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How I loathe ye, Facebook

Wish2Bdramafree's picture

Super awkward fun story. I got a call from an old friend last night wondering who the pregnant girl was that my FDH was hanging on, and why I broke up a "happy family." wondering what the eff he was talking about, I asked, and here's what I got: "I saw his tagged pictures when I clicked his Facebook because I hadn't met him yet." FML

And so it was that I realized I look like a home wrecker when you look at FDH's pictures chronologically. Real story = Biomom was a friend with benefits for about a week or two and they hooked up once. After she started sleeping around and he found out, he gave her the boot. I met him when she was preggo. Dumb-ass that he is agreed to go to the baby shower. (that's a WHOLE different issue!!!). End result = tagged pictures of he and trainwreck at bars being sleazy and happy, smiling baby shower pic from 5 mo of pregnancy, then me, then baby, then me, then get the picture.

In my mind, if my friend can misconstrue this, anyone can. I told him he could either un-tag her or untag me, and deal with the repercussions of what he chose. I refuse to look like trash because of a booze-induced string of bad pictures and bad decisions. Unreasonable? I thought not, but then I always end up "wrong." either way, one of us is leaving that page TODAY.

cat72196's picture

Oh, Lord... LOL! I totally agree w/you. I wouldn't want to be affiliated w/her... I wouldn't want him being affiliated w/her on there in front of everybody you know, etc. I'm glad our BM doesn't have FB. Although I would sort of like to stalk her. Blum 3

CalgonTakeMeAway's picture

LOL Our BM has FB but she blocks. I see her posts only when she tags SS13. One time she tagged SS13 in a post where she called DH a moron. I copied it in case we need it later. Oh how I wish I could see her whole page! SD19 unfriended me!! Hmph!!

CalgonTakeMeAway's picture

I just got a new laptop and we're going to give SS the desktop I was using. Hopefully he'll forget to log off! I feel kind of bad talking about this! LOL

serendipity's picture

it is funny how facebook adds a whole other set of issues that you never thought possible. it is a great social networking tool but sometimes more trouble then its worth!

Jsmom's picture

That is something I never thought of. So glad DH and BM were long gone from each other when Facebook started for us...

Wish2Bdramafree's picture

They aren't his. But he could un-tag himself in them. Which will cause babymomma drama OR he can untag me, which will cause stepmomma drama. His choice.

Wish2Bdramafree's picture

Nice- I will be updating that... Nowish. Thank you. Although I was just told it was childish... But seriously, who keeps pictures with their slut-a-saurus EX? I'll grant him that he scarcely ever even logs into Facebook, and that nearly all of the pics are added by others, but really?

Kes's picture

When I saw the title of this thread, I'm sorry, I just have to get up on my soapbox and have a rant. I absolutely LOATHE Facebook. Apparently I'm not the only one, 100,000 people a month in the UK are deactivating their accounts. That's a lot for a small island! All it ever seems to get used for is stalking people and getting really competitive about numbers of friends - I know - I used to do it myself.

But what I really hated was my SD14 posting totally inappropriate stuff ie the f word every other word, and sexual stuff. One of the common things she would refer to about bands on YouTube etc being her "masturbation material". Barf, or what? When I complained to DH he would make her remove it, but now I have deactivated my account, he doesn't bother. How come I know? I secretly have his password. I hate myself for that. Also, SD14 has about 1300 friends. By my calculation, that MUST surely include about 15 paedophiles that have yet to get around to making themselves known and grooming her. I would never have allowed my daughters to have that many "friends". Fortunately FB was not around when they were that age, and now they too have seen the light and deactivated their accounts.

The BM - that's another thing! She is currently being totally vile to SD16 and threatening to force her to come and live with us, yet last time we had the SDs for the weekend, she posted this sick-making comment "missing SD16 and SD14 sooooo much". I demanded to know WHY my DH had her as a friend and he said he'd consented as she kept asking him constantly - does he not realise she only wants to stalk us? After a big row recently I said as part of our settling the row I wanted him to unfriend her - which he did.
So anyway - that's it. I better shut up now about the evils of Facebook. It makes stalkers and sneaky nasty people out of all of us.

Wish2Bdramafree's picture

I agree. It really is more of a burden than a help, but I've kept mine while I finish my doctorate and am away from home, friends, and family. I suppose one could consider the added bonus of the fact that we are currently using page print-outs of T-Dub's (BM) crazy rantings for proof of her behavior and evidence of alienation... It's amazing the self incrimination that is available to click and print, and file away!

Ripley- we both switched our settings, I didn't know that was an option! He also un-tagged the trash-tastic pics he had. All is well.