave' up the skids. . .really, she just worked more so she could have more money to waste (since cs had been cut to $0--yes, from her court paperwork it was determined he didn't owe her a darn cent).

She's been nothing but trouble since she "broke up" with her bf (the same bf that broke up the marriage). . .but that too id DHs fault. We wish she would get a bf and leave us alone!!!