Humiliating disrespect!
I'm sitting here with a hot stomach, as he disresepected me for a third night in a row. She called at 11:30 this time, and this time he told me it was important. She had apparently given her World of Warcraft password to the computer repair shop worker and somebody took it and hacked her account. He had told me he was so tired he could barely keep his eyes open, but he sure jumped up and turned on that computer fast enough and then proceeded to yack with her for 1/2 hour "oh, I can't believe they did this to you." We had been peacefully lying in bed, and he jumped up and attended to that phone call like it was a life-saving procedure. Now I'm playing second fiddle to a video game! He immediately got defensive when he got off the phone, and of course when I told him I was annoyed, he again tried to turn the tables on me "you don't want me to ever speak to her," "you're so jealous." We really SCREAMED at each other, I have never screamed at a guy like that before. He is impossible! I honestly have to say that I miss being his mistress, because I got treated 100% better than this. I am hurting so bad right now because I know where I stand in his life. He sure isn't a niceguy to me anymore - he's a total asshole!
I'm at my wit's end. How do I stand up for myself and not be disrespected at every turn? That was humiliating disrespect and he had some nerve trying to make me feel bad. I told him I'm going to contact my ex and tell him I miss him. This is so stupid! He always thinks he is justified to accept phonecalls from her for any reason. The kids were with us this weekend and they were finally in bed (she has been keeping them up until 11 all summer). This game wasn't important, it could have waited until morning, but no, this is important to him! He is going to lose me because his priorities are messed up. I never thought that this relationship would end up in the dumps like it seems to have.
I have told him exactly what you were saying.
This relationship is definitely under evaluation. I am the type of person that won't take this bad treatment for too long. He might be able to make me feel bad for a little while, but I know when my feelings are justified and I won't apologize for them. Moving out will be an option if I can ever get some money saved up. I have a low income and crappy credit, so it could take a while before I can find a place. My kids would be highly disappointed too because they care about him a lot, but ultimately the only one who can make this decision is me. If he keeps this up, I may just call up my plumber ex-boyfriend because he used to like to call me late in the night lol. Unfortunately, I broke up with him for a reason too - I'd hate to get mixed up with him again. Thanks for your email - it really helped. I think you are one of the best posters on this board. You really say it how it is.
I agree with everyone else....
This is completely unacceptable. His behavior is one of a husband and not a DH. 11:30pm? WOW- are you serious? Our BM has a 8pm curfew when it comes to calls. It took a while but she sticks to it now. Much of this is because my DH would not allow it and laid out the law. IMHO, much of how these things are dealt with HAVE to come from the DH. The onus is on him to set the tone for the situation. I am shocked that not only does he allow her to call after a decent time, he BLAMES you for being upset about it.
I am with the other posters...this is not the situation for you and neither the DH or the BM are truly ready to be separated from one another. U must remove yourself from this situation immediately. And NOT compound the situation by staying and bringing another child into this situation. It will only get worse...
Best of Luck to You.
Alexis G.
Well reading your blog,,,
I would wonder what is going on? Sorry just being honest, and really if you look deep within yourself you may find the reason she is bothering you so much is because she used to be sitting in your very shoes? Right? You said you were his mistress! I think a lot of the reason he talks to her and jumps is because he holds alot of guilt inside. I think a good talk for the both of you is in order, not to mention just being open with each other. He is defensive because of his guilt, this obviously is all my opinion here and speculation. But I would try to talk things out. Some of it may be the way you two started out, mistress, trust issue maybe? Don't know trying to help you out..
" make sure you tell the people you love most EVERYDAY.. Its important not only for them to know but for you to tell.. Life is to short to be miserable..