Very Upset and desperate for advice!!
If you look at my last post "SS11... runsway" it can fill you in. Here's the latest.
I made a suggestion to BF that we probably need a reward system for SS11 to get him to do his homework and hand it in. His response was "well we have to do something different other than what we've done in the past" So I asked him if Friday's event was my fault? He said no, but that I need to take some responsibility. So I asked him what I should have done differently? He said I should have given him a day to clean out his locker. That would have been tomorrow and wanted me to check on it after his practice. First of all we don't have custody until Wednesday. That would be another 3 days. So he said, so what? Your son has not done what you asked of him for the last 3 days of school, I'm trying to follow through because your'e working way after the school is locked.
But I'm the rotten step mom? Am I missing something here?
The issue was not the locker...but the fact his son is losing his papers and not handing in his stuff or doing his homework. I carried all his shit from his locker because he refused and he and BF organized his binders. But I made him clean out his locker?
So he tells me to take out all the suggestions a community councelor/teacher gave us and see what other things would work. I need to take out the papers and see what will work. Because no matter what I try, I will be the escape goat for skid, you and BM. I have already raised 3 children, two of them with needs...I'm done. Of course in BF's mind that was the wrong thing also. He feels I should not back out and "that's what I always do".
I feel everything is working in the same exact way BM, BF, Skids and me, when BM was instituting her PAS. Only this time, I'm not gonna be a player in the game.
So what should I do?
You should let his dad deal
You should let his dad deal with it. You have already figured out that you cannot win. Why is it that the step parents (and you are just the GF?) are always expected to do the parents' jobs? I worked with an asperger's/ADHD kid last year and the locker thing is typical. These kids are very hard to understand because they are so intelligent in some ways, and then completely incapable in others. The school should be able to come up with something to help him. Paras at our school would help the kids with locker issues, usually because we had to find an assignment. Does he have a para that works with him, and if not, why not? I'm assuming he has an IEP? Everyone involved should come together to make this a weekly goal/ checkpoint for him. And they should be communicating with the parents on this. You are in a tough spot. Good luck!
He's don't NEED
He's don't NEED to take any responsibility. You do out of the kindness of your heart, but the true responsibility lies with BM and BD...period. THEY need to follow more closely to make sure this doesn't happen again. I would tell BF that since what you did didn't work, you would defer to him and let him handle it from here on out. Then step out of it. Refer everything to him. Let him see how much you do by having to do it himself. Tell him by backing out, you're making room for him to take care of his own child.
Mykidsmom made some good suggestions. That would be a great start!
What is this "My kids mom"
What is this "My kids mom" about? I tried going on a website and some advertisement blocked me.
I am so happy the kids go back tomorrow. I just wish it was for more than two days. I'm finding I feel I'm hyper sensitive to every comment, every gesture and noise.
Tonight I got the news that BM came to the door and gave SS10 his fb jersey that his sister had borrowed but never gave back to him for his game today. When he saw BM she said to him "I hope you didn't go anywhere, wearing that outfit!"
I just want to find something to get under her skin and let it fester
Any idea's out there?
Teach that kid organizing is
Teach that kid organizing is fun? get fun binders, label them, etc. Although- since you are not getting credit where credit is due - make his father do it. This is such crap that we are always the ones in the wrong here...and to boot the kid has Asperger's which is excruciately hard to understand. Good luck.