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Bloody Facetime

Wishitwasdifferent's picture

Ok, so I accept I have to put up with SD5's every other weekend visit and twice in the week visits BUT now she has access to an I-Pad (at 5 I ask you) and is persistantly contacting her Dad on it on the few nights we do have to ourself, last night it was 9pm before she went off line! She should be in bed. My SO loves the facetime as he can see her and worries about her with BM as she is a fat lazy shit, so I can see that BUT for gods sake, do we have no time to ourself, is it right that SD can contact him this way at her age??

It just gets worse.

Wishitwasdifferent's picture

Thanks for your replies.

Setting aside a 15 minute window would be good BUT this will not happen as BM does not monitor what SD does and she is free to wonder the house while BM slobs on the sofa so takes her I Pad with her whatever room she is in and contacts her Dad constantly, it's ridiculuous.

I will keep quiet for the moment, there have been so many arguements of late that another one won't help, but if this persists and is not just a phase I am going to have to mention to SO that SD being able to contact him all the time is silly, we can't even watch a TV programme with interuptions.

And her bedtime when at BM's is whenever, no set time, no discipline, this is the problem that sadly SO or I have no control over.

It's so frustrating and I know not the childs fault.

momagainfor4's picture

this phone thing has been an issue for us too! The sd12 comes over..before we even back out of the driveway her bm is telling her.. you can text me anytime. Seriously?? That's just ridiculous.
The sd12 spends the entire trip home and the entire weekend texting and talking to her mom and bro and stepdad on the damn phone.
When it's not them it's her talking to her friends. Texting back and forth, back and forth.
At Christmas when she got a brand new phone to replace the already decent phone that she had, she refused to change the alert so that it would not bother us when she got a text.
I didn't make an issue out of it but I wish now that I had. I mean... I asked her about 15 times to change it. And she never did.
It's annoying. Not to mention that her mom might as well be sitting there during the entire visitation. Because that's what it feels like. We have absolutely no privacy or time to talk or chat. Her mom is texting.
And last time, sd12 was visiting her bm, bro & stepdad were all on a trip out of town for the weekend. Her bro went to stay with grandparents and the bm and stepd were supposed to be going off alone to have a "weekend" by themselves.
What do you think? Ha! She still called and texted the entire time.
I can imagine the stepdad loved that!!!
For this issue, I do not see a reason that a 5 year old kid needs a phone or needs to call someone every single night. Especially, after 9pm..they should be in bed.
My response to the sd12 and to all the other kids out there would be that there are times to call and times to visit.
Seriously, what the hell does a 5 year old have to talk about??
Sorry, but I just think we coddle our kids too much. Im sure most of you remember when there were no cellphones and we just made do!!

Wishitwasdifferent's picture

Apart from her constant calling annoying me IT IS NOT HEALTHY to allow a child to do whatever they please, this is my point.