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Anyone dealing with Inconsistent messages from adult skids?

Disillusioned's picture

I wish OSD would be consistent in her love/hate of me

Life was actually easier for me when she was crystal clear on her hatred and there was no denying that by anyone...when she changed and everything seemed just fine, I was shocked and hurt all over again when she switched back out of the blue to the hating game

After a few cycles with her I got smart and decided regardless of her behaviour I would be politely detached, and have remained so even though she seemingly is 'all good again'

Of course I have even seen through that phony behaviour and all the games she continues to play (detachment is wonderful how you can sit back and see things from a distance and not get emotional, it all becomes so much more clear what someone is doing)

But despite this OSD is doing things she has never done before of late - actually says hello to me when she sees me, is able to hold a polite conversation, and twice now has actually said THANK YOU. She even sent pics of the SGS's to the 'family' and included me in the email!

It makes me feel uncomfortable a little by keeping my distance....but another side of me, the one that's been burnt repeatedly by her and her games says Too Bad, not getting sucked in again

So, I remain politely detached. I suspect I'll see new games soon, or the real reason she's kissing up - lots of attention on YSD right now between showers and upcoming wedding, and as much as OSD hates me, she doesn't want me to like YSD more then
her/show YSD more attention

Anyone else have an adult SD who is soooooo inconsistent in their behaviour towards you and if so, do you always remain detached no matter what?