New 2 the site and seriously in need to peace
Here's a little info about me, my Dh, our kiddos... I have two biok 11-9 and three sk10-7-6... for a grand total of 5 wonderful kiddos... bs11 and ss10 both are ADHD and have been molested **shivers** ... They are both aggressive and have major behavioral problems.. bs was put in to home school due to it and ss10 was put in yet another behavioral hospital ( this makes 4 )... ss7 was hit by DH 2nd ex wife and from what I understand is having vision problems.. ss6 is now having seizures... all 5 kids were in the DHS system for 2 years... ( cases had nothing to do with each other ).. all 5 kids came home.. DH gained his visitation back and we started seeing them ever so often... BM did every thing she could to get my DH to go back to her, constantly calling him because she needed him for some reason or another... she even told him that she was almost raped in front of her apartment thinking he would come running to her rescue ( yet she still lives in the same apartment and this happened 2 yrs ago wouldnt she have moved if that were the case?) ... when that wouldnt work she started dressing like me, dying her hair the same color as mine and so on... it was CREEPY... when that didnt work and she seen how much the SK loved me she then started denying my DH visitation... This Pissed me off but my DH is very passive and non confrontational... he did not want to fight with her because of the kids so he let her have control... needless to say I WENT THROUGH THE ROOF !!.. when he wouldnt listen to me I said fine... do it your way.... we seen the boys off and on and then not at all.... since oct 2008 we have seen them twice... Christmas we seen them for 15 min and that was it... Bm says its because of my BS11.. She said that my BS touched my SS7 in the private area... The situation she is referring to went exactly like this... SS7 was in the rest room and BS walked in, SS7 screamed and my DH ran down the hallway, BS was in the hallway against the opposite wall. When SS was finished using the rest room we sat them down in seperate rooms and discussed it... DH and I talked to both children and all 4 conversations were the same... nothing had happened and no one was touched. We informed BM of the situation and that was that... time went on and things were fine... The boys came back to our home and told us BM had choked them and threw them accross the room by the throats and hit them with a studded belt and buckel.. We contacted the police, filed a report and followed the officers instructions not to let them leave with her. The next day they came back with an emergency extraction order and a VPO. We went to court and it was dropped because she could not prove the allegations. Since then visitation has all but stopped unless it is convenient for her... Last year my son supposed acted out sexually towards his half brother at his fathers house.. we made the necessary reports and he went into a bahavioral hospital for 6 months... during which time we seen the boys during the above mentioned times... Now my husband is DEMANDING his visitation and she is refusing saying that because my son touched her son in the bathroom he was not going to see them.... again I this did not happen... she is saying that there is a video tape with DHS saying that her son,SS7, said that this happened.. She is good at making the kids say what she wants them too.. they are scared of her and tell us every time we see them... It breaks my heart and it makes me soooo angry... I really dont know what to do.... now she is hiding them from him.... Im at a loss for words on that because she complains that my DH doesnt do anything for them and when he does she denys him... So there's the majority of my story... I have posted a recent post entitled " BM is hiding the kids from my husband "... I hope that I can gain some knowledge here as well as friends ....
Wow...there is a lot going on here...
When you say, "... Last year my son supposed acted out sexually towards his half brother at his fathers house.. we made the necessary reports and he went into a bahavioral hospital for 6 months..." what do you mean exactly? I'm trying to determine if BM has a legitimate reason for not allowing Skids to come over.
In my state, short of a court order BM cannot withhold visitation- it breaches the child support/visitation agreement. Are you or have you gone to court over this latest bout of "hiding" the skids?
I haven't read you other post, so I'm trying to get everything straight...
Alexis G.
acting out
the acting out against his half brother came from my BS half brother age 6 and his SP. my BS still tells me that it didn't happen and that he only admitted to it because they wouldn't leave him alone at the hospital and believe him.... His half brother said that he touched his private parts, but my BS says it never happened.. I didnt know what to believe and my ex husband threatened to call the police and have him taken so I did what I thought I had to and called DHS and made the report and admitted him into the behavioral hospital... in the STARS programs.
....I was asking b/c accusations seem to have come from both your BS half sibling and your SS- I wasn't sure if there was a connection.
It sounds like you've tried to put safety protocols in place to prevent anything like what happened before from happening again.
I read your other post and I believe you are now seeking the help of legal aid. I hope it works out for you and your fam. Please keep us posted...
Alexis G.
Honestly, if my son had
Honestly, if my son had half/step sibling(s) that were molested & supposedly acting out sexually, I would do everything in my power to keep my son away from them too...whether it actually happened or not, its just too frightening of a risk for any mother. I'm sorry, but I agree with BM on this one. I would ask for supervised visitation, and no over nights
I don't mean to be unsupportive, but as a mother, thats how I would feel about it.
"Nobody will ever win the battle of the sexes. There's too much fraternizing with the enemy"
But I am going to assume you are sane. This other woman is not. She severly abuses the kids. She also looks for any reason, real or imagined, to keep DH from the kids.
On top of this comes the fact that the father of the BS who was accused of molestation actually insisted and even threatned their son to get him to "admit" to the molesting. The poor child could not even give details, which was why he was released after only six months.
SLJones's BK's have spent plenty of time at my house and I have 3 boys, ages 2, 10, and 11. Her BS never, Never, NEVER, N.E.V.E.R even tried to touch my boys. I doubt he would.
I am going to have to ask all of you to please reserve judgement until you are clear on what the story was. I encourage you to ask questions to get a clearer picture.
I agree to take all necessary protocols... and we have has well... the situation with my BS and his half brother was ( if it ever happend ) neglect on his father's part because he knew that none of the kids are to be left alone... also at the time of this supposed incident my BS was coming clean with all that had happened to him and ALLLL of the attention was focused on him and not so much on the other kids.... and if you actually read the post correctly Melis070179 ... when the situation happened with the SS ( before the incident with the half brother ) every one was under supervision. we could see down the hall way... and were watching... when the BS opened the door the SS screamed we went running.... all happend quickly so there was no time.... this is all part of a ploy to control my husband and his visitation... its hard to explain in writing... if something had happened I would be the first to say NO VISITATION or let me make other arrangements for my son... but he has done nothing wrong.... he did not touch his SB ... and as for his half brother.. there is tooo much saying he didnt.... Its alot of confusing drama.... and I really wish it would go away....
Thanks Laughterandtears
Thanks .... and it is hard to explain and there is soooo much secrecy on the BM and BD sides.... my kids BD keeps telling me that he was awake when it happened and the kids told me he was sleeping on the couch while they were in the bed room playing and the SM in that situation was gone... then suddenly BD said it was at night... I dont know what to believe.... I dont know if it actually happened or not because the half brother does lie but BD doesnt think he does... C'mon man.. hes 7.... I dont think my BS would do anything like that because he gets sick and mad at the thought of it happening to him and anyone else... while he has behavior problems he still has a heart of gold and cares deeply for his family... and its amazing .. all of the ones that have accused him are BEGGING to see him and spend time with him... half brother and step brother both.... and BM, while yes I share her concerns, I dont agree with her hurting the kids or their father over something that I KNOW FOR A FACT did not happen and it was turned into a lie only AFTER she found out what the allegations were from my EH... clearly it was an excuse to cause problems and restrict us from seeing the three Skids.... shes a control nutt... if she doesnt have control then she freaks out... and she will NOT talk to me about any of her concerns... she talks all kinds of crap when im not around but when I am she literally hides behind some one and will not speak to me.... she knows I know she is lying and knows that I have busted her on it....
I just don't know what to say...this is just incredibly sad
"To Thine Own Self Be True" William Shakesphere
For those boys who were molested, heartbreaking.
You know, we get on here and complain about the bratty way our skids act, how they are spoiled, cause relationship problems, etc. But no child has the power to destroy like the adults that molested those two boys.
This is such a touchy situation. While your BS perhaps is totally innocent of the accusations against him, if even the slimest possibility that it happened exists, then the boys shouldn't be together at this point. And even if you're 100% certain it didn't happen, and the accusations are false, what's to keep him from being accused again? And then he'll have to face all this over and over? Not good.
I'm sure your DH misses his children; could he arrange to see them away from your son for the present time? Maybe until everyone settles down a bit?
How sad. For your BS, molested at such a young age, and to have to deal with constant scrutiny and possibly being the victim of cruel lies, after being the victim of a molestation. And how sad for your skids, a mom beating them, and all this going on at their Dads.
I honestly believe that keeping the kids apart at this time would be best for all concerned, just to protect the innocent, be it your son needing protected from accusations, or your ss being protected from the possibility, no matter how remote, of your child acting out. This is not to say your DH or you should have the children kept from you. Where there's a will, there's a way. Maybe you could arrange for a sitter for your kiddos and take the skids somewhere for an evening each week, or your kids could go to a friends house, and the skids could see their Dad at your place?
IDK. There just doesn't seem to be a happy solution. Just remember that it is temporary. Things change, they always do. But your DH does need to find a way to be part of his childrens lives.
This is a difficult situation
But let me clear a few things up. To begin with, the BM of the skids is using what may or may not have happened over a year ago as an excuse in a long list of excuses. She is the BM we all b**ch about, the one who abuses her children, who keeps them from a loving father and SM, and who manipulates nearly everyone around her.
As for the BS who was accused. I have my neice living with me. She is 8. Last year she went into my oldest son's room and attempted to touch him and kiss him. Luckily I walked in before it could happen, but the sight of her laying nearly on top of him is forever burned into my memory. About a month ago, I got legal gaurdianship over her. Crazy? Maybe, but her BM is abusive in many ways. She busted the poor baby's head open, wide, requiring 17 stitches. Big, huge scar in the middle of her forehead. Her mom made her watch the mom and boyfriend have sex. This is just a smidgeon of all that happened. So she lives with me, my husband and our 3 boys. I take precautions as well, to ensure she cannot go into their room without my knowledge. I do not allow them in any room together without an adult present. Should I have sent my boys to live somewhere else when she moved in? Should I have left her with her mom? Because she tried to touch my son? No, I should not have, and neither should sljones. She should take precautions, as she already does. She should not, however, punish the children. What does it say to her son if she were to say, "Sorry son, you have to leave this weekend becuase my husbands kids are comming over."
Talk about the child feeling unwanted. (Although, sljones, he can come here any time).
If the BD were to take his visitations regulary, this may not even be an issue, but here you have a BM (sljones), willing to help in any way for the BD to see his kids, and he is s**t sorry.
The kids from both sides have been through hell and back. Sljones's BK's were severly abused by another man, who scared the kids into making mom think everything was okay. He told them he would kill their mom. It did not take SLjones long to realize something wasn't right and take action against the man. Her kids BD lies to them about why he can't see them, or come get them. We have offered him money and to take him to see them when he claimed he could not afford it. He refuses, choosing to have own brand of fun, which often includes sleeping with whatever chick is available while his wife waits at home unaware. This is a sad situation for everyone, but mostly for the kids.
Personally, I would let the kids visit, with my son there, because even if he did do something, he would never get the chance again. As a BM myself, I would allow the kids to visit, but I would insist that the BD of sljones be watched closely, because I wasn't there and would not want to take the chance. If something happened anyway, then I would refuse visitation while the BS was there.
I do have to agree with bewitched, though. If BS is not there come visitation time, the other BM cannot use that as an excuse. It may be worth the shot of trying. If his dad will not come get him, call me. I will be more than happy to have them here. I will also be more than happy to deal with their dad, or better yet, get my husband to do it.
You know I totally argree with all safety precautions and have no problem trying anything that will work.... she is however letting us have two of the boys friday night through sat. My dh has to take them back sat. then we are supposed to get them the following weekend... I have no clue whether my kids BD is going to take his scheduled visitation as he has not contacted me yet. which is normally the routine.. I never hear from him until the friday of his visitation on if he is going to make it or not... so the my Bkids are anxious all week... they have gotten better though.. they tend not to worry so much..
( they have been requesting that BD's visitation be cancelled so they can come to your house they would rather you two have it than him.. how funny is that !!!)
As for BM.. She is soooo stupid... lol... My DH and I went to family therapy yesterday for his oldest son.. and you guessed it.. I was not allowed to be a part of it.. but thats ok... I waited in the lobby reading.... BM came haulin butt out of the room and seen me.. her eyes got real wide ( deer in head lights ) then bolted out side... she was on her cell for a few minutes.. whoever was on the other end was definately getting an ear full.. when she came back in she stood as close to the receptionsists desk and the lady as she could... I swear she would have crawled behind the desk if she could have.... lol... when the therapist came out BM stood as close to her as possible... I have no clue why... I wasnt doing anything but sitting on the there were some hushed words spoken.. no doubt about me.. but oh well.... when my SS10 came out he TOLD her he was going to come talk to me.. she stuttered then said ok... it was funny... he was soooo happy to see me... and I have missed him soo.. he is doing awesome!!!.. went from failing horribly to making straight a's... he said he gets out in 3 weeks then he can come stay with us... my heart soared !!!!... I love these children as if they were my own... and so do my kids... all their lives they have only had each other... when my DH and I got married they told me.. " mom, we now have a COMPLETE family.." .. it just breaks my heart that things are this way and all of the kids are getting hurt because the adults ( my self included ) can not " play nice ".... its crazy..