What a great site!
I need some opinions. My beautiful stepdaughter just gave birth to a gorgeous, healthy baby boy :). So what's my problem? I was divorced from her father over a year ago. So what does that make me to the baby? Ex-stepgrandmother? Is there such a thing? I remain very close to my stepdaughter and always will be, but my "title" for the baby is not something she and I have talked about specifically.
Am I better off as "Aunt Danielle"? Most importanly, I don't want to confuse the child. By the way, I'm only 32 so "Grandma Danielle" would be hard to get used to - LOL!!!
Thanks in advance for your help!!
My skids call my mom Nana....my mom is everyone's Nana.
"For every ailment under the sun....There is a remedy, or there is none;
If there be one, try to find it; If there be none, never mind it." ~ W.W. Bartley
pick something together
Nana, O ma, noona (means godmother), grams, nanny (Britsh)
Find something you are both confortable with and go with it. Several of my friends mothers are grandma (first name or last name)to my kids since they all ready have grandkids and it makes it easier at get togethers and when talking about them when we are not together. If her mother is not in the picture or in a limited capacity, than grandma may be what SD wants but may be afraid to ask.
Congrats Grandma Danielle
That's what we called mine, she was a little Italian woman, like Sophia from Golden Girls, even acted the same. Noni passed away last year, the day after easter. I miss her, even though I was adopted, she never treated me that way. She lived a long life. Grandmothers...no matter who they are,or what part of the family they come from,are special people to children. Enjoy it, and congrats. ~"Resist all the urges.... that make you want to go out and kill." ~ Chel.