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Two more weeks

debiamia's picture

It has been a couple of weeks since I posted anything here. SD 16 and her mom have cooked up a plan for her to return for 10 days at Christmas break and then move back home permanently. SD16 hates our home, won't even acknowledge that she has improved her grades and life by living with us. BM expects us to keep her for free, pay her child support even though SD16 is living with us.Now BM has arranged for SD16 to return home with her and is going to take SD16 out of regular high school and send her to ALternative Ed which is the high school for the troubled kids. It will take her an extra year to graduate which means we have to pay child support for 12 more months and the child will get a "general diploma" rather than a regular HS diploma. BM also wants more child support because she feels like she could "supervise" SD better if she didn't have to work the part time job she has now.

DH has said he will not take her phone calls about the constant problems going on in BM's house anymore. He says he is finished with trying to act as an intermediary for SD16 and SD20.SO in two weeks SD16will go home home, we will have lost about 1000.00 dollars plus the child support which she contested with the court telling them she disagreed with stopping the payments even though she initiated it by telling them WE had custody.


Colorado Girl's picture

and I'm sorry. No words of advice today, just sorry to hear your going through all this. Sad

"Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass...It's about learning to dance in the rain."

debiamia's picture

We are sure she played this game to show SD16 that it is not so bad living with BM. It will only be a matter of time until she starts calling everytime the kid does something dumb since the mother does not discipline but just wants to be her friend.I hope my husband sticks with his resolution to tell her she is on her own. Both of us think the shock of not recieving child support was too much for BM. I can't wait until the buck really stops. SHe is going to go nuts because there will be no more money and NO contact with DH.I think BM will go through withdrawal!!!