All WAS Good until NOW - HELP LADIES !!!!
my bubble was bursted. Last night my BH called me on my cell phone, I was working and on my way home to tell me that he had talked to his sister about how my 18yo SD went freaking nuts and thought she could whip my tail. He said that his sister was behind our decision to keep her out of our house and all. But this is the kicker.. He said that he told her that he was still going to pay for her college tuition. OMG - I got so mad.
This is a tiny little girl, who thinks she grown, and who thinks she is entitled to our finanicals. Why should be have to pay her tuition, when she has no respect for me. She punched me, after I took her laptop away because it was preventing her from doing a simple chore (yall can read mondays, exciting events). Anyway, I told him that we were not paying for her to attend a major university and he said, as long as she maintains her lottery scholarship, then he would pay the balance. Do yall agree, this would mean another 1500.00 next semester. She is living with her fat-ass trashy mother who gives her no guidance who never paid one red cent in CS for over 5 years. Why can't her mother pay?
She is DEAD to me. She has no existence in my world, why should I allow more of our income go to her? She wants to be an adult and as far I am concerned that includes adult financials. Am I wrong? DH said that it might be a mute point anyway, because she will probably loose her scholarship, because she is not made to study at her mother's house anyway. Should I just play the wait & see game, or should I put my foot down now and insist that no help will be given? I think we should only be available to her for emergencies only. OMG, She punched me!!! Little bitch!
Is anyone have problems with this website? It is taking forever for a screen to come up?
your not helping - you are always full of good advice, what is your first instict? Did you think OH_NO_HE_DIDN'T? I don't know if I want to sit down and cry or just make him come to my way of thinking. If you think the latter, how do I tell him Hell No, w/out causing a fight? He said, you would do it for your kids. (and I said) my, kids (knock-on-wood) would never even think about raising a hand to me. HHHHHEEEELLLLPPPP I'm crying!
Thank you Disney for portraying a positive image on all stepmothers!!!!
I need my broom back - can't remember who I lent it to.
You are right, it's like he is paying her to abuse me!! That ain't happening!!!!! He can be with me and our two kids, or he can go live live his daughter and that nasty-ass he procreated with. RIGHT !
Thank you Disney for portraying a positive image on all stepmothers!!!!
DANG - Usually I use it to get around !!!
I need an update!
Thank you Disney for portraying a positive image on all stepmothers!!!!
I think we are having a private conversation, ANYONE ELSE OUT THERE TO GIVE ADDITIONAL ADVISE??
Thank you Disney for portraying a positive image on all stepmothers!!!!
really, it might be beneficial for you guys to just talk
on the phone. you guys are going through some pretty heavy stuff.
Tough one
This is a tough one, and since I don't have any kids maybe I shouldn't be offering my two cents but here goes.
I don't condone the fact that she attacked you and agree with her being kicked out of the house. You shouldn't have to put up with that in your own home. But, if she does not complete her education she is liable to leech off of you and your DH for years to come. What about a compromise...perhaps your DH can agree to pay half and SD is required to pay the other half. If she is forced to get a job then that might teach her a little about responsibility and give her a great life lesson to boot. If she doesn't live up to her end of the deal then your DH can cut her off completely and not feel guilty about it. If she screws up and loses her scholarship then she will have no one to blame but herself and your DH can honestly say he did everything he could to help her. And the best part is you will still be saving some money.
Hey Sasha
I actually thought about that and it's not a bad idea about her paying half of the total due. She works at Walgreen's part time and bitches and complains all the time - she will eventually get fired from that job too (just like her mouth when she worked at Subway) I was raised that you did not EVER disrepect a person older than you and NEVER a boss. She told her Subway supervisor, that she was an uneducated trailer living piece of shit and guess what - she got fired. I was so ticked at her. Where does she get off putting someone down like that. First of all this person works at Subway and manages a bunch of teenagers. She may not be able to help her financial situation and SD should have never gone there - how rude! She should be glad she just got fired, and didn't loose her teeth.
OH I HATE THIS !!!!! Did I mention that she went and got a peircing in her upper lip - I think they call it a Marilyn or something. I'm not against self expression, but it looks horrible and compliments her extremely big nose. If she wanted a piercing, she should have got one that was somewhat flattering. TRASHY !! BUT IN CONTROL !
Thank you Disney for portraying a positive image on all stepmothers!!!!
Well I can understand that
I mean after all, lip piercings and stuff like that is more important than working and getting an education. That Marilyn she has is going to take her more places than a simple little education!
she can do something to
she can do something to contribute to her education herself, period, teach her responsibility for your actions.....
we have already decided
That we will only help our kids with their other needs during college, not tuition. Like insurance on their car, health insurance stuff like that. We also told them (the older 2 are 13) that they will have to earn scholarships as well as get good enough grades to qualify for the post secondary program we have here. Basically excellent students are offered free college credits at the local branch of a state university. Books are included. They can get two full years of college done for free their junior and senior year of high school. I still don't know if they will do it, but that saves so much money, plus will show us they are mature and committed enough to go to college in the first place.
I paid for my own education. I am still paying (graduated in 05) and will be for some time. Those loans at times were my motivation to keep going and finish the degree. DH went to West Point, then on for a masters at a state U, and then served for about 10 years in the Army to "pay" for it.
Kids need to pay their way. It sucks to have loans, but then they are vested and won't be as likely to drop out or waste money on a bunch of easy electives.
Peace, love, and red wine
my take on it
I know it sucks. BUT. to me I want my SD to have an education, so she can hopefully be intelligent enough to see a better way of life that the example she is set by her BM. also to support herself, but to me the main benefit at first of college is that it opens your mind, and you can think and see things more rationally, to me.
I am not forgetting her violence and I think she will end up getting her ass kicked, by someone. I propose that you guys pay for one semester, and if she does well, then talk about the next semester. Not a commitment to whatever it takes, more like we'll see.
I know it is not fair but you really do want to feel like you have done everything you can. If you are possibly able to swing it it is in investment in her stupid, ridiculous future that I think HE should do. But also never let her in your house until she is 'normal'.
I have a feeling you won't like this, but I really think it is the right thing to do, to give her a fighting chance at bettering herself. If it doesn't work, then NO MORE.
"Fortune favors the brave" - Virgil
Haven't Heard from ya In a while, Hope all is Well. Mevil
Everyone has good points here, and that is why enjoy this site. You know I don't want her mooooooching her whole life! That would be like her BM - right! This semester has already been paid for and BH might be right, it could be a mute point. I don't want him telling folks that we will pay for her schooling, first of all without discussing with me this issue, and secondly because he feels like he is owed too.
I sincerely believe that we have given her every opportunity and more chances than she deserves. How long is it going to take? I want her totally out of my life. I keep telling myself that she is a part of the man that I love, but obviously she has inhiereted all of her BM BAD GENES !!!!
I guess time will tell, lets see how this semester goes, that is of course if she makes any type of contact with us. She may even think that us paying for another semester is out of the question and not even ask. (that's hopeful thinking - huh)
Thank you Disney for portraying a positive image on all stepmothers!!!!
Hey zenmom - you are always rational
I really hope that you stick with your decision about college needs. I really had no problem with paying for her college, when she was flying right. We had only intended to pay for a community college at least until the gen ed classes were completed, unless they (all the kids) recieved a scholarship. She hasn't declared a major yet, nor does she have any interests yet.
OK - this is what I deal with - SD grades were high enough to obtain the State Lottery Scholarship right, but this was when she moved in with her mother the 1st time and didn't know how to apply so, she just didn't. Come to find out, one of her high school teachers found this out and applied for her and even paid the application fee. (she never paid her back as far as I know) It is like, when faced with any type of challenge, SD cowers down and wont move forward unless she is forced. It kinda like she reaches a melt-down zone. I don't want her to fail, but damn - when is she going to get some type of back-bone, grow up and make some decisions on her own.
I do agree totally with you that she needs to be taught responsibility, and unfortantly, I obviously failed miserably at that. I too also paid for my education, worked a full time job, attended night & weekend classes to finish my degree. We both are people who makes goals and will work toward them and set our standards high for ourselves. My husband also paid his way thru college, his degree is in international business, when his parents paid for it fresh out of high school he flunked out. When he paid for it he graduated cum laude. He appreciated it only when it was out of his pocket.
So you agree that we should not pay for it? I really think it would do her good to work awhile and to find out that she has to make her own way and that the world is just not going to stop because she is STEP DAUGHTER.
West Point is impressive. My 15y/o BS will become Eagle after 1 more merritt. His goal is also West Point. He has been honored by Duke University for his outstand academics and was presented awards from Vanderbuilt University. (I just want him to be successful, so he can take care of me when I get old) But I do understand how difficult it is to attend West Point.
Thank you Disney for portraying a positive image on all stepmothers!!!!'s easy to be rational when I'm writing!
But we had this discussion years ago b/c BM was telling SD that DH "BETTER plan on paying for your college. He promised me he would."
Ummm..nope. Actually she kept trying to get that in their agreement when they divorced and it was one thing his attorney would not even let him consider. Good thing to as that would have sent us into bankruptcy. Of course now BM claims to SD "I have TONS of money I will pay for it. This is BM who just lost an 850 buck swing a month by losing CS and having to pay it out now. BM who is being sued for failed credit card repayment, and has creditors calling MIL and FIL from doing searches on her I'm assuming.) DH told SD, "I suggest you work on earning scholarships rather than banking on that one."
Oh- and about West Point. It's really tough. DH had a full ride to Notre Dame and turned it down b/c he wanted the CHALLENGE of West Point. Now having endured West Point he is thinking he should have gone to Notre Dame. BUT... the Army was a good experience and West Point connections have opened many doors for him (those guys are EVERYwhere. He's gotten jobs because of that West Point ring I'll tell ya. Kind of Stepfordish!
Anyway, thank God your BS is such a good kid. If you ever want to PM me about him and he does ending up really wanting to go there, DH can give him suggestions.
Peace, love, and red wine
Pay for college?
Unless she is a great student, well behaved and you are rich or well off, I wouldn't pay a red cent. She can go to a community college & work. She will learn that way. I'd make sure she had transportation, and if her grades aren't acceptable, I'd stop that too. If you do, you are giving her a free pass. HELL NO
spoken like a true stepwitch, Angel !
Her GPA i think is a 3.2 or something like that - great student is questionable. I started the nursing program with a 4.0, my personal standards her extrememly high for myself. I don't push perfection, but I do expect exellance. SHE IS TOOOOOO GOOD to go to a community college, are you kidding? OH PLEASE !! She has the car that we bought for her, not new, but running and her car insurance is now paid up for another 6 mo. (Just paid 1500 for all of that) Done with the ins. for sure, the car is in her name, I would probably push to cancel the insurance too, but we put that in her name when she turned 18 & since it has already been paid - oh well ! I do not want to be an enabler and I don't want her to be a failure, because of some sick sense of thought, that it would appear that we haven't done enough.
Thank you Disney for portraying a positive image on all stepmothers!!!!
I haven't
had the great privelage of having to deal with college....yet...but if I were you I'd be raising hell with my fiancee if he was allowing his daughter to disrespect fact I'd be packing my things...hubby's are supposed to have our backs!!...and in my opinion if parents are paying for college they should have a say in which college the kid goes to...BM should be pitching in, but we all know most of them won't pay anything cause they want a free ride and just assume dad will take care of it all...I don't blame you one bit for wanting to not pay for her college...I'd wish her luck in getting a job and paying for it on her own until she can learn basic respect for elders...I guess I'm old's how I was raised and how I raise my daughter
I stole this great idea
I say let her file for financial loans and if she behaves toward you , you can agree to pay half or all back. I got this idea from Sarah's post , but love the 1st you do, then you get rewarded thing. Also Sarah and her husband added if she drops out ,all loans are on her , so sorry , makes her take the school seriously too.!!!!!
"We don't understand life anymore at 40 then at 20, but we know it and admit it" Jules Renard
I can just see it ...
Her sitting at my table and rolling her eyes. Telling ME to grow up, me finally kicking the snot shit out of her, then me going to jail.
Thank you Disney for portraying a positive image on all stepmothers!!!!
A prediction
Yeah, when my SD24 was kicked out last month I wanted her to experience some pain too--but she never laid a hand on me and if she did I'd be seeing RED like you must be. I can't even imagine.
Since then my DH found her a place, and has handed her over $1850 in free money. I was so pissed--just like you. Why the hell should that bitch be REWARDED for her behavior? Am I just chopped liver? I was nuts about this and DH couldn't understand why.
Through this I discovered that SD24 will experience pain, but it takes a while. SD24 now has no car insurance, no health insurance, lost her driver's license AND her job. That's a recipe for a disaster. DH has sworn to me that he is through handing her cash...we'll see. I have to believe him because, honestly, we don't have any more left to give.
While SD24 continues to live Hakuna Matata, she'll soon experience the results of her choices--I know this. So I just sit, watch, and wait. Stepwitch, I see the same for your SD. The way she's going, she won't last in college which will make the tuition moot very soon.
You might have to suck it up now, and your SD might feel that she's been rewarded and nothing has changed, but things will change over the next few months. I just hope that your DH can keep his wallet in his pocket and let her learn from her actions.
BITTER? ...ahhh, not me
I think my opinion is
I think my opinion is different than everyone elses....
I did read your other entry from when SD attacked you, and that was completely unacceptable, 100%. The girl obviously has some issues, and who knows whether she will ever work them out. And obviously, she should not be allowed back in your home.
That said...she is still your daughter's husband, and I think one of our duties as parents is to ensure our kids get an education. $1500/semester in tuition isn't really that bad. Heck, camp for the summer for my SD10 costs me about that much. Now, if she fails classes or something while your husband is paying, I could see cutting off the support. Or if she had been told in advance, act up and tuition is cut off. But I really feel like, as the biodaughter of your husband, she does have a certain amount of entitlement to support from him. The fact that BM isn't willing to support her isn't really SD's fault and I don't think she should be punished for that.
As I have told my DH a 100
As I have told my DH a 100 times.. and I will let you in on this.. I paid my way through college... Took out student loans and paid for a private college... I valued my college experience then.. and I value it now. I had friends in college that were on a free ride from mom and dad.. those kids would skip classes and not study... they did NOT value college. Here it is.. almost 15 yrs later, and I am still glad that my parents did not pay for me to go to school.. because I might not have taken full advantage of the education I was recieving had I not been paying my way through.
Just let him know, she needs to be paying w/a student loan in order to fully appreciate the value of her education. If it is handed to her, she probably wont....
Furthermore, she should also not be getting support after assualting her stepmother.. She hits you.. I am sure she will hit anyone in authority.. what is this teaching her for when she has to go out and get a job??? If she gets away w/that.. then I am sure she will try that on someone else... next time, they might have her @ss thrown in jail for assualt.
This is what I told my Dh too...
Because when they were divorcing BM really tried to force him to agree to paying for it. Luckily his attorney said not to sign on for that, because you never know where you will be financially.
But he was feeling pressured that he should so I reminded him that my parents paid for college when I was 18. I often dropped/switched/withdrew from, or took unnecessary classes. After 5 semesters I dropped out mid semester (losing all the money for that one) and only had accumulated 32 credits.
I did transfer those as electives and they did eventually help me to graduate in my late thirties. you said I just didn't vaule college on my parent's dime. I wasn't ready I didn't care. Years later when I went back on my own dime, plus government grants for being a single mom, it was those loans, my portion that kept me going. It was my own need to finish and not end up with student loans with nothing to show for it that kept me going in tough times. And it was my need to do well that got me through in 9 semesters while working full time and single motherhood, then remarriage, blended family, pregnancy...and still ended up graduating magna cum laude. I never would have done that before I was ready, before I had a passion to educate myself.
It didn't take much convincing. As I mentioned above, DH had a choice of full ride to Notre Dame or West Point (which of course is not anywhere near FREE in personal cost.) So he was relieved at my feelings that kids should own their education themselves.
Oh and PS to BM- her dad paid the first time and she dropped out with one semester left because she got mad at him. Evidently she was a difficult teen (go figure) because in a fight her dad said, "I can't wait until I never have to spend another dime on you!"
BM would later apply for jobs claiming a diploma from her unfinished degree (that says a lot about her doesn't it?) Then she went back on DH's dime, and finished that semester, then went on to get a nursing degree (on DH's dime again)
I love it when she calls me lazy to SD. Oh ..the one who paid for my own degree while working full time and a single mom. I'm the one who's lazy!
Peace, love, and red wine
this? Why pay for college for kids if it is putting you in financial harm's way? I also paid for my own college & I worked my butt off and I appreciate my education. My parents OFFERED to pay and I told them I wanted them to retire early.
I say, keep giving them everything. Go ahead. Enjoy what you create.
I have 3 college grads. I helped with minor things. They have college loans. They are responsible and hard working.
anyone to adopt me?
I would love to get my masters degree!!
I paid my own way, and am still paying!! When I was still married we told our BSs that we would pay for the first year and after that they were on their own!!
“You will never be on top of the world
if you try to carry it on your shoulders.”
Would you be...
my SD?
Thank you Disney for portraying a positive image on all stepmothers!!!!
No, I'm not your SD
I'm a custodial step mother. My SD can be a complete witch at times. I'm not unsympathetic.
You asked for input and whether people thought you should put your foot down about Husband helping SD with tuition. I told you what I think. I was fully aware when I wrote my first post in this thread that most would disagree with me. don't agree with me. That's fine, no big deal.
awesome stepwitch mom
absolutely and you would not have to worry about paying my college or crazy BM (my mom is pretty sweet) and you would have a couple of excellent step it is a match made in heaven!!
“You will never be on top of the world
if you try to carry it on your shoulders.”
I also paid my way
I also paid my way completely through college and grad school by taking out loans and working. And I think all kids should have to support themselves to a degree. I can't imagine this kid is getting a free ride 100% on $1500/semester. That doesn't even pay for Catholic elementary school tuition.
I'm just saying, kids should be able to count on their parents for some help through college. I know this kid did some real damage, but I would expect a bio-parent (and maybe a step-parent, depending on how the relationship with skid has been) to give a second chance. I'd let her know, DH's assistance WILL END if anything remotely like this ever happens again.
That's just me. Maybe I'm too forgiving.
My opinion
Nothing wrong with parents helping out their kids through college. However, once that child graduates from high school the parents' duty to ensure they get an education is over. After they graduate, post-secondary education is a privilege and as such some of these selfish ingrates need to EARN their parents assistance. So if that means working part time or helping around the house or showing some gratitude for the free hand out, then so be it. It all goes back to the post about entitlement and how today's kids often want something for nothing.
I'm certainly not advocating
I'm certainly not advocating paying for college 100%. But I think if you can spare some money, you absolutely have a duty to your kids to assist them in getting through college.
No one did it for me, because they couldn't. But I know they would have if it had been feasible, and they did help me out when they could. I just think whatever I'm able to spare to make my kid's life easier than my own----I will.
crayon - I need you to spell it out (in RED)
What does R.O. mean? She hasn't contacted us since the big fight a week ago - nothing, nada - I've been having dreams, that she comes over and tries to apologize for her actions bla bla bla bla - And again, I forgive her. I get mad at myself for this. I'm gonna start another topic in a min - cause this one is getting way too long.
Thank you Disney for portraying a positive image on all stepmothers!!!!
I'd assume R.O. means
I'd assume R.O. means restraining order.
I wouldn't advocate in favor of that, because that could be the death knell of any relationship you could ever have with her. Maybe that's what you want, I don't know. But I would imagine that would be pretty hard on you husband....
Hey Jess -
Thank you for your input, i do appreciate you taking your time to read my post and being sypathetic, truely (not being sarcastic). I haven't gotten a RO against her. I do think that it would be hard for hubby to understand that, but I have to stand up for what it right. Just put out another post on the forum. I'm just tired of all the bullshit that this person has put me thru. It has been for the last 8-9 years, always pitting, starting stuff and ya whatever. It is time for her to grow up and be responsible for her actions. Anyway, thanks for reading and writing. Keep on.
Thank you Disney for portraying a positive image on all stepmothers!!!!
No problem. And of course, I'm not in your shoes completely. I read your story and worry my SD will be the same. She's only 10 and the disrespect that comes out of her towards me is sometimes unbelievable. Luckily, my husband sees it and will say, "she's a total bitch." So at least I've got him in my corner when I need him.
Good luck.
Stepkids are so hard, but I'm concerned...
that your husband called his BD a total bitch. I hope he never switches sides, like I've seen time and time again. I would caution in how you handle yourself (not that you would) in talking about your SD. "It's ok for me to talk bad about my child, but it's not ok for anyone else" Know what I mean? She is only 10, and sounds like she has been taught very well how be like my BM. Sad, I wish I could tell you that things will get better, in my experience it hasn't, just gotten worst. But finally we have the upper hand.
Thank you Disney for portraying a positive image on all stepmothers!!!!
Oh, I know. And he doesn't
Oh, I know. And he doesn't say things like that consistently. And she isn't horrible consistently either. There are just occassions, where she acts very manipulative, and he will talk to me about it after the fact, when I'm upset and in tears and saying "why does she treat me like this when i do this, this, that and the other thing for her?" And he'll say, "she's acting like a bitch."
But never in front of her. And sometimes he'll tell me I'm acting bitchy towards her (and sometimes I do....I'm human).
hope this helps
Well I would be so mad too, and I am going through something like you with hatefulness from my boyfriends children all though my situation from them has been verbal. Its easy for us to not give when we are hurt, disrespected, and for sure not appreciated.
BUT.. that is his daughter.. and maybe its B.D fault for not putting her in her place and taking a united front with you. I myself could not see taking away a education from anyone,But I could see telling her not to ask for nothing more until she shows you respect( and she will NOT be welcomed over until she changes, because your home IS YOUR COMFORT ZONE AND YOUR HOME), and B.D should make it VERY clear to her that this is " BOTH" your monies and that you deserve respect. There must be a reason why she is so angry? I would want to find out and clear it up. I mean if its just because she dont like you " To bad", she needs to know you are NOT going anywhere regaurdless of her poor behavior.. because that is what she honestly wants from what it sounds like, She wants to push you up and out of the way.
You do have the upper hand,
you can call the shots,
You are the adult " Period".
And the best way to show that you have control and are in control is to buddy up real tight with B.D and BOTH confront her together. She wont like it.. but I am guessing she wont raise a hand to you in front of B.D will she? she needs to hear the stipulations from the both of you TOGETHER, let B.D put more then 2 cents in on the convo because that is his way of letting her know you are NOT being pushed out of this picture REGAURDLESS of her actions but yet her actions will NOT be tolerated or excepted.Hope I helped a little,
I cannot believe what I am reading. I am new, so a little slow on the response to this one. If my SD, either one of them, ever hit me, they had better kill me. There would be NO way she would "walk" out of my house. They would need to carry her out.
I totally understand about the disrespect thing. My SD once hit her BM and BM did nothing, thus teaching her that this behavior is acceptable. What I cannot understand, is when did we as parents start to believe that we have an obligation to pay for college. College is a privelege, not a right! We, as a society, have taken that for granted! Ever heard of Dave Ramsey? Listen to what he has to say about that, I totally agree with his stance. That is, after you are DEBT FREE yourself, and retirement is set, if you then want help OK fine. However, 1500 a semester could be invested toward YOUR reitrement. Let's face it, where will this child be when you reitre? Sounds like in jail! The only way I will help my kids with college is if the above is met AND they have a good attitude about it, not believing I OWE them anything. As parents, we are obligated to give them the tools necessary to live a productive life, not hand them everything. My grandmother used to quote someone by saying, "Give a man a fish and he eats for a day, teach him to fish and eats forever." So true. Slack up on yourself, you are giving her WAY more than most people would already. My SD wouldn't get anything more from me if she physically assaulted me. If you are going to pay for anything here, it seems like it would benefit her more to see a psychiatrist! Good Luck 
Thank you robinson ---
Yeah - I have had a ride in the last week - hell 16 years! Shit from everywhere SD, BM, DH family cause they feel sorry for poor little SD because she was born illigedement (SP), etc. You know, I get so tired of being the "bigger/better person" and I'm so sick and tired of it,I'm so glad this site allows us to vent and better to know that there are many with the same thoughts. You say that they would be carrying your SD out if she assaulted you, but what you may not know is that I am very much stronger than her and I would have killed her. Then she again would have been the poor little victim.. Guess what I just have no more energy to spend on her - I cannot believe I feel this way, I have always been one to stand up and take charge. I just don't give a flying f++k about her anymore. I told my mother in front of DH that she just doesn't even exist to me and he told me that he doesn't blame me. So, I'm rolling with that. i do want to forgive her some day, but it is not going to be today!!
Thank you Disney for portraying a positive image on all stepmothers!!!!