Stepkids Are Evidence... reminders of something I do NOT want to think about
First, I've decided that the "General Discussion" forum is really where we talk about how having skids affects our marriage and plead with the webmaster to create a "Marriage Issues" forum.
Now, on to what's REALLY under my skin...
I have exes. I even have an ex-husband. Of course I had sex with these men, BUT... I do not have kids with any of these men.
I know my husband slept with other women before me - so did my first husband. Whatever. We were 33 and 40 when we met - as a guy would say, "Was she any good the first time? Then it wasn't her first time!" I know this about him, but I don't really like to think about it. In fact, the thought of him watching porn turns me off, let alone the thought of him actually having sex with another woman.
So now we come to the "issue" - the result of his repeated sex with other women. Do you see where I'm going with this?
I just can't get past the fact that these skids are the result of him sleeping with this broad for 14 years (that's 3 of them, and the other 2 from when they were split up for a few years in between).
Every time I hear their names or see the bi*ch's name appear on the caller ID, my mind flashes to him doing the deed with her! His insistance on having them around is to me a nostalgic longing for the relationship they once had.
I've been convinced by myself and others that this is some kind of psychosis, but I'd love to hear from people who've actually lived through being a SM instead of the DH and my uninitiated sisters and self-help books. Does ANYONE else get this icky feeling? It's ok if you don't, just please be gentle when you tear me to shreds
No one's going to tear you to shreds.
Yes, it's icky and no one wants to think about it. But you know what? We've all made stupid mistakes, we've all made bad choices, we've all trusted the wrong people and we've all done things we wish we hadn't done. It's hard to look at the skids and not see their mother, sure. We all know where babies come from, after all. But I don't think it matters much who had him first, as long as I know I get to have him LAST!
Obviously, there was something lovable about my husband's ex at one time, otherwise he wouldn't have married her, but it didn't take her long until she showed her true colors and the marriage started going downhill. Today he admits he was wrong to stay in the marriage and try to make it work "for the kids" for as long as he did, especially when she cheated on him so many times and ruined him financially. It was a mistake and he chalks it up now to lessons learned. There's no love lost there... he views it as a mistake in poor judgment, with the children being the only good thing that came out of it.
It isn't the quantity, in my view, it's the quality. We've now been together longer than they were together, which makes it easier, now that I have quantity on my side. But we also have QUALITY on our side, too, and that makes all the difference. We have the stronger bond, the better marriage, the more meaningful intimate relationship. They had make-up sex that resulted in unplanned (by him, anyway) pregnancies designed to keep him financially liable forever. Try not to think of it in terms of what she had with him, but what you now have with him and all that you could have with him in the future if you can get past this.
~ Anne ~
"Nobody can make you feel inferior without your permission."
-Eleanor Roosevelt
BTDT, wrote the book, the sequel, and did the tour
I have been a SM for a little over 2 years. We have decided to put an end to the marriage. I do admit that we rushed into this relationship and our foundation was not nearly as strong as it should've been. But the issues with his son and his ex and HIM were all too much for me. Maybe a stronger woman can handle it, but I cannot. I definitely see his ex when I look at SS. Not only does he look like her, but STBX has always commented on how gorgeous his son is, what a great-looking child he has, barfbarfbarf, and in the same breath he'd make some kind of comment about how he looks just like his mom. I mean, really, why not just TELL her when you see her next how beautiful you think she is, or maybe we can blow up some pics of her and hang them around the house and we'll light candles and sing hymns and sacrifice small animals to the altar of her beauty.
UGHHHHH. It doesn't help that STBX refered to her as the love of his life "back then" (yeah, right)...when I asked what he saw in her after hearing about the shit she pulled, he'd say that, in addition to pretending to be everything he wanted, she was "so super gorgeous". Okay...I was totally WRONG for barking up that tree in the first place, and I know now that what went on there is NOT my business. Hearing about how infatuated he was really just got to me and I think added to my rage--especially when he wouldn't defend me to her. I even had his SiL ask me once what I thought of her, and when I answered that I did think she's a pretty girl, she started ranting about how beautiful she is, how great her skin is, etc. And she even asked about BM's new husband, what he looked like etc., and when I said that he was good-looking, she was all "Oh yeah I expected that considering how beautiful BM is." And then of course I have sat through hours upon hours of stories that, again, I brought on myself when I would ask why she did this or that, and the same thread seemed to be woven through every story--as STBX so vomitously put it, "All men love her, all women hate her". I'll just let that one sink in. Oh, and did I mention that the first night STBX and I slept together, he sat on the bed and for TWO HOURS straight talked about her??? When we first met, he told me that hs ex was nuts and he had such a crazy story. Well, that night for some reason it came up (I guess we were sharing history lessons) and what should've been a 10 min. story literally took 120 min.+. I should've realized then that he was still infatuated. I believe that he still is.
So...I admit, this definitely colored my feelings about SS because I believe that STBX's feelings for his son stem from his obsession with his mother. I don't think I've ever said that out loud (or typed:) but I really believe it. And no, that's not SS's fault. Likewise, I have never treated SS badly or differently because of this. But...I am human. And it doesn't help that BB has made our lives miserable for 2+ years, nor that I bend over backwards (or I DID) to help STBX deal with her, deal with court, deal with the lawyer, deal with the documentation, deal with educational research for SS (deal with=I DID IT ALL), etc. and STBX will still not defend me to her when she is an outright asshole to me.
Wow...sorry, that went off the rails quickly. But it felt good to get it out. I think it has always made me feel inferior, that I wasn't good enough, but I guess it's not about that at all and more about STBX's pathetic nature. But, to answer your question, yes, I have looked at SS and have seen the two of them fucking "conceiving him in love" (if you classify love as forcing the woman who cheated on you to have a kid with you as the only way you'll take her back).
ESCAPE is so close!!!!!!!!!
Candles, Hymms and sacrafices!!! OMG I found that soooo funny. I just picture everyone singing Kumbia!! Sorry that made my day!
i thought i was nuts too
its overwhelming how much time you can spend thinking of your H ex. I do it all the time and wonder WHY??? H ex girlfriend, (never married) is however a fat pig. Think MILF from American pie, and my mind boggles to think of him staying with a woman who looks like that, not to mension sleeping with her, yuck.
So fab for you getting out, your stbx sounds like an ass and if bm is so gorg, then why did he leave her? It is hard to look at the skids and think eeeue this is the product of what i hope was a big drunkin mistake. And even better you did not have kids th him, you can make a clean get away. Keep me posted.
Anchor Babies
Ugh... That's exactly what the skids are!!! Especially the last one - see, my DH and the BM split up many times early in their marriage (she cheated before the first SS was out of diapers) and for a few years in the middle of their marriage, during which time he met a woman he really enjoyed being with - made him laugh, had things in common, etc. and they ended up having two kids together while he and BM were separated. Well... his family convinced him to go back to his cheating wife rather than divorce her and get on with his life with this woman he actually might have loved. What does BM do to cement her position? She pops out a third - to tip the scales in her favor over the "mistress" and lock him into another few years of child support. Nobody can tell me there was any more love between these two at that point - it was all about staying together for the kids and because it was the "right" thing to do. They were married in name only. The sex that conceived the last one was probably out of sheer boredom or in a drunken stupor.
I suppose I sound SUPER callous here, but she's made it obvious that the kids are her leash on my DH. She'll call and leave him a voicemail sounding all fretful about the ever-in-trouble SD and when DH calls her back to find out WTF, she's like, "Oh yeah, SS wants a season pass for an amusement park and I want you to pay for it" or worse, "My car's running bad - send more money." She USES them to keep him in her life because she can't find another sucker to marry her (he WAS a sucker - he was only 20 at the time).
I guess all of this is catharsis and to remind myself that he's human and made mistakes and I should forgive him for fu*king that old horse so many times without protection. It would be easier if the kids were good kids, but they're nightmares so it's not like "the only good thing that came of it is the kids" - nothing good came of it. *sigh* I just have to put the "ick puke" thoughts out of my head.
Blueberry's Baby
I Love It....Anchor Babies, lol!!!!
Such a good term for so many women out there, who have conceived for other purposes instead of truly wanting children.
As for your dh, I just want to comment that its beyond crazy that you both allow his ex to do all that. I understand its more of a problem with your dh, we only paid support and if the ex wanted activities or extra's then she would pay. When the child was at our house we paid then. We really didn't want any relationship with her, so the child would call to let us know if plans changed or not. We o had separate celebrations, ect. and didn't allow her any assess into our lives. If she was having a problem, then it truly was her problem, se la vi. On our end it was me and hubby that parented. I suppose her anchor ploy failed miserably, but theres nothing an ex can do if you close the door. So again your dh has to get onboard and put her out to pasture.
As for the child being a reminder, not for me. Only a reminder at what happens when one is raised in a poor environment. For my dh its a reminder of a mistake he made, and should have known better, but like all mistakes you put it behind you, learn, do better and move on. Which he did.
But maybe
he feels like something good came of it. For God's sake woman, they are his children and I'm sure he loves them and is glad he has them. You don't sound the least bit understanding at all..possibly you shouldn't have married someone who wasn't a virgin, and definitely not someone who's divorced, and 2 exes and kids from each!
I know...
I know I shouldn't have married a man with kids. I couldn't agree more. But I did and I love him - I'm IN love with him. Please don't be trite, Anonymous. His not being a virgin isn't the problem - his being irresponsible with his life for so long and the consequences of that has created innumerable problems.
I know I'm probably the biggest monster on this site. I never wanted skids and told him so and married him anyway hoping they'd go away. And you're right - I am not understanding at all. I know that hurts him sometimes and it breaks my heart to hurt him.
But I truly DON'T understand - I don't know HOW to understand his bending over backwards to pander to a woman who made his life a living hell and turning a blind eye to the degenerate behaviors of his children with her because he feels guilty that the marriage failed because he believed then, like he does now, that marriage should be forever, no matter how much it absolutely sucks. (I'm not talking about being sassy - I'm talking about stealing, drugs, STD's, jailtime, etc. etc.) I truly don't understand why someone would squander an opportunity for a fresh start by dragging around the mistakes he made (yes, I think his kids are mistakes - there, I said it - I told you I'm a monster - he's admitted it himself though that continuing to sleep with her after he knew the marriage wasn't going anywhere and then with the other woman while they were separated, was all a big mistake.)
Tonight I'm just tired. Sick of it all. As much as I adore him, I often think it would just be better for everybody if I admitted MY mistake (and his - he knew how I felt when he proposed) and ended this. I don't think I can ever love these skids. I sought this site out (and have talked with friends, sisters, marriage counselors) hoping my heart would change, but it hasn't. I don't know how to love her children. I'll say it for you - I guess I'm just a really awful person.
Sorry for being so dark everybody. This is all just exhausting, isn't it?
Blueberry's Baby
Not loving the sks doesn't make you an awful person at all!
Step parenting isn't for everyone! (God who am I kidding...I am not sure that it is great for anyone! But it isn't the sks fault...any of this!) The most important thing for you is, if you do realize this, take the opportunity to move forward with your life.
I feel you
Blueberry's Baby, I feel you girl. I can't agree with you more. I'm in the same boat you're in. I married to a man that does the same thing. You're not a monster. I feel the same way about my situation. It seems like nothing changes & that my life is devoted to carrying out the demands of his ex-wife & being a dumping ground for his kids when she doesn't want them. Could you believe she didn't even want her kids on Mother's Day?! The bulk of my frustrations come from the fact that he's so willing to do anything & everything she asks - no matter how ridiculous or outrageous or even at our marriage's expense. My marriage is on the rocks bad because of it. I'm tired of fixing their mistakes & sacrificing my life to do so. I'm glad I came across your postings. I don't feel like I'm the only one.
Musical memories?
I know what you mean about the 80's music. BM sent DH an email awhile ago about how she'd just heard a Bon Jovi song he'd love – OMG – it's a song from the late 80's and she's just hearing it now and why is she thinking of my husband whilst listening to the radio? Then she proceeds to tell him she's searched, but she just can't find the slow version of that Mellencamp song they heard once and, oh by the way, here's the password for my Rhapsody account if you want to log on and hear our favorite songs. PUKE :sick: . I wouldn't tolerate that kind of message from some random woman – why should I tolerate it from her? What does any of that have to do with his kids?!? It's flirting and reminiscing! (That whole password thing is just the tip of the iceberg – right up until we met, she was still handling all kinds of his personal business for him – anything online, she'd set up the password as their wedding anniversary… oh yeah, she put the fun in dysfunction, my friends!)
Let me tell you something though – there is one thing that continually jazzes me (and him) – I'm a LOT younger than BM (she's 10 years older than me and 3 years older than him – sorry, grammar police). WE heard a Prince song the other day and I said, "Wow, this song always makes me think of my first real boys & girls together party in the 7th grade." He just looked at me and said, "I was in BOOT CAMP when this song came out…" Then he smirks to himself – the old guy's still got it! Every time she tries to walk him down memory lane, I throw something in that reminds him he's landed a younger woman. Instead of him looking back fondly on what she's talking about, it just reminds him how OLD she is. I love that }:)
Blueberry's Baby
P.S. Remember Meatloaf "Paradise by the Dashboard Light"? The end makes me think of my poor DH – "I swore I'd love ya' 'til the end of time…… So now I'm prayin' for the end of time, to hurry up and arrive, cuz if I gotta spend another minute with you, I don't think that I could really survive!" Maybe that will help next time you think of their 1980's "picket fence" life – it was filled with regrets!
P.P.S. Your "rambly post" sounds very Pooh to me - like "a rumbly in my tumbly"
I know how you feel...
I know so much how you feel. I too have an ex-husband, obviously at 30 and divorced, he wasn't my first...and actually, because we were friends for about 4 years before we began dating, I saw him through all the girlfriends too...Amazingly enough, I STILL bug him about him being a lady's man in his day...and all the women, etc...we actually laugh, even though he tries to deny it...For me, well, he only once saw an "ex", which was really just a guy I LIKED ALOT!, but we had no real boyfriend/girlfriend relationship, it was just starting out when my ex-reappeared and then he left...Anyway, once he saw him and my DH lost it...everytime we ran into him, even though we had never done anything and were just friends, my DH could not handle the fact that I had truly liked this guy at one point...
Now, I have to see his daughter and ex and PUT UP WITH IT? No, one day on a cruise, after a couple of drinks I lost it...I told him how DISGUSTED I was everytime I looked as his daughter, as everyone around him (friends/family) said she was just like her mother and everytime I looked at her, all I could think of was him sleeping with that nasty woman...He of course tried to say that it was not fair, blah, blah...that I knew about that, blah, blah...So, in after a couple of drinks I told him I would tell him about me and began to tell him about a guy that I did date...HE ALMOST LOST IT! He kept telling me to shut up, that he knew he couldn't be my first, but I didn't have to throw it in his face and he didn't want to hear it...I actually got a kick out of it, I know it sounds horrible, but for the first time I think he GOT IT!!!
Anyway, I still feel the same...everyday she looks more like her mother...
Sadly enough, we now have a son together...and his IDIOT sister, who loves his ex-wife (she's as nasty, manipulative and lazy as his ex) had the guts to say to someone, whom she KNEW would tell me, "I sure hope that my brother's next baby ends up looking just like my brother's daughter and not his wife..."...Yes, disgusting!!! That would mean that he would look like the EX-WIFE and not like me, HIS MOM? Nasty woman...Which is probably the reason she has never cared or sent any gifts for our son, didn't meet him until he was 2 1/2 years old, even though we lived 25 minutes away...cause my son LOOKS JUST LIKE MEEE...
Anyway, don't feel bad, I know what you makes me sick and even though I try not to think about it, I do...yuck!
Thanks, Anonymous. We had a little tiff last weekend because I happened across an old college sweetheart and had emailed him a couple times. DH asked if I slept with him back in college. Well... yeah. "I don't like the idea of you talking to somebody you used to sleep with!"
How in the hell do you think I feel having to listen to you on the phone with/get emails from/get text messages from/get photos from/hear from your mother about... someone YOU used to sleep with?!? "Well that's different because we have kids together." You're right - it's WORSE. And I don't have HIS last name - that bi*ch still has MY last name!
The lightbulb over his head didn't flash on, but it did brighten quite a bit. Empathy is a wonderful thing.
As for me, the MONSTER, I sometimes get physically ill thinking of his kids. I really hate myself for that so please, Dear Reader, don't jump on your little "Reply" button with glee, bashing me and patting yourself on the back for being such a great SM. I know I'm not cut out for this - I just have to decide whether to suffer with it for the rest of my life or divorce the love of my life and go looking for someone second best who doesn't have "evidence" of the mistakes he's made (of course, I've made some BIG mistakes, but I don't have any cherished mementos of them - only the debts & experience - I do NOT claim to be perfect or better than anybody - far from it, so please don't throw that out there either).
Blueberry's Baby
Keep Your Son Safe
I would just nurture your son and do everything in your power to keep him away from the sister. I know I'm not in your shoes but I would never consider a child that didn't come out of me to be a sibling to mine. I would also be sure to raise them that way, and I know that many women do. Think of all the men that have many kids with multiple women, often they don't think of themselves as siblings and have many resentments. All around I don't think it works.
There are Times
When DH will talk about all the things he and Ex had while they were together. She worked but not steady and he had a great job. She had a really easy life. She was able to stay home if she wanted to. Here I am working my ass off barely having a day off paying for the 3 kids SHE bore. I got to admit I resent it with everything I have. She ran off with a man who apparently has more money and again living the easy life. My husband is doing the best he can financially and we are struggling. But then I stop and think the kids are struggling too. Their Mom doesn't do a damn thing for them and it is sad. She hasn't called them in a couple of months (trust me happy dance for me going on here) and I am sure they are wondering why and as soon as the call does come she will find a way to make it our fault. I really don't think of them as a reminder of his ex but victims of her. None of them really look like her at all which is a good thing because frankly she is FUGLY!
Trust me Blueberry as I said before I am not in a position to sit and judge you. I still many times wonder WTF am I doing? Those are the times I get on here and vent. It is a real struggle to love someone else's children husband or not. I don't consider you a Monster. I don't think any one of us can say we knew exactly what we were getting into when we married these guys. There was no anticipating this bitch ex wife of my DH and the lengths she would go to and the hell they can cause us. Hang in there!
Just my take
Well guys I really had to soul search to get to my feelings on this one!! I never really thought of DH having sex with BM when I looked at his kid, I just thought of how she did not disapline him or take the time to teach him manners or any of those important things in life. I felt sorry for him that if he were mine he would have had a better life. It was a little odd for a while as BM is 'coloured' (don't want to be politically inncorrect) and DH and myself are white. Now don't go all tearin me up girls I am certainly not racist or have a problem with her being colored!! But it does remind me often as he is very brown, that he was hers and not ours, even for that weekend! Everyone comments on his coloring and asks me where he gets it from...oh it can't be from your side of the family your so white!! They would say!! LOL just enough to piss me off, I used to explain where is mum was from, in the end I just said 'he gets alot of sun'!! LOL I have to laugh or it would just piss me off.
Catch xx
*Mean People Suck*
Just tell them he is home grown...
anybody who is rude enough to ask such a stupid question doesn't deserve a logical answer.
What's interesting to me is that I never gave it a thought that, yes, they had sex. I mean, obviously they had to have sex at LEAST once to have this child... or more for children... but unlike you, I just don't think about it that way.
Instead, I see DH in his children... not the BM. It just doesn't bother me. Now, I showed a picture of my SD to my mother, because she hasn't met her yet, and she immediately said 'Oh, does she look like her mom?' I guess she didn't see much of DH in her, but it threw me off, because I totally can see DH in her. LOL. SD also got the genius gene passed on to her through DH's family, because his brother is a certified genius and this little girl is extremely smart and quick, just like DH's brother. She is smart for her age. My mother laughed and said, well you know she didn't get it through us! LOL
I just don't ever think about them having sex, and it won't bother me, because really, I've had sex with my ex's, I just don't see what the difference is. To me, it's hypocritical. I don't have to be my DH's first- just his last...
Man has the intelligence to change his life,
Sometimes, he just fails to use it...
Come on... Do you really believe that?
As far as "I wasn't his first, but I'm his last" I think that's crap. Sorry. You're a sweetie, StepMom, but being first is special – especially when it comes to making someone a father and I'm being brutally honest when I say that I really feel robbed of that. I've gotten it out of my system, but it was a messy night of sobbing when it really hit me hard. I guess maybe the special-ness is a spin men put on it when they're grateful and love the woman and not when she's a life-sucking bi*ch from which there is no escape, but it still bites that she got that privilege in his life. I also loathe the whole grandiose "she's the mother of my children" proclamation as an answer to every "why" question.
I prefer to think of a bumper sticker I see sometimes that says, "When Satan tries to remind you of your past, just remind him of his future…" meaning complete and utter defeat. So I think of BM as Satan (Church Lady
) and that she's already defeated since her future doesn't include my DH. HA! This keeps me (a little) from stewing over what I have lost to her already. I'm bound and determined to see that his past doesn't get any more of him or his future (and I want that to include his kids – uh-oh, the Monster is out again…).
I believe, now that we've finally found each other, this man deserves a fresh start and that I deserve a happy and complete life. In order for all this freshness and happiness to exist, I really believe they need to butt the hell out - is there a spray for that? LOL
Blueberry's Baby
Noope... seriously.. I don't care if I was his first or not...
I ain't joking, and welll... I guess you need to know me to understand that. I'm just not hung up on this sort of thing at all. Doesn't bother me one bit and anyone that knows me, even my husband, would tell you... she ain't the jealous type!
I just don't give it that much value. To me each 'boyfriend' I've ever had, well, got better and better... in a sorts. DH tops them all in my eyes, therefore, I don't think that first is always the most special. Hell, I don't even remember my first kiss... But I remember the first moment that I saw my DH, remember what he was wearing... because he was damn fine... and he's my last love.
And I guess I'm lucky, because my DH would never use that theme song... because she's the mother of my children... oh no, and especially not around me. I think he's more regrettable than I am about it! LOL. Not that he doesn't love his children, but you know what I mean- just cuz the BM's gave birth, ain't no woman going to rule over him except me. Yes, there are certain things that we do to avoid a tyrant, but in our house, it's our rules. Them getting married was a mistake in his eyes, he was trying to please her, however she is one that you can never please, never was happy... until she got on her happy pills! LOL. And he feels the same as me, it's just business. SS and SD are HIS children, and WE are a family. And to be honest, he's the one that is very adamant about making that distinction. He reinforces that with his children all the time, that I am a part of him and them. We are family.
But I have to say, that BM has really really really come a long way from where we used to be. I'm still very very leery of her, and I don't, nor probably will never, trust her. She really really pulled some major psycho crap on us for years, but now she's finally settled down. I just hope it lasts...
As for them having sex... there is no question that I'm better.
Man has the intelligence to change his life,
Sometimes, he just fails to use it...
It's different in a BAD way
Just to be clear - I KNOW he had sex with other women before me but none of them are hanging around except BM! He didn't save the used condoms from the others in a box and then bring them out at the holidays, pay to support them and get constant phone calls from the woman wondering how the little guys are doing!
At the risk of being even more crude, I'm glad he practiced on others and worked out the kinks so to speak, to become the skilled and generous man he is today
but I don't think it's fair that the results of all that practice should continue to wreak havoc in our lives for eternity. What on earth does "Full Custody" mean anyway?!?
As far as what's special about being first, I didn't mean losing your virginity I meant that somebody else got to hand him a baby and say, "You're a Daddy!" That IS special, come on. If I ever get to, what do I say... "uh... again?" When the romance feels like a fairy tale, you just want the castle, carriage and other fantasies to fall into place too. Blah blah blah. Even though we're more like Shrek & Fiona
But... StepMom, you crack me up. "...there is no question that I'm better." That kind of self-confidence is terrific!
Blueberry's Baby
Yeah, the horse came before the carriage...
in our case, yes, that's true... the horse did come before the carriage in our situations, but I put it in a different perspective, I guess. I just don't think about it that way, nor will.
You know, the best way to handle some crummy icky issues is just look at the positive things, not the negatives- just block the negatives aspects out of your mind. Hold on to those positive moments instead.
One of my favorite comments to say is, "I'm to lazy, so I rather have everyone else do the work for me, I even had someone else have my children." Now, of course I say it humorously with a chuckle. But believe me, I would like to have a child of my own. I believe that one reason I think the way that I do is because I know that I can't have a child of my own without a lot of medical assistance so there isn't a question for me about bring in the first born, it's more about just bring in a new born! (And my DH isn't willing to go that far with it either, so I don't fret over it.)
I can't change the past, but I can groom my future, and my future is with my DH and his, my step kids. Maybe someday we'll have a child, but I know in reality, it won't happen. And I know that it may not be his first born, but it will be special none the less.
For most people, life gives them lemons, and they make lemonade, right? But I'm the gal that owns the land that is selling the lemonade stand. And I had a lot of lemonade to sell these days...
Man has the intelligence to change his life,
Sometimes, he just fails to use it...
Keep crankin' out that Lemonade, StepMom. I'm positive your attitude makes life easier for everybody - I'm a big crab from way back and I know it's something I have to work on. Especially when I'm going through that whole "medical assistance" thing right now - doing everything short of being turkey basted while DH is away on business (last resort for us and closing in fast). Hopefully one day we'll get our own little "sweet-tart"
Blueberry's Baby
Please don't think "the first" is any more special or meaningful than "the last." It's just not true.
My husband's firstborn wasn't even biologically his. She was the product of an adulterous affair his ex-wife had while he was deployed. (Yep, he's off fighting in a war while she's screwing someone else and getting knocked up.) He wanted to "do the right thing," so he stepped up and offered to be her dad. They had two more children after that. He was there for only one of the three births, deployed for the other two. He adopted my son from a previous marriage when that child was four years old. He wasn't there for that birth, obviously, but they couldn't be more father/son if they were biologically connected. You should have seen their faces the day the adoption was finalized! Then we had our daughter together and she was child number five in our family. Her birth was no less special, no less exciting, no less meaningful, no less anything. I had the same feelings beforehand as you, worried that "our" baby wouldn't be the same as either one of our "first" babies, since we'd both had "first" babies with someone else. But all that worrying was for nothing, because she was OUR first and that made her JUST AS SPECIAL, if not more so. And the pain we both experienced from our two miscarriages wasn't the least bit diminshed by the fact that we already had so many other children. That special feeling doesn't come from the child being the first child or the third child or the fifth child, it comes from the feeling the two of you have for each other. When it happens for you, it WILL be just as special! (And that's from the man's point of view, not mine.)
~ Anne ~
"Nobody can make you feel inferior without your permission."
-Eleanor Roosevelt
Voice of Reason
Anne, you are always such a calming force. You know, my mom is Anne with an E too
I've come to appreciate your wisdom as much as hers.
Somewhere in my head I believe and somewhere in my heart I feel that ours (if we're ever that blessed) will be just as, if not more special to him and bourne of love.
What you said about the miscarriages is very poignant. Our first was my third and the whole thing freaked him out for lack of a better phrase - like he didn't even know it was possible. He just kept saying, "I've never experienced this before." Which I of course took as, "BM1 & 2 could do it, why can't you?" But if I'm honest and think back to that night in the hospital - he was mortified. He was gone on business with no way of getting home. I talked to him before the D&C and told him they would probably have to do it, then he went out of cell range. The next call he got was from a nurse saying, "Your wife is out of surgery and she's fine. She'll be in room 0000." I remember the phone at the empty bed next to mine rang and rang and rang - I finally cringed and walked over and moved it next to my bed so I could answer and it was his secretary - he didn't know the phone number to the hospital, didn't know what was happening and he was SCARED. About 5 minutes later, I finally got to hear his voice. I could hear his confusion, his fear and sorrow.
I write him off as a callous bast*rd so often, but his heart broke the night our daughter died. I hope it breaks again if and when our child is born.
Blueberry's Baby
I understand
I guess I am also extremely arrogant! I think that my SD would be so much better off if she lived with us...It would probably drive me insane for a while but then she would learn how we live and be part of our lives. We both work, my kids appreciate what they have because they see how hard we work and that we love them and want to give them things. She sees her Mother "working" things to get what she wants...she constantly "wants" with me, my DH, his parents, she works everyone to get what she wants just like her mother...she has not been taught the "work" for what you need or want. And sadly she has never felt that feeling of pride that comes with it. If I suggested that she work for something I get the look like she thinks she is Paris Hilton and who the hell do I think I am??? I am with Blueberry I think that she is her mother, mind you I really never think of my DH and BM having sex or any of that. That was the past and we all have a past and we need to move forward and make something of a bad past. I don't know how you women can take control of your homes and not let BM's run it...I try so hard to have a normal life with this situation but honestly BM will always be there, she will always teach her daughter things that make me ill. She thinks marrying a rich man is her goal in life, not work?? Who teaches a little girl shit like this in 2007???????? So if she went to live with her mother and never vistited it would not break my heart. My life would go on quite happily....honesty is aweful...
It used to bug me too
Especially when I would watch the kind of men she dated - and how many she dated. She was open 24/7, just like the 7-11! She would have men stay overnight and SS didn't even know their name!! (We tried to do something about that, but DH apparently didn't have a legal right to interfere in her personal life, however it affected SS) It grossed me out to think DH went from THAT to me!!!
Luckily, it also grossed out DH. He now insists that SS was conceived via immaculate conception. He doesn't want to admit, even to himself, that he was ever with her *that* way. lol! We know it's denial, but hey, denial is better than fretting about the true past.
I can't judge you
When I see my STBH kids i see him in his son and his daughter doesn't look anything like either one of them. I have a hard time loving them also. BB makes it hard for me though. NO one can fault you for having real feelings. Atleast you are not being untrue to yourself by pretending that you feel one way when you feel another. So just exhale and to thy self ALWAYS be true
If raising children was going to be easy, it never would have started with something called labor!
You think you got it bad..
My BF and his ex were together from 16 years old on...that's alot of music.
Blow up the radio towers!
Oh damn. Now there's XM! LOL
Blueberry's Baby
I, too, am 10 years younger than my husband...
But that does not really mean a lot to me. Age is really just a number and as I am discovering, I will always be ten years younger than my husband but I am getting older nonetheless and soon it becomes less of a thrill to be "ten years younger than his ex."
It does sometimes bother me that I was not the one who had a past with my husband or that we didn't have children together. But usually I feel this way when I am not feeling as confident in myself. This is what I have to focus confidence in me...the rest is secondary.
Me too
I'm also 10 years younger than DH. I agree with you 100% Also want to add that if it weren't for BB. My DH would not have been the man he is today. I think because of HER, he learned to be a better man and a better father, because nothing came easy. It all is for a reason.
Also, DH will sometimes comment that he wishes we had met 20 years ago and got together then. My response is always, "My daddy would have killed you!" lol!
I am the older woman
Just have to throw something in ladies. I am 6 years older than my DH and am 10 years younger than my first husband. Age is just a number. I never dated younger only older men my entire life, and I was kind of uncomfortable at first. My ss's will sometimes bring up my age and joke about it or ask questions. One day the youngest asked did I date daddy in highschool. I was a senior when he was in the 6th grade,ewwe... I always respond back with but who looks & acts younger, me or daddy. They always respond back with you. I always smile back & tell them, that's what matters kids. ( plus & look younger than his ex who is 4 years younger than me, so who cares)
On a serious note I know that when DH would say to me that "she is the mother of my children" used to break my heart. Especially after we lost our baby & I had a hard time getting pregnant again. I wanted that title!!! Both marriages I have been the second wife and although it would be wonderful to not live in another womans shawdow, both times I know I was & am the best wife. ( my ex's first wife was a criminal so what can I say.
My Dh always tells the boys & me that I am the love of his life. I guess that is way better than being the first. ( cuz that didn't work out so hot
I know that I am the kind of wife I am today because I was married before and that was my practice marriage, I try to think of DH's the same, except he has something possitive to show from it other than an old stinky cocker spaniel.
I'm 12 years older than my BF, and it doesn't seem to bother him or me. I was 18 years younger than my ex! So I've gone both ways - you might say :)!
I like to tease DH
& tell him if I had known younger men were so much better I would have never dated older guys!
He always tells me he wishes that his parents would have gotten a hot baby sitter like me when he was a kid.
I used to care...
Two years ago, I wanted the "Mother of My Children" title SO badly that it hurt. I was nuts over it. Everytime I saw BB I would feel pangs of jealousy but I know that in my case she was the love of his life and I was not. I guess I thought that if I had his baby, it would level the playing field somewhat, but now I know that all it would've done was bury me deeper into a bad situation. And the fact that STBX was SO into his son and all about the "he will always be first" I eventually realized that even if we did have a child, SS STILL would be first because he is BB's kid. It's so gross. I guess the botom line is that we love[d] these men and to know that they shared something so intimate and joyous with another woman is very hard to shake off. I do feel that it's their job to alleviate that stress if we as the second wives make it known that we're hurt by it. For me, all it would've taken was a little assurance, but I never sought it because I knew that the answer was not one I wanted to hear.
Thank you goils ;)
Thanks for everybody sharing their experiences - looks like a lot have been through the same and I appreciate it so much.
My DH does tell me I'm the love of his life and he wants so badly to have a baby that looks like me, that I'd be a great mom, etc. etc. so I guess I have something to hang onto there and I'm just being a poop because since I lost our baby a year and a half ago, I haven't been able to conceive again. Maybe we'll get to have a "love child" eventually
I pray that we do anyway.
I have to say to Krissy - I am so sorry for your situation. There have been so many times I've nearly given up - SO many - and just thinking about it broke my heart. I can't imagine what you're going through right now, but I am sorry that you are. Please take good care of yourself through this.
Thanks again everybody. Hope all had a great weekend!
Blueberry's Baby
P.S. I have to ask - BB - is this Bio-Bi*ch? Because sometimes I've signed off as BB and now I'm wondering what I was calling myself! :?
My husband went ot his daughter's graduation today
It was held in another province so I did not go due to teaching and working in the ICU today. However, at the event, his daughter wanted pictures of he and his ex together like one big happy family. So, to make his daughter happy, he did. His other daughter had photos done professionally at her wedding in this way too. No including the step parents all. This makes me feel they are still falsley together. And I feel hurt. I have never been asked to be in a photo...not even by my husband of this nature. Interesting that before we were married, they didn't do were done separately. Right now I want to poke out his eyes I am so mad at all of them!!! The ex always gets what she wants! My feelings of being disregarded or invisible are irrelevent to him as long as everyone is happy! I am sick of it. He is away right now and I am wondering if I really want him back!
Thanks ladies....
I am still p.o.ed about this photo thing. He doesn't get it at all. He is flying home tonight. I am not that anxious to see him to be honest. He tried to reassure me that the photos will just be for his kids personal use and "he doesn't have a copy." So out there are photos of my spouse and his ex at special events where no such photos exist of he and I EVEN OF EVENTS THAT I HAVE ATTENDED! I am tired of always having to pretend I don't feel hurt or angry or dismissed because "it makes his children happy." His children are 21, 27 and 29. I am so angry. The worse part is that he tries to describe me as being unreasonable and childish. Why the hell did he even call me from the event if all that he had to share is things that would make me feel second best!
Thanks for listening...or reading!
It's nice just to know from others that my feelings are normal
Last night he finally called to say that his flight had been cancelled and he had to take a different connecting flight then a bus to get home. Do you know who he called re: these change in plans???? HIS SON! He called his son collect and then asked him to let me and his daughter who lives in another province know about his change in itinerary. So that really helps me to understand once again where I fit.
You know what...I really am tired of this and I know the answer to your question Fearless. I decided last night that my life outside of these children starts today. I will let him know how I feel about this situation about the photos but mostly about how my feelings are always of less importance. After 7 years of this, you start to feel invisible, not trust your own feelings, feel inferior. I don't need that AND only I can do something about it. So I shall. If he doesn't get it, I am never going to help him to get it...he doesn't want to. He understands exactly what he is doing and how it hurts me. I need to put my feelings first for a change and get on with the things that make me feel complete, happy and energized. Don't know if that includes him at this point or not...I would like to say not. I hope that I have the courage no matter how everything else looks in the situation. For me, the marriage worth is really told during the tough times that try your commitment. Anyone can be happy during the good times where there is no strife or disagreement.
I hear ya Stamina
I'm SO over it right now! Hearing him defend her on no other grounds than "she's the mother of my children!" She could be a convict, drug addict, child-molesting freak and he would defend this c*nt to the end! When I think about it on my own, in my private moments, I give him so much credit, but when he opens his mouth it makes me SICK!!!
I'm afraid I'm heading down the path to giving up...
Blueberry's Baby
Men just don't get it!
I couldn't agree with you more. I'm going through something similar. Every time his ex calls and asks for anything, he can correlate it to how important it is because it has something to do with his kids. Yesterday she asked him to run for her again. She forgot the SK church homework and instead of dropping it off, he had to go and get it. Mind you, this was 9 pm and she said she needed it for the morning. I tried to tell him that he was supposed to be a weekend dad and he should be doing his own things with the kids, not everything she demands of him, and she shouldn't come attached with his weekend visits, but of course he turned it on me, saying I "didn't want him to be a responsible dad". Then he gets back on the phone with her and they both agreed that this was not important, it was optional, so here I am looking like the bad guy. I really think that men just don't get it! They worship the hole their kids came out of, but are we worshipping our ex's pole just because he gave me a sperm cell?!? Hell no! This life is definitely tougher than I had ever imagined! I knew there would be problems with blended family issues, but I could never have imagined it would be an issue about where the sperm and eggs came from!
Ranting-sorry this is a long one
Ya know, You ladies are soooo where I am at right now and I guess that I just need an outlet to whine and rant today. Thanks for being here! Well, here goes...
Sometimes I feel like a hypocrite when I get this way because my Dh is a good guy and we get along great.(Better than my ex and I ever did)I would not trade him for the world and really do treasure him, but the truth is, sometimes I too feel like running away, even though it is not what I really want. I guess that I get so frustrated and fed the f*%k up that I just don't know what I should do or what the f*&k my role is here.
It's funny, I have never been shy about where I stand or expressing myself. While I am not a screamer, I am not a shy violet either. I managed to support my kids, make sure they did what they were supposed to, made my bills and my ex's and managed my own life all by myself while going through an awful three year divorce and stayed sane all the while. So why the f*%k do I feel so powerless when it comes to the goings on in my own damn house?
My dh, sweet as he is, is also one of those guys who bend over backwards for the bm because she gave birth to his spawn. Like you Msniceguy, I DO NOT worship my ex or his "pole" because he is my children's father. I used to feel like my Dh and I had a pretty solid connection. Now, I feel like everything is so f$%#ing tainted by the bm on the pedestal and my spoiled sd. It also makes me feel insecure. Like I wonder if maybe he still has feelings for her or something or maybe that he misses his old life, family etc...
Step family life can be so damn tough. I feel like I was rather naive about the whole thing. I read about it, knew it would not be easy, but I felt that if the adults were united that they could work through things together, support each other and deal with the kids fairly and equally. And most importantly, I felt my Dh was worth it all. Boy did I f*&^ing have a huge pair of rose colored glasses on!!!I still feel like he is the one for me, but I guess I never took into account that people just get funky about their kids and other people parenting them. And that some parents believe that their kids can do absolutely no f&*^ing wrong. It also seems that some guys are so hooked up on the fact that they need to constanlty kiss their ex's ass that they don't realize that they are hurting their partner. I wish I understood the whole psychology behind this, but *sigh* I do not.
In my case, it makes me feel like the playing field is not level and that somehow I will always be second, no matter what. I know I should not feel this way, but I do. I cannot "compete" with the fact that they have children together nor do I want too. But when he says the whole "mother of my children" bullsh*t, what I hear is "Although I may love you, you are second to her and my kids." This may not be what his intent is, but it is what I hear. I hate drama and I do not want my feelings to be the main topic of conversation all of the time, so I do hold quite a bit in. Thank God for this site!!
At times, I wish that we shared at least one bio. Not because I feel that it would even me up with bm, but because it is something that I truly want and wish we could share. I would never want too though because I think that it would just take too much to do that and that it would just make things worse and be tainted as well. Can you believe that when we first moved in together and had announced that we were getting married that my sd used to ask me, on a regular basis, if Dh and I were going to have children? She was so worried that we might. Mil also said that we had better not have any etc... My Dh had a vasectomy-not an option.
It all just makes me so crazy sometimes. I hate it when his ex calls about nothing. I hate the little tricks that my sd has been pulling lately. I hate that he is blind to it and acts as if she can do no wrong. I hate feeling like we are two seperate families living under the same roof. I hate that he never wants do do any family things, unless his kids are at our house. (my daughter lives with us full time) In my perfect world in my head, LOL, we would have some sort of a parenting plan and hold ALL of the children to the same standard no matter who's they are. Maybe he would even just care about my daughter and her feelings a little too. That in itself would be huge.
*big sigh*
It's Friday. Maybe a martini is in order...
Pour me a martini too
We should have a ciber happy hour! Hang in there Georgie Girl, I have some of the same feelings and issues to work on myself. I think I have to learn to be patient with myself for a change insted of trying to be patient with everyone else. I came into this not realizing what changes being a "step" would make to my realtionship with my DH. My eyes are wide open now but I think alot of these things will take time. Have a martini for me and I hope your weekend is drama less!
Our greatest glory is not in never falling but in rising every time we fall.
Yeah. Try coming home to
Yeah. Try coming home to your house where STBX is not even staying at and finding BB and her crazyass DH lurking outside of your front door, then telling STBX to warn them NEVER to be there again only to have him puss out after asking her why she was there and actually APOLOGIZE for bothering her. When I asked why the hell he would apologize to that stalking, lying bitch, part of his response included the dreaded "she's my son's mom" excuse. I all but vomited on my shoes.
The one thing I envy about BB is her Angelina Jolie lips (used to be her boobs too, but since baby #2 they are on her knees, so HAHAHAHA). She has squinty eyes and an ugly schnozz but her lips are really pretty. Anyway, because what else could happen to make me feel insecure, SS of COURSE has the same lips, and do you know that STBX commented on those things every fucking second??? "SS, you have the best lips" or "Look at how big and red his lips are, he's so handsome". All to be followed by some variation of STBX reminding all of us "those are your Mommy's lips". HHHHHHHHHHUUUUUUUUUUUUURRRRRRRRRLLLLLLLLLLL. Talk about fucking reminders. Thank GOD those nutbags are on the next boat to GETTHEFUCKOUTOFMYLIFE, PA.
Stamina--I'm sorry for how you're feeling. I agree that the picture situation is totally inappropriate. My BiL''s parents are divorced (both remarried) and for he and my sister's wedding there was not ONE picture of BiL with both BM and BD. They took pics with BM and her family, and BD and his. That's how it should be. Why in hell does there need to be friggin photo-documentation of the three together? Doesn't everyone pretty much know how the kid came about? Isn't that what a birth certificate is for? I don't get it at all. It's weird, it's fake, and it's insulting. I'm sure your DH just has a DERRR moment with that one, trying to please, are not wrong to be upset.
Evil, do you prefer them
Evil, do you prefer them dirty, straight up or flavored? I love that. cyber happy hpour. Count me in!!
There's only one Martini...
... and that is gin, vermouth and olives. I'm a purist and a traditionalist IF YOU HAVEN'T ALREADY FIGURED THAT OUT! MLOL (maniacally laughing out loud
Read - Muah-ha-ha-ha-ha!
Check out my cyber happy hour forum - I'm thinkin' we should start one every Friday night. Wish we could do it in person though! Whadda you gals think? (United We Stand - just daring the BM's to find this kind of kinship
Blueberry's Baby
I am in...
Only tonight I would want it to be hapy TWO OR THREE HOURS! Still fuming mad...need to extinguish the flame and dilute my vemomous feelings.
I feel like I am going to be sick...
I just realized that May 23 would have been my husband's 30th anniversary if he would still have been married to ex. So on the day he had the photos done, it would have been right around the time of their anniversary. That makes me sick and more angry. He best hope that his flight is delayed or perhaps would probably be better than the reception that he will get upon his untimely arrival home! I am sick of being invisible!
Thanks I just went and had a glass of wine...
and sat in the hot tub relaxing. Not only was it refreshing and reminded of how I used to do that in the old days when I was newly single. Wow it make a difference! Hope that you all have a good night and thanks...again and again!
A little "ME" time!
Atta girl, Stamina! A little vino in the hottub!
You know and we all know your DH is dead wrong to take those photos that way - he should have put his foot down - but to call his son and give him a travel update and not call his own wife! WTF??? Right now, I honestly think you have the right attitude - that you should focus on yourself for awhile and what feeds your own soul!
Keep us posted on this one...
Blueberry's Baby
Honey, when do men ever remember anniversaries without at least a little reminder?! I bet you anything if he DOES remember, it won't be a pleasant memory!
~ Anne ~
"Nobody can make you feel inferior without your permission."
-Eleanor Roosevelt
Blu, You are one hell of a
You are one hell of a woman. I can't do the gin. I am too wimpy. I prefer the vodka variety-dirty. Blue cheese olives please.