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What are we suppose to do

lprp's picture

The oldest SD has a cognitive learning disability and has ADD. I am having issues with her when it comes to "Aunt Flo's" monthly visit. She has a habit of just putting her panties in the dirty clothes and not spraying them if she has an accident. I tell her all the time if that happens take them downstairs as soon as you can so you can spray and wash them right away. Same thing with her sheets. This morning we found that the sheets she has on her bed have week old blood stains from her last period. So now we are trying to get the stains out of her mattress.

We have a feeling she is embarrassed about this. I tell her it happens to everyone, just need to take care of it right away. All she does is pouts and says yes mom and does it this time around. Every month we go through the same routine all over. Getting so tired of sounding like a broken record


DaizyDuke's picture

Meh, there's a WHOLE lot of us around here who have skids with the same issues who don't have any disabilities unless being lazy is now a disability?

I tend to think that your SD is more of the lazy variety. If she is truly "embarrassed" about her period, she wouldn't want anyone else to see any evidence of it. I would have NEVER put bloody panties in the hamper, I would have NEVER left pads laying around, I would have NEVER stuffed used tampons in a drawer etc. That shit got wrapped up tighter than a girdle on GBM at a all you can eat pancake breakfast and shoved to the bottom of the garbage for NOONE to see.. ever.

lprp's picture

many of times I have done this.. I don't know if she is just to darn lazy or just doesn't care

simifan's picture

I finally gave in and begged for help. One of my co-workers suggested i buy my SD black panties. It saved my sanity I tell you. Sometimes we miss the most obvious things.

Disneyfan's picture

I was just about to suggest period panties.

Also get a mattress cover for the bed. Put If she has an accident, the cover can be washed and the bed will be protected.

Disneyfan's picture

No way would I trust a kid with a diva cup. :sick: If she can't clean her panties and sheets, there's no way she'll keep a cup clean.

Stepped in what momma's picture

Can you put a small spray and wash in her room so she doesn't have to walk through the house with dirty panties?

sosad01's picture

For the stains I find that hydrogen peroxide will get out blood, even if it's a week old. So I'd get the black panties, but for the mattress try hydrogen peroxide or if she happens to forget to wear the black ones, hydrogen peroxide will take out the blood.