Will it work if you dislike skids?
My bf has a 10 yr old son that at first I had no issues with. But as time had gone on and my bf, myself, my son 8, and his son started spending alot more time together I started to see alot of things that I didnt particularly like or want to deal with. Constant whining, tattling and bitching about things my son did/didnt do, greedy/selfish, lazy, lack of good hygene, attitude, etc.
So I was honest with my bf and told him that when he has his kid that I dont want to be around him. My son and I would do our own thing. As much as he hated that he wouldnt get to see me or spend time with me when he had his son, he was ok with it and understood. I basically told him that I dont want anything to do with his son. When he has him etc. it is HIS PROBLEM AND RESPONSIBILITY to watch him, punish him, raise him etc. I dont even want to deal with him. Period.
My bf is so great about this whole situation...so he said that he wants to be with me no matter what, he loves me and I am number one in his life and he wants to make it work no matter how I feel towards or about his kid.
I do want to be with him and I love him very much, I can even see myself marrying him in the future, provided things remain the same and his kid remains his responsibility and I DON'T have to do ANYTHING for him, with him, etc. which he agrees to. He says he agrees that when he has his son that he is his responsibility and that when he gets him it is for HIM to visit with him etc.
So my question to you all is this....
Even if you dislike/hate your man's kid/kids can a relationship and/or a marriage still work and be successful despite it???
Yes it can work. I separate
Yes it can work. I separate my feelings for skids from my feelings for my husband. I think of them as irritating coworkers.
i think a lot depends on how
i think a lot depends on how much time skid spends at your house. if it is a few days a month - it will work
but if something happens and BF becomes the custodial parent, i could see a LOT of problems.
good luck
Skid's schedule is EOW and
Skid's schedule is EOW and every Wedn for 2 hours.
If you live together it's
If you live together it's hard to avoid having at least some of these behavior problems filter into your daily life. Likely you will come to resent the need to schedule time away from the house or the constant double family life going on in your home.
The other thing I think many people come to terms with as they try to resolve the conflict that is a blended family is that it's not so much that you dislike the kid, it's that he isn't being parented to correct those behaviors. And that falls back on the parent's. You may find that you resent your SO for not dealing with it.
Really, when you look at all the annoying, irritating ways that kids act that people on here vent about, really think about the true behavior - most of them are typical adolecent actions that any kid with no correction would evolve into.
I know for me that my biggest resentments come from the fact that DH does nothing to change the person his child is becoming.
I think it depends on who has
I think it depends on who has custody. I found I could manage it if it was only every other weekend, holidays,ect-when we switched to full custody with bm having NO visitation-meaning he was present 24/7 I couldnt do it-I threw in the towel after 4 months. My dh threw in the towel too though and he is currently residing with my mil.
I dont think I could ever agree to ss14 living here again;however, if at some point my dh wanted him to do visits I think I could manage those-as we have in the past. But I would make sure to make lots of plans with girlfriends, my kids, etc on those weekends. I would encourage him to be out of the house as much as possible spending one on one time with his kid in order to assist with putting up with the irritating coworker.
Honestly, I don't think it
Honestly, I don't think it can unless you have absolutely nothing to do with your skid and even that can change. My marriage was effectively over when SD15 moved in with us full time. I can't stand her. She can't stand me. Life was hell living together. I found a way to get rid of her but in the end, our marriage couldn't survive and my DH filed for divorce.
Only if your SO can put your needs before his kids will it ever work.
My bf told me point blank
My bf told me point blank that he would do anything to make it work, he wants to be with me no matter what. He knows how I feel about his kid and he knows that I dont want to be around him and when he has him he is HIS responsibility, he isnt my child and he isnt there to visit me!!! Therefore, his problem not mine...that is how I see it anyways. I do not expect anything from my bf in regards to my BS8. If my bf CHOOSES to love him, spend time with, help raise him, etc then that is HIS CHOICE. I on the other hand CHOOSE to not want anything to do with his son. He knows this and STILL wants to be with me so that is where I stand in this case..........
To be completely honest, if
To be completely honest, if he says he will do anything I would put that to the test. My anything would be to start instilling better manners and behaviors in his child so that you can at least tolerate being around him.
Exactly!!! I am in the same
Exactly!!! I am in the same situation as you "Ignoredsm" I dread EOW because I want to be with my BF but I know he has his kid...but the great thing about my bf is that he loves being with me and my son and how much fun we have together that he really doesnt care if his kid cancels on him or doesnt come over because he knows that he has us..he even cancels sometimes so he can spend time with us without skid around!!! He is freaking amazing like that....
That's more of a huge red
That's more of a huge red flag than anything.
Is this how your son's father treats your son? Would you really like to be on the other end, to be the kid, with a father who cancels because of course it's a lot more fun to hang out with new girlfriend than to take on the work of parenting.
What if that YOUR son being ditched like that?
Actually my son's father is
Actually my son's father is not involved at all except to pay child support. So my son and I are used to it and we are over it!!! He has plenty of people in his life that love him and spend time with him. He even started calling his father "Dave" when he was about 4 years old. That was HIS choice, but he knows how his dad is and that he doesnt give a shit about him so he started calling him by his first name out of the clear blue sky one day...My son is now 8 and he doesnt talk about his father or want to see him at all and I dont say a word to him either. I have asked him over the years if he wants to see his dad and he says no. And I will never force my son to see a person he doesnt want to see. Period. But my son is doing very well, he is surrounded by love and people that are there for him he honest to God could care less about his dad or seeing him. Will that change? Who knows!!! But right now he is happy, healthy, and is growing up to be a fine young man and I couldnt ask for more
My bf's take on it is this...his son is 10 years old, He has blown off my bf many times to do things with family, friends, etc. that is his choice to blow off his dad. My bf is no longer going to fight or complain or beg to see his kid. If he wants to spend time with his dad...fine...if not oh well!!! He knows his schedule if he wants to hang with his dad then so be it. My bf shouldnt and doesnt chase his kid anymore....thats how he feels. And I agree with him completely.
Well the kid is going to be
Well the kid is going to be in your house part of the time and if something happens to mother all of the time. At around at 13/14 a boy should really come and live with his father. It takes a mother to raise a boy and a father to raise a man.
So the worst years, the most difficult to control him years, are likely to be full time at your home. Of course you can veto it but it may raise animosity.
I always advise to not marry or shack up. All that can wait until the kids are grown when you'll have decades together. Date - tryst at the local motel or at home when kids are not around but don't share a house. That's my advise.
"It takes a mother to raise a
"It takes a mother to raise a boy and a father to raise a man."
Bullshit. My husband was raised by his mother and he is a better man than most. His father was a drinking, womanizing, chauvinist, and was abusive.
My my. Of course there are
My my. Of course there are exceptions. But studies show that fatherless boys do not do as well in life as boys who had fathers involved.
Ditto girls and mothers. Good for your husband to rise above his drunken father.
^^^^I agree. I am a single
^^^^I agree. I am a single mother and I raise my son with the help of my parents (who hinder more then help unfortunately) and my son is turning out great! My sons "father" is a liar, cheater, drinker, partier, etc.
I am VERY SURE my son is way better off being raised by me to become a man then with the above....just saying
TASHA, girl, I think since he
TASHA, girl, I think since he KNOWS going in, u should be good! I'm marrying a guy who's kid i can't stand, as you know, but i just try to separate my love for him from my dislike for the kid. he already knows i don't like him, and he prolly don't love mine either. that's fine, I can live with that. i have enough love and affection etc. for my own kids that i'm ok with them not getting some from fiancee. just discipline them ALL the same and i'll be happy. OH, and my skid-free day today was awesome....cheers to summer tuesdays and fridays!!!
I agree it depends on what
I agree it depends on what you consider success in a relationship. Let me tell you my story. I'm in a seven year relationship with a wonderful man. I'm childfree and never wanted to be with a man with kids, but I find that when you're over 30 the dating pool is full of divorcees and you don't have the luxury to make kids a deal breaker if you want a real man and not a boy. When I met him his kids were 11 and 8, boy and girl. I never liked them, but I always put a good face, and learned how to fake it like the best of them. At that age the children were still hoping for their parents to get back together, so I had to put up with a lot of comments from them, always telling stories from when they were a family unit, etc. But I never let them get to me because they were stupid little children trying to scare me away. When their mother remarried, I thought their attitude towards me would change because getting their parents back together was no longer an option, but then they became teenagers and things got worse. I don't live with my boyfriend, but I stay at his house on the weekends, and his children come every other weekend. At this point I ignore them. They expect me to be at their beck and call, they treat me like a housekeeper. And then they talk smack about me to their mother, who is this horrible stupid person who doesn't validate my relationship with my boyfriend because we're not married, even though we've been together for over seven years. We have no plans to marry, and I'm very content with our arrangement at least until his kids are grown and he doesn't have to pay support. We live in a country were you have to pay child support until the kid is 21 yrs old, and then you're expected to help thru college and such, it never ends. But to answer you question, I don't think the relationship can survive if you don't like or at least get along with his children. Mine has, but only from a dating standpoint, he's never proposed cause he knows his children and I don't mix. At least you can be honest with your man and he understands, or he says he does, maybe he's faking it too. In my relationship everybodys feelings are known, my boyfriend knows his children and I hate each other, but none of us are allowed to say anything for his sake. I think we all fear who would he choose if given an ultimatum. I know I would lose, but at least he has made clear to his children that they have no say in who he dates, as long as I don't mistreat them our relationship survives. I barely tolerate them. Sometimes they skip a visitation weekend and that makes me so happy cause that will mean like a month without seeing them. My biggest wish would be for them to disappear from his life altogether, like moving to another country. And my biggest fear is that they suddenly had to live with my boyfriend, because that would be the end of us as a couple. He has rooms for them in his home like they live there fulltime when they don't. I'm not even allowed to store anything in either room, such good space wasted away, he could have a home gym, or a walking closet even, but he prefers to have these stupid shrines for two ingrates that doesn't want to stay there anyway. My ultimate goal is to marry him, but I have to wait it out until the child support is over because I don't want to sign a stupid prenup. What I would've given for him to be a dead beat dad...
I sooo understand and totally
I sooo understand and totally agree!!! I know it sounds harsh but a HUGE part of me wishes skid would disappear or he was a deadbeat dad too. My life with my bf is soooo amazing and perfect when there is no mention or presence of skid. It is as perfect as a relatiosnhip can be...and he knows it and sees it too. I know he loves his kid but I also know that he enjoys it ALOT when it is JUST US....
I'm currently living this
I'm currently living this everyday w/ss10. He lives with us. And I cant stand him. It WOULD work for us if DH was on board. But hes not. Sounds like ur bf IS on board so youre one step ahead of me. Congrats and enjoy cuz it could be a lottttttttttttttttttttttttttt worse - believe me. I highly recommend reading "Stepmonster" by Wednesday Martin
You didn't say how long
You didn't say how long you've been together or if you live together but since he's an active and involved father, chances are high that he is telling you this right now because he is still drawing you into the relationship. Once you get "caught", by moving in or somehow dependency is created, he may very well change his tune.
Now I am not saying he is deliberately manipulating you right now. He probably means what he says. It is just likely that if you move into a more womanly role in his home - especially if you move into his place - his feelings about it are probably going to change.
I agree with put this to the test right now. So far the policy is avoidance but it is also true that boys will often want to live with their fathers as manhood approaches
Over time, if he avoids his own son to have fun with you and your son, the guilt is going to eat him alive. And honestly, in the end, you do not want a man who is willing to give up his son. That's not the kind of character you want in a mate for yourself nor do you want your own son to grow up and do that.
I agree with stepmisery. You
I agree with stepmisery.
You don't want a man that shirks his responsibility. Cancelling time with his son to have time for you and your son is immature and shortsighted IMHO. I haven't bonded with my SD12, but I encourage the two of them to spend time together. (it makes him happier when he comes home)
It used to be easier- now we live together and EOW is tense and anxiety ridden for me. He does take 98% of the responsibility of child care. He wants me to establish a relationship though, and I don't want to but bc I love him, I will.
Our wedding is next year and I refuse to let a 12yr old run my life.
My DH dislikes my 6 year old
My DH dislikes my 6 year old high-functioning autistic son. I admit before I met him I let my son get away with much more than he should have so now we're slowly teaching him respect, sharing and not talking back. We have good days and bad days but in all my son know's better than to pull half the crap he does. Believe me some of it drives me crazy too. As for DH 2 kids they are pretty well behaved although they don't listen to dad then I will step in and ask them "is that what your dad told you to do" They get the point really quick!!! Sadly BM allows the kids to walk all over her and it makes me so mad but it makes me understand why the kids try to get away with not listening.
probably why he dislikes your
probably why he dislikes your kid, because you admittedly let him get away with much more than you should have. i'm in a similar situation, but flip flopped. I strongly dislike my fiancee's son, 8, also autistic. dad ignored the kids needs for YEARS, spoiled him cuz baby momma is a drug addict and the kid had no mother, etc. Pediatrician showed me in the kids medical records her diagnosis of autism at age 3....fiancee didn't know about it until i forced him to have the kid screened in kindergarten! really?? kid's a self-stimmer, he paces around and spins toys up in his face and makes strained facial expressions at them. meaning it's very obvious that this is not normal behavior. fiancee and his entire family let this kid live this way for over 3 years with zero interventions! Now i've got a kid i'm raising who thinks he doesn't have to listen to me, is disrespectful to teachers and therapists, eats whatever he wants whenever he wants and is big and fat now and is just a real handful to raise for a non-biological parent. his o/t and p/t skills are equivalent to that of a 4 year 4 month old, and he's 9 next month! So, i've been the one to have to take all of this on for this kid and it's just so damn stressful. I pretty much KNOW I don't like the kid because of dad's ignorance. Step up and treat your child like a non-autistic child. have the same expectations for him that you would have for ANY child. That's what I do for my stepson, which is why he hates me most of the time, but I don't care. I don't want him living in my house for the rest of his life, so I force normalcy as much as possible. You need to do the same
I would love to chat more with you about your child's autism, as I struggle with a lot of my ss8's needs, and surely you have more experience than I 
You think that this is some
You think that this is some kind of joke? The boy needs his dad and you wishing that he were a deadbeat dad is pathetic and disgusting IMO.
My father has been neglecting me since I was ten years old. And you know what? From that moment on I started self-harming myself. It went on for fifteen years before I finally plucked up courage to deal with it and talk to someone. I also took drugs etc. Nothing good will ever come of it, I'm telling you. So put aside your selfish desires and think about what the consequences might be.
Even though you might not like him, that's your own problem. A parent who neglects his/her children is a a pathetic excuse for a parent. Jesus.
I am very sorry that happened
I am very sorry that happened to you and it resulted in you self-harming.
But this is a place to VENT <<<(key word) our frustrations and feelings. You do not have to agree with what us sm's say or how we think/feel but just like you, we are entitled to our feelings whether they are good or bad.
I dont expect you to or care if you like what I say or how I feel but that is how I feel, maybe it will change and maybe it wont but I am me and I can/will feel however I choose/want to feel and express myself as such.
Thank you for your OPINION on my post.
well everyone has their own
well everyone has their own definition of "success" and "work". While most of everyone here who commented said "yeah, but....." they are already IN the situation of marriage or living together in a commited relationship.
I'm curious on how many of these that say "yeah it works, but...." would say to the question if you should pursue the marriage/move in together road?!!!
I ask, cause if it is "working" then you would also say, "yes move in together, yes get married...." ??????!!!!!
IMO, no it doesn't "work" it just IS. You either can tolerate it, or you can't. You either develop coping mechanisms or you don't. But the majority of the time there is a relationship somewhere somehow strained.
I have been in this stupid step world my whole life and it sucks, and while your bf may have his intentions in the right spot right now stating that he would do all the work, it's his job, etc....it NEVER stays that way. It just doesn't.
So my advice, just keep dating the way you are. Don't wanna be around his kid? then don't. Wanna get married? Do it AFTER the kid grows up. Set up a "dating" schedule around his visitation. Will it suck?! YUP. To me, it's the lesser of the two evils.
No! It won't work!!! Get out
No! It won't work!!! Get out now!!!
LOL.....tell me how you
LOL.....tell me how you REALLY feel!!!
Of course it can work
Of course it can work girl...that's why we have steptalk....most of us play 'nice' in public to our skids, then come here and tell everyone how much we can't stand them! My fiancee is GREAT, he loves me to the ends of the earth, will do anything and everything for me, even likes my kids, sex is great, we're getting married in August, etc. So he has a nightmare kid, I deal with him by getting rid of him as often as I can to the grandparents, workout a lot, drink wine, and STEPTALK