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My DH is a raging idiot.

doll faced sm's picture

Sorry, but I'm pissy right now.

He woke me up with a call at 3:15 am which I normally don't mind, but this morning he's screaming at me b/c I sent him money via western union, and they (WU) screwed up. Yep, he wants me to fix it. At 3:15 in the morning. When no one's open. *sigh*

Mind you, he didn't *need* money sent to him this way, he *wanted* cash instead of using his debit card b/c it's easier for him to monitor his spending that way. I thought the whole thing was a dumb idea to begin with since it actually costs money to send it like that, but he insisted. Now that things aren't working out like he'd wanted, I need to "shit the money" (his words), or he's gonna be pissed.

So now, here we are. He's pissed at me for something I can't control, and he's demanding I fix it. I'm pissed at him for being pissed at me and waking me up at ungodly hours of the morning screaming over dumb shit. I had the customer service lady (who was amazingly professional for 4 am, and was able to find the money and get me a refund) check my area; no WU opened 24 hr.s; there's one that opens up at 5 am, though. I can't go back to sleep now. No point. And I probably won't be able to after I get this all ironed out. Did I mention how pissed I am?

B/c of all the stuff that's happened w/ my older daughter, she can't be left home alone (or anywhere alone) for safety reasons, so now we all have to get up and make a trek to the local loaf & jug as soon as their WU opens up at 5 am b/c my "D"H is a raving lunatic moron.

Guess I better start getting ready. Oh God, I am so pissed.

Delilah's picture

I would have told him to go shove it and use his debit card. Then I would have slammed the phone down and waited to make his life a misery when he returned home.

Yes I am a cow when someone wakes me for ridiculous, pointless reasons and would snap if someone screamed at me while I was half asleep.

Sounds like HE has decided how to manage his money, yet YOU are the one who has to organise it for him. I don't mind helping my DH out, ofcourse, but NOT if he demands, is aggressive and completely thoughtless.

I certainly would NOT have sorted the cash out for him as if this happens again, dont think he wont be straight on that phone no matter how inappropriate. Did I mention your DH needs boundaries?

Sorry jimpo.

p.s. you may be pissy but hes lucky he has such a loving wife as he wouldnt want to swap you for me in this situation.

Disneyfan's picture

He would have been a broke ass.

I would have called tob find out what went wrong. I would even make a trip to WU~ to cancel the transfere. But there's no way in hell I would send him the money. He would be forced to use the debit card.

LRP75's picture

Why does he need cash over a debit card?

Calling, yelling at, and blaming you for something that is a clearly a lame ass cover-up/lie (can control his spending better if cash vs. debit card) is bullshit.

What is even more bullshit is that you woke yourself and your child up at 5am to go cater to his crazy ass.

Is he on drugs? Are there no ATMs in his area?

This doesn't make any sense.

doll faced sm's picture

He's in Afghan; ATM isn't really an option. They're pretty crappy over there. They may work, but more likely they won't.

I've already told him this won't be happening again. The Taliban could kidnap his stupid ass and demand I send ransom via WU, and it wouldn't happen.

LRP75's picture

I didn't realize that he was over-seas. That makes more sense.

Even still, he shouldn't be talking to you like that. That's nuts!

By the way, my "D"H is just as much of an ass - just in different ways. Soooo.... yeah.

smdh's picture

His ass would be SOL because I would not be calling anyone on his behalf if he spoke to me that way.