How long should "But I'm a COD" get to be an excuse?
I'm curious. How long do you think Children of Divorce should use that as an excuse for why they're "broken" or why they treat stepparents like crap.
SD21 has been using the "But I'm a COD" for over 10 years now. Boo-fackin-hoo!!!!
I can't function normally in a relationship. I'm a COD!!
You have to treat me extra-gently. I'm a COD!!
Don't raise your voice at ANYONE when I'm around. I'm a COD!!
I'm super-sensitive. I'm a COD!!
If you're angry and can't talk to me right away, you're HURTING me horribly. I'm a COD!!
I fall in love easily. I'm a COD!!
You didn't answer the 37 text messages I sent in the last hour. I know you're working, but I'M A COD!!!
How long, people? IMHO, if you ADMIT that it's your main issue in life, you GET HELP (therapy) instead of loving life as the eternal victim, COD.
:sick: :sick: :sick:
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Never as an excuse to treat a
Never as an excuse to treat a stepparent like crap. As far as the rest of it goes, if they can't function in life,then they need therapy a lot of kids go through a lot worse, but every person has a different level of resiliency.
Ntm, SD21 uses this as an
Ntm, SD21 uses this as an excuse for everything, but mostly for her romantic relationships. Which, IMHO, is why they don't last. She's a needy, whiny, clinging limpet and heaven forbid if you hurt her fee-fees!!
SD stb 19 does the same
SD stb 19 does the same thing. She's a bully/mean girl type and wonders why she burns through boyfriends faster than a blow torch. She has been taught by the Girhippo that she is a perma-victim therefore DESERVES having her patooty kissed by everyone she comes in contact with.
Thinkthrice, I'd be willing
Thinkthrice, I'd be willing to bet $1.00 that's it.
Seems to me that these
Seems to me that these snowflakes can dish it out but they can't take it.
10 years and an adult is
10 years and an adult is pretty long to be waving that banner. Like you said, if you are an adult and still have unresolved daddy/mommy issues, you need to go to a therapist, not torture everyone in your vicinity.
I personally give kids under 10 a pass to an extent. I would give kids who's new SM broke up their parent's marriage a longer pass. I would write off a lot of teen angst behavior as such and not take it personally. But if I truly had no part in their parent's divorce, I would expect an adult stepchild to at least treat me civilly.
My YSD who is 19 just yesterday called to tell me that she just wanted me to know how much she appreciated what I do for her and her sister. How I didn't have to care or take care of them.. how I didn't "beat" them. How she was lucky that she had me for a stepmother and that now that she is older and sees how other people grew up and how some had worse situations she can appreciate it.
Now, some SM's will never get that acknowledgement. I was lucky. But I think once you are an adult, you should be able to have some empathy for your parents and step parents that their lives were not always easy either.
Yes, it is, ESMOD. Especially
Yes, it is, ESMOD. Especially when you take into account the fact that DH and BioHo fought CONSTANTLY. It was rarely a happy household - too much tension and drama. There was no peace until they lived divorced.
BioHo is one of those people who gets off on fighting - the screaming, throwing things, slamming doors kind of fighting. DH absolutely loathes fighting. Yell at him and he will shut down and walk away - which is why 'Ho would start throwing stuff and slamming doors. DH will simply NOT engage. Talk to him calmly and rationally and he is open to discussion.
BioHo is STILL a drama queen and she and Mr. Pinhead fight on a regular basis. When I was still on Fakebook, SDthen17 used to post stuff they argued about, like posting 'Ho saying, "So I drink every day to get by and you withhold sex as a weapon. I consider this a successful marriage." followed by a bunch of sad/crying/broken heart emojis.
DH and I have had disagreements, but we do not FIGHT. We discuss. I think that's a HUGE difference.
I have done a LOT for all of the skids (both DH's bios AND his skids). But the sisters, who have both been 'at war' with BioHo, have suddenly cast me in the role of villain and 'Ho is practically Mother Teresa. After 7 years, I'll be damned if I'll humbly fill that role. A lot of ugly BS went on (DH knows) and I now consider them dead to me (DH does NOT know).
Geez, what would she do if
Geez, what would she do if one of her parents had died when she was young?
Certain things are life changing events, that doesn't mean that life does not go on (albeit, differently) or that those events have to define who you are as a person. Unless you let it.
Personally, I don't like to announce why I'm f^cked up.
I think that SD21, like her
I think that SD21, like her mother, is a freakin' drama queen. Why she lets divorce define her is beyond me. Unless she's hoping to find a man who thinks the little girl/wounded animal/bossy b!tch persona is a dream come true...
And I hear you. I know why I'M f^cked up, but I don't go spreading it around like butter on toast.
Your SD has issues WAY beyond
Your SD has issues WAY beyond just being a COD.
This ^^^ for sure.
Depending on the age of the
Depending on the age of the child and how the relationship with mom and dad ended (nicely/nasty/etc.), I say no more than 1 year tops! During this time, in a perfect world, BOTH parents should be working on damage control with the child(ren) so they don't end up with long-term commitment, trust, relationship issues. In the case that the divorce/separatin occurred before the child can remember, then there shouldn't really be any adjustment period. In my case, my bios and my SD15, don't remember mom and dad being together; it has always been Mom/Dad and SM/SD.
I agree with this. I think
I agree with this. I think some parents do not navigate this well, do not have enough communication with their children, thinking the kids will just adjust. They will adjust but they need help, especially when they are younger.
But, at some point, a person has to take on that responsibility themselves, like when they are an adult and realize that they are a mess.
Ages of the skids at the time
Ages of the skids at the time of divorce over 10 years ago:
SD14 (DH's step)
PigPen4 (DH's step, but he doesn't know it)
PigPen (stb15) doesn't even remember the house they lived in. What he does remember? Mommy screaming at Daddy, Daddy walking away, and Mommy throwing/breaking things.
Both parents went to the required counseling. BioHo continually (to this day) tried to PAS the skids and make it a competition of which parent is loved more (and she would bawl and get hysterical when she thought a skid loved DH more...).
The girls both see DH as an ATM. They only contact him when they want money or want SOMETHING (but usually money). Both girls, for a few years, HATED BioHo with a passion. Suddenly, she is their BFF. :sick:
The boys love DH and both have asked to move in with us. PrincASS joined the military as soon as he graduated high school - he told DH he couldn't stand living in a "crazy house" any more. Both have told DH they think their mother is crazy.
Damnit! I'm a COD and have
Damnit! I'm a COD and have NEVER used that as an excuse for bad behavior. I could have being a asshole all these years and getting away with it because I was a poor, poor COD! Where did your SD come up with this nonsense? Did she see a therapist that planted this or was this BM?
Seriously, I never had a clue you could use that for an excuse.. because nobody ever planted that seed.
Daizy, it's the newer
Daizy, it's the newer generation of snowflakes!!
Oh god, don't say that!
Oh god, don't say that! }:)
It's my biggest fear - Skid 11 playing the poor me, I'm a COD crap in the near future. BM already feeds skid emotional BS about it. It's like she's grooming her to be the victim. I've already heard from another family member that skid was laying it on thick that she'll "never be daddy's one and only girl".
Sorry, momjeans, but that
Sorry, momjeans, but that seems to be the norm these days.
SD21 and her friends are all about how DH's generation effed up life for HER generation.
It's "our fault" that minimum wage is not enough to make a living.
It's "our fault" that everyone doesn't have health insurance.
It's "our fault" that college isn't free for everyone (oh, and military should NOT pay soldiers for boot camp...).
It's "our fault", it's "our fault", it's "our fault".
Blame us for the moon NOT being made of green cheese and the Twilight series for not being true, too, while you're at it, SD.
Never. It should never be
Never. It should never be used as an excuse.
It's a divorce, it is not the end of the world.
Exactly, WOB. ~smooches~
Exactly, WOB. ~smooches~
I'm going to visit my parents
I'm going to visit my parents in a couple of weeks. I'll see if I can use the broken home excuse to weasel money or a new car out of them. However, I suspect my stepmom will have a few choice words about all the hard work she put into keeping a clean house and dinner on the table every night.. not to mention clothes shopping, running me around to friends houses, helping get ready for special events, making sure my favorite snacks were in the house. I'm sure my manipulation will go well.:)
It's not the kids who are the problem, it's the parents.
Let me know how that goes,
Let me know how that goes, SOABM!! LOL
Oh, SD21 won't pull that crap with DH. She tried that a little over a year ago. He told her she was full of sh!t and if it was still a problem, she needed therapy. SD uses that excuse with everyone BUT DH...
There is no excuse for crappy
There is no excuse for crappy behavior or choices. Divorce included. Zero tolerance and total accountability is the way to deal with his kind of crap IMHO.
Timeframe is irrelevant. Accountability and zero tolerance starts immediately and extends forever.
Again. IMHO of course.
I agree, Rags.
I agree, Rags. ('s the diet going for you and wifey?)
My overindulged Skids are
My overindulged Skids are absolutely convinced that their life has been *so* hard because of their parents' divorce. I have literally heard the words directly out of SD's mouth. It's disgusting.
DH and I are both kids of divorce and both of us have been through a divorce (the latter was much worse, even considering my horribly abusive mother). We have both worked hard to ensure that there was minimal impact to the kids. I have no time whatsoever for any child martyring themselves over their parents' divorce. Pu-lease.
Isn't it ridiculous?? At the
Isn't it ridiculous?? At the very least, DH and BioHo were no longer fighting (well, 'Ho would still scream at him, but DH could now drive
If anything, 'HO is the one who did the most damage. That moving 22 men in and out in the space of 24 months, just for starters...
I can only speak for my
I can only speak for my stepkids and my situation
BM and I have NEVER allowed the children to use BM/DH's split as an excuse to be an asshole.
SD16 was only 5 when they split-and that was before SS11 was born.
DH and I got together right after SS was born. So for the most part-they've always known BM to be with her flavor of the 5yr plan and DH/I together.
And as a child of a deceased parent (my dad died shortly after my 10th birthday) my mother and stepfather never allowed me to act an ass because of loosing my father.
NEVER, NEVER, NEVER....of and did I forget to say NEVER. Next time she uses that excuse for anything at all flat out just say well honey why is it that so many other people I know are COD's and have never once used that as an excuse.
Or better yet say this " OMG,I had no idea that your parents divorced. That must have been really hard because you are like the only person in the world that has happened to."
This one can work too "You know what maybe in some magical land far off and away your parents will get back together, what will be your excuse than for your crap behavior. Oh that is right it is not that your are a COD but just entitle selfish brat."
Sorry struck a nerve with that one. Mine divorced when I was younger and I never used that as an excuse for anything I have done in my life that was not good or I did not like.
Tell her to shut it and stop being a lazy whining little brat that needs everyone around her to coddle her.
Ash, did you mean to say
Ash, did you mean to say NEVER?
Oh, she doesn't try to use that excuse with DH. He shut that crap down. But I've seen her use it everywhere (and I mean EVERYWHERE) else.
Amen to that !
Amen to that !
My children were never
My children were never allowed that "COD" fake-o excuse either. I expected just as much if not MORE responsibility from them.
Never ever ever should it be
Never ever ever should it be an excuse.
You can bet your bottom dollar that I did not let my children ever use it as an excuse in life.
WTF, that's because you're
WTF, that's because you're not a sh!tty parent!
I agree ! It should NEVER be
I agree ! It should NEVER be an excuse - especially when the kids are really young when it happened. MY SD16's issues aren't so much because of a divorce that happened when she was 8, but rather her sociopath of a BM who has targeted my DH as the cause of everything bad that is in her own life and systematically turned SD against him / me. I have officially and wonderfully FINALLY realized that I no longer have to give her the benefit of the doubt anymore that her horrible behavior is because she is a COD. Rather, it is due to the fact her mom is a whack-job. She is by far old enough to open her eyes, see just how lucky she has it compared to most of the world and get on with it. I would hate to see how a lot of these kids would turn out in an abusive home in the 1950s and before where women (like my grandmother) were trapped (couldn't drive, couldn't work, etc.). My dad turned out amazing and successful and never used that as a crutch.
Once you've reached adulthood
Once you've reached adulthood I don't think there is ever any valid reason for all purpose entitlement or treating people poorly. There are a hundred crappy life events I could think of in under a minute that unfortunately happen to people every day. Death in the family, illness, accident, job loss, hurricane, abusive marriage, sexual assault... on and on. If every person on earth decided that they have a free pass to be an as*hole because their life isn't sunshine and roses 100% of the time then the world would quickly become an even more awful place than it already (arguably) is.
Bad days? Yes. Rough week? Maybe. Being a jerk in perpetuity because mommy and daddy got divorced a decade ago? Hell to the no.
SourGrapes, I agree with
SourGrapes, I agree with everything you wrote!! xoxo
Yep... I agree 100% too. And
Yep... I agree 100% too. And as an adult, you also should gain a broader perspective that relationships aren't as easy peasy as you think they should be.
HELL the Girhippo is 46 years
HELL the Girhippo is 46 years old ans she is STILL using it as an excuse!!
Holy crap on a cracker!!
Holy crap on a cracker!!
One of my mother's good
One of my mother's good friends is 63 and claims that her weight problem and compulsive shopping are due to her parent's divorce when she was 8. 55 years is a long ass time to carry that grudge bucket around!
Daaaaaaaaaaang!!! :jawdrop:
Can you imagine being 63 and
Can you imagine being 63 and proclaiming, "But I'm a child of divorce!"
No, I sure can't! I have
No, I sure can't! I have heard her talking about it multiple times over the years. After the divorce her dad re-married an EEEEVIL SM and it was JUST ALL SO UNFAIR! Nom nom nom! Shop! shop! shop!
"Nom nom nom! Shop! shop!
"Nom nom nom! Shop! shop! shop!"

Certainly, I am 53 and a
Certainly, I am 53 and a child of divorce! Just give me 10 more years!! LOL. I need to lose 20 lbs too, that must be why. Not the peanut M&M's I just shoved in my mouth.
I don't agree with using the
I don't agree with using the COD excuse at any age. It's not an excuse or a crutch. It drives me batty when people use things as a crutch. Especially a divorce or death years after the fact.
ss32 is still using his
ss32 is still using his parents divorce as an excuse for not being able to function in life. To an extent he is right because both of them horribly enabled him out of guilt. DH enabled him up until 2 years ago and then finally relized that he wasn't *helping* his son at all. Up until recently ss has been living with mommy but now we hear he's on the run because he doesn't want his car repossessed.
I think someone said this
I think someone said this above, but now that there are so many divorces, being a child of divorce is the new normal. I don't think it should ever be an excuse, because I don't think anyone should let a single event define them. No matter how bad someone thinks their situation is, there is always someone else who has it worse. Finally, there is no excuse for bad behavior - especially when you are an adult. People make choices and if you choose to treat someone poorly, you should have to deal with the consequences.
One of my SSs is now - nearly five years later - freaking out about his parents' divorce. I try to be sympathetic to him because I have not experienced life as a child of divorce, but also want to say to him "don't let your parents' divorce define you!" His life may be more complicated than that of some of his peers, but he does not have a bad life. I worked with kids whose parents were in jail or whose parents had been killed, my SS's life is easy compared to their lives.
This says it
This says it all:
Its a crutch and an excuse.
Its a crutch and an excuse. That sh*t works when you are little and don't know how to express yourself or manage your emotions. But when you become an adult, its time to stop pointing the finger and look in the mirror. I was a COD too and I never disrespected or mistreated my step parent. My son is a COD and doesn't have this expectation of nothing applying to him because he is a COD and its because I didn't allow him to develop that mentality. Parents have to stop coddling their kids, they are doing them a disservice.
I very much appreciate
I very much appreciate everyone's comments!!! It proves over and over that SD21 is USING this as a 'tool' to gain sympathy for her 'crippled emotional state' (and why ANYONE buys into it is beyond me...). Any excuse to be a whiny, little tw@twaffle.
Luv youse guys!! <3
Being a COD will be used by
Being a COD will be used by the child unless and until the parent stops allowing them to use the as their excuse. As for adults, they will use it as long as it garners them the response they want, when it doesn't they will just change tactics to it being some other underlying issue as to why they suck at life!
Advice, SD21 won't use that
Advice, SD21 won't use that BS in front of DH. But he's the only one. I'd bet money that BioHo encourages it. :sick:
Children who are
Children who are fundamentally incapable of understanding what is going on, either due to age or disability, get a pass. I can't fault a child who doesn't understand what's going on and can't properly express how they feel. I can, and will, however, judge the parents who don't try to help those kids navigate through it.
Otherwise, I give it a year max for it to affect anyone's life. Note that I said affect, not be used as an excuse. It can be the reason why a child is upset or doing poorly in school during the first year. However, it goes back to the PARENTS need to help their child navigate through it and not let it be used as an excuse for poor behavior or performance.
When my parents divorced, I acted out in anger and sadness. I had to grieve the changing in my family. However, there were acceptable and unacceptable form of that grieving. It was totally fine for me to call my friends and blast my parents to let off steam, but I had better never say a cross word to my parents or in public. I could scream into a pillow, but I couldn't scream at my mom. I could throw a stuffed animal at an empty wall, but I could throw a right hook at my dad.
There has to be a balance where you have to allow children to grieve and express their emotions in a safe way, but you can't let it be used long-term as a crutch. I'm divorces, but not because my parents are divorced and it's "all I know". I got divorced because my exH is a donkey and I made a poor decision in marrying him. My parents being divorced may have made it easier for me to pull the trigger on that marriage, but my parents being divorced also taught me that it's not the end of the world. It's just part of life.
Agreed, lieutenant_dad. SD21
Agreed, lieutenant_dad. SD21 won't pull this BS in front of DH. She splashes it all over twitter and fakebook and to her friends. She tried it in front of DH ONCE. He told her to get counseling or get over it (this was a couple of years ago). I have no idea if BioHo encourages the behavior, but it wouldn't surprise me. SD24 (half-sister and DH's step) definitely eggs on the behavior. Sad.
Some of the people who can
Some of the people who can keep up playing this "guilt" i feel are surrounded by enablers or addicts.
Ss13 great grandma is a huge enabler!! My mil is a huge drug abuser- and the stuff she puts her mother through, terrible- but GG just feeds into it!
Ss loves hiding out over there because she babies him like crazy!!
And i feel because dh has had a wacko mom, and not the best adult figures in his life- he thinks the way to deal with stuff is to spoil him- which ss is smart and plays him like a fool.
I think ALL of them need to stop feeling sorry for "the boy without a mom", at somepoint ss will have to work - gg will pass away- mil will be gone- then what?
Unless he finds a woman who will feed into his game, its going to be rough out there, not many ladies want to play mommy to a grown man.
Ss13 tried to guilt his dad a few times over the years, with the "i have no mom" did not work- dhs father passed away when he was 7, so he just gets told about that!
Never in my opinion. It's not
Never in my opinion.
It's not a strange thing for people to divorce and there's allot of people coping who never used that excuse of I'm from a broken home, there's allot of people who grew up as orphans and they never used any excuses, there's allot of people who grew up with only one parent and never used it as an excuse....
Never. My parents divorced
Never. My parents divorced when I was 21, my brother 18 (Dad didn't want to pay child support). Way worse sh*t happened while they were together. My brother and I breathed a huge sigh of relief when they FINALLY divorced!!
My son tried to play the 'I've Gone Through Horrible Things In My Life' card to justify being a poop head. I told him everyone goes through sh*t in their life. You get over it and you move on with life, it never justifies you being an arsehole. You decide who you want to be, only you define who you become.
He hates it but it's true. Suck it up buttercup and be a good person.
I loved reading this post!
I loved reading this post! My SD uses this as a crutch/manipulation tactic/sympathy card - she is 10 but they divorced when she was like 2! 8 years is plenty of time to adjust to being a COD but her mom is a whack job and encourages her being a forever victim! Drives me crazy! My son also comes from a broken home - same age as SD - his father is currently incarcerated for poor decisions (drugs) and he doesn't use any of that as a crutch or for sympathy or manipulation! I'm guessing the difference is that I don't feed into and have tried my best to teach him to be accountable for his actions! This to me is all about how the parents handled it (as other posters stated).
My DD never even uses term
My DD never even uses term COD let all uses it as an excuse. I think it comes from parents cultivating either "poor you" or causing drama (like made it obvious to a kid how much drama parents have with each other). No kids would come up with such BS on their own.