Teaching SD some good... but need advice before I do
All of our local animal shelters are completely overrun with cats and kittens & they don't have enough supplies. SD9 is such an animal girl that I thought it would be fun (and teach a great lesson) if the two of us went out and bought some cat supplies that we would then take to the animal shelter and donate. Then I got to thinking... wouldn't it be extra great if I had her contribute some of her own money (I was thinking $10 and obviously I would pay for the rest) so that she could understand that wonderful feeling of doing something good for herself? It doesn't seem to have the same feeling when it's not your own money My question is, is $10 too much for a nine year old? I feel like it's reasonable but there are a lot of things that I think are reasonable that probably aren't.
My BF suggested she
My BF suggested she contribute $5 and he'll match it. Considering she just got $6 in the last 2 days from the tooth fairy (lost 3 teeth in 2 days!) he thought that sounded fair. Thanks - I have no idea about these kinds of things when it comes to kids!
I really like the $5/match
I really like the $5/match idea, and I think taking her and actually letting her SEE what her money is helping to do is a fantastic idea! My SDs really enjoy doing things like buying gifts for an angel tree at Christmas and have often volunteered to spend their own money. It's a wonderful teaching/learning experience for them!
The money matching idea is
The money matching idea is GREAT! Kids have to realize if they're willing to work hard and be good people then other good people will meet them halfway with more good things...so the matching idea is perfect IMO.
"Always be a first-rate version of yourself, instead of a second-rate version of somebody else." ~Judy Garland
After thinking about it, I
After thinking about it, I think you guys are right! I really want to teach her the value of money since BM spends it like it's going out of style and lets her have whatever she wants. This kid has more money than any kid I've ever known bc BM just gives it to her and lets her go out and blow $70 on a Build A Bear. She's got to learn financial responsibility from somewhere...
SD has more money in the
SD has more money in the bank accounts set up by her father than I currently have in both of my bank accounts TOTAL. It's sickening.She makes more money a year in child support than I make in a year at my job
"Always be a first-rate version of yourself, instead of a second-rate version of somebody else." ~Judy Garland
Well, he went behind my back
Well, he went behind my back and undermined me... again. I brought up to SD9 last night about getting some supplies for the animal shelter and we'll drop them off. I said "it would be nice if you'd donate $5 of your own money, your dad will match that and put $5 in and I'll pay for the rest." She got this look of horror on her face so I just walked away at that point to get ready to jump in the shower. I heard him say to her that he has a way that she won't have to put any of her money that she's saved in. He told her she could work for it. Which... may be fine but he NEVER discussed that with me. The last thing we talked about was the $5 and the $5 match. So as soon as I was out of earshot, he went behind my back and struck a deal with her. As usual - them versus me. I am SO PISSED! This is a kid that's NEVER had to give anything - she doesn't know the meaning of giving. She's got plenty of money, Christmas is right around the corner and she'll be getting more - $5 to teach her about helping someone other than yourself is nothing. How could he do that when he thought it was a good idea in the first place? He's just as bad as her mother - nobody makes princess do ANYTHING she doesn't want to do. God forbid I step in and do something different. OH - and this is the kicker! When I brought all of this up to him he said that she got upset at having to go in and see the animals so she might stay in the car. I was like, are you freakin' kidding me? A.) she's never been inside an animal shelter? and B.) That COMPLETELY defeats the whole purpose of the exercise and since it's turned into such a big freakin' thing, that I don't even want to do it with her anymore. I'll do it myself. So, we didn't speak for the rest of the night. I'm so sick of this crap. He always tells me that he wants me involved but everytime I get involved he SHOWS me that he really doesn't. I've had it.
Yes - I agree. I would drop
Yes - I agree. I would drop it since he is undermining the entire purpose of her doing this, for someone else-!!
I remember when my SD18 was 9 and DH got upset because she MIGHT get upset or scared or something, or have a MOMENT of doubt - and I was thinking, yeah, so? so does everyone and it is better to face that with loving support as a child, than when you are on your own as an adult? to face disappointment, rejection, worry, fear, non-immediate gratification, working for something, achieving something by yourself?
Who ever said skids are immune to life's emotional ups and downs? very short sighted, they are sheltering to the child's detriment, but whatever - I would drop it now.
To do it half-assed completely destroys the message IMO.
"What luck for rulers that men do not think."
Adolf Hitler (1889 - 1945)
But I feel like if I drop it
But I feel like if I drop it then I'm letting him railroad me. It's not even about the money it's about him being sneaky and making me the bad guy and himself the hero. It's very distressing.
BF and I are not very good
BF and I are not very good at talking about issues we have face to face so this is what I sent him this morning so that he can hopefully try and understand where I'm coming from:
I wish that we could talk about this without both of us getting so mad that we get nowhere but we are how we are and neither of us are likely to change in that manner. We’re both better at writing things out so that’s why I’m emailing you. I’m not pissed, I’m not even upset, I’m just sad that I’m not allowed to be a part of things. The reason that I got upset about last night is because we had talked about SD9 giving $5, you matching it and me paying the rest. But then as soon as I walked away you struck up an alliance with her (the old you two versus me battle) and told her she didn’t have to donate anything, all she had to do was a couple of chores.
This is from the website http://learningtogive.org/parents/raising/section1/03venture_into.asp under the section for 9-11 year olds. I looked at it yesterday to make sure I wouldn’t be asking too much since it’s always been a struggle for me to figure out what’s too much for a kid her age and what’s appropriate. I thought it would be a good opportunity for us to sit down at dinner and talk about giving and that giving is just as good as receiving, especially for people like us who have everything that we could possibly want. Christmas is coming and we’re all going to get more so I just thought it would be nice for us to all give as a family to an organization that really needs some help and that’s also something that she cares about. I purposely walked away to get in the shower to give her time to think about it before we had dinner and talked. Granted I should have told you that's what my thinking/plan was (I know you can't read my mind) but we never got the chance because by you stepping in and overriding me a.) now I’m the evil stepmother and b.) it made the whole thing look really sneaky, which I’m sure it wasn’t intended to be but that’s how it seemed to me. I thought that you and I had come up with a solution for how to do this and if we’re going to be the ones to teach her good things, we need to be united, not one person always overriding the other one, especially when the other one’s not in the room. I feel like that tells SD9 that she doesn’t have to pay attention to me and that you two will keep doing what you’ve always done, regardless of me being in both of your lives. You always say that you want me to be involved but every time something like this happens, your actions show that you don’t even though that may not be the case. It’s not about the money AT ALL, it’s about working together as a family, not two separate parts. I feel like every time I try to do something “involved”, I get shot down from all directions. Doing chores is great but it would have been nice to be given the opportunity for us to discuss it and figure out as a family what those would be.
Encourage Giving
Your children are now old enough to set aside a part of their allowance for charitable giving to a nonprofit organization or cause they care about. Help them write to an organization to request a copy of its annual report or other literature, or suggest they visit the Web site of an organization. The wealth of giving opportunities and the diversity of nonprofit missions is well represented on http://guidestar.org .
Involve your children in decisions about causes that your family supports financially. With your help, your child can begin to do research, using the Web or a number of printed resources for youth (refer to “Related Organizations and Web Sites - Children's Projects in the Learning to Give “Resources page” to find organizations linked to causes he cares about. Make this activity a family event