He didn't ask 4 my opinion...
My SD4's BM owes my husband a lot of money and hasn't paid since...
Well, she had her picture day at school the other day and the pictures were supposed to be paid online, so they split the payment, he paid the whole amount ($100) and she is supposed to give him the $50, I even told him that I wouldn't trust her, and wouldn't give her the pictures until she paid... he agreed and said that he was probably going to do that...
Well, today, I checked his email (YES... SO?) and I found this email:
Date: Thu, 12 Mar 2009 08:57:36 -0700 (PDT)
From: "DH" Add to Address Book Add Mobile Alert
Subject: Re: SD
To: yyyy@yahoo.com
BM wrote: I really want to sit down and sort those pictures out. If you don't want to make Gia uncomfortable by doing it there you can come here. I just really want to get them in the mail to my family. I can write you a check but if you prefer cash It will have to wait. My bank is in Winter Park.
DH responded: When do you want to come over? You can do it over the weekend when you drop SD off if you want.
It is not a MAJOR deal... but isn't he supposed to at least ask me if its ok with me for her to come over, sit in my table...etc... ????????????????????
I don't know If I would have said yes or no, should I just go out while she comes and they sort the pics out... >:P it's my fuckn house... why should I have to go out... or should I just stay and delight myself with the uncomfort of having them choosing the pics... hmmm....
Am I exaggerating?
its your right
I agree, you should have been consulted. My BF does stuff like this all the time and forgets to let me know in advance. Even today, he expects me to drop everything and do something for him. He forgot the stuff he needs to take for his parenting time this evening and wants my vehicle to drive instead of his own and wants me to get the diaper bag for him and trade vehicles. Whatever! I am at work and I have to take my son to work later.
Don't you have vacuuming to do that day or other noisy chores????
Noisy chores...!!! hahahahhaha...
Maybe I'm missing something here
I'm assuming your DH has at least the average amount of intelligence.;-) I'm also assuming they're dividing the pictures in half? So can't DH just divide them himself and give them to BM when she comes? Why do they need to divide them together? For that matter, I'd divide them myself before I'd let BM sit in my house and do ANYTHING with DH. Then I'd tell DH to exchange BM's half of the pictures for her half of the money.
.. I did that!!!!!!!
I divided all the pics myself, the problem is that there are some pictures that have some "effects" and whatnot, and there are only like 1 of each of those, so they would have to choose and divide them in a "fair" manner...
PLUS, she wouldn't know if we are keeping more pics than her... lol
Would you rather...
Have the BM in your house... or have the DH in *her* house... (dividing the pics) ? :?
***What I'm going to do is that I'm going to split them (again) and let them ready (except the ones that don't have a pair [ that are like 5]), so they won't have to "sit down and sort them"... *** }:)
Why does it have to be EITHER???
Why does this have to be such a BIG frickin deal????
I mean, it's SCHOOL PICTURES, for cripes' sake!!!
Let's put it in perspective, people. And SD is FOUR!!!!
My GOD- WHY does this require a formal "sit-down" MEETING???
Gia, my advice- tell your husband to take the pics he wants, give the rest to BM, and THAT'S the END. No other "meeting" is necessary.
Dear God- these people need to get over themselves!
"Of course things worked out nicely for Carol Brady...she had a live-in maid and Mike's first wife was DEAD!"
Again, she probably does not trust us and thinks we want to keep more pictures... I suppose...
And again...
SD is 4 years old.
They are ONLY pictures for goodness sake. It's not like they have to sit down and review medical records for her.
This doesn't require a big "sit-down". They (especially BM- be careful, here!) are making WAY too much out of nothing. You are in for a LONG haul, honey, if this is the way things are going to be with them turning these trivial things into big things...
I wish you luck!
"Of course things worked out nicely for Carol Brady...she had a live-in maid and Mike's first wife was DEAD!"
school pix
First off, I am THE Evil Stepmom-my husbands ex says so-but she's an idiot what does she know?
She is so uninvolved in their lives that she doesn't even know when they have school pix. Depending on my mood, I may share them with her, asking her to pay half or just say screw it, she didn't care enough to find out on her own. I used to try to always be the good guy and let her know every little thing about the kids, but she showed no interest and acted as if it was a burden. I give up, she can kiss it...if she doesn't care to know, then I don't care to tell her. I get my own family pix done at a studio, then I don't have to worry about it.
Similar Situation
My husband invited BM into our home on several occasions. He thought it was important for her to see the kids' living arrangements, etc. I was okay with this for the most part until the final time. He invited her into our home to "talk" about some issues that my oldest SD was having and wouldnt you know it turned into a bash Crystal conversation. She accused me of causing the issues with SD to my face in front of my husband and he did nothing to defend me. It ended up that I had to leave my own home while he sat there with her talking S**T about me! It caused some very major trust issues between my husband and I and that woman will never be allowed near my home again.
Im sure that will not happen out of your situation but always be leary! You never know what these crazes will pull!
I let the BM in
Be kinder than necessary to everyone! We all have our battles.
just to make her look like a fool. She has made it very clear to the kids and me that she doesn't want me in her house, so of course I step in every chance I get to make her feel dumb cause the kids don't care. And I invite her in every time she comes to the door. I aslo make her enagage in polite conversation with me when she's here. Why? Well the kids see that I don't harbor any hatred towards her (but I do) and that I can be an adult in this situation. I also really do think it is important for them to see all of their parents getting along. I hate being the grown up!
Don't you have vacuuming to do that day or other noisy chores???
I liked that one
umm...$100 for a 4 yr old's
umm...$100 for a 4 yr old's "school" pics? Next time take her to Walmart and let the BM pay the $100! Seriously though, in the future I wouldn't do this...splitting of costs/pictures. Each should buy their own package and stop all the unnecessary things like this. And YES, he should have checked with you!
"Nobody will ever win the battle of the sexes. There's too much fraternizing with the enemy"