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PAS Ends In Murder of Biodad

thinkthrice's picture

Ten words ten words ten words ten words ten words


StepX2's picture

The possibility (innocent until proven guilty) that mom could get her older kids to help murder their own father definitely says parental alienation!

thinkthrice's picture

They are adults who were raised with PAS for many years. They have been caught on tape and in writing saying despicable things about their dad--same old stuff "you make me uncomfortable" etc. with no real reason why they hate dad other than parroting PAS phrases from mommykins.

P.S. this is upstate NY where the BM almost ALWAYS gets custody. Even if she walked into the courtroom with a bloodied ax.

ChiefGrownup's picture

I remember this story. The mom will be unable to resist saying horrible things about the dead man, for sure. And the two sons, as well, since they've been raised to.

Probably won't take the stand but some jail snitch will come forward repeating violent comments made in the cell block.

These virulent haters just can't stop themselves from spewing.

The boyfriend may be the most likely to keep his mouth shut. He would have some emotional distance. But since he apparently participated in this murder he's gotta be some kind of wild card.

moving_on_again's picture

So.....obviously if they are charged with murder they are probably at least 16?! She couldn't wait a couple freaking years!? People are so dumb.

thinkthrice's picture

This woman was a classic batshit cray cray GUBM; had been PASing for well over a decade and a half