Nice Try Mr. Not So Neutral
Instead of focusing on rebuilding Chef's vintage vehicle, Mr. NSN, who is heavily enmeshed with his adult son the Mechanic, let it slip that Chef's only full-blooded brother (Uncle Kinky) who has been shunning Chef for divorcing the Girhippo, is moving back from the "big city" to his hometown which Uncle K has despised in his youth as being a "hick town."
Seems the big city is now too dangerous for Uncle K to live in with all the Kia Boys break-ins. It should be noted that until it affected him, Uncle K was very soft on crime.
Mr. NSN also confided that Uncle K has a land contract on 5 acres and is building a new house there. Well it is a small hick town indeed because everyone there knows each other.
And wouldn't you know out of the blue, we got an email in our company email inbox inquiring from one of Chef's boyhood friends, who owns a lot of land out there and who is still good friends with Uncle K, about building a new house and putting in a fancy schmancy new heating system out in Mr. NSNville (which happens to be adjacent to Girlhippo land).
Well Chef put two and two together and saw it as a thinly veiled reunification attempt with his estranged brother and eventually the three PASed out, now adult, demons.
I too thought this was odd because I recognized the name of the sender whom Chef has talked about in the past as being one of his boyhood chums.
We (Chef) respectfully declined and referred him to another installer in the area. Frankly, we are actually swamped with work and getting ready to close down in a couple weeks for our annual trip to Biloxi and NOLA for Mardi Gras.
I wouldn't be surprised if they all expected Chef to work at bargain basement rates if not for free, anyway.
Recently Mr NSN referred a job to Chef in Girhippo land which we subbed out to one of our subcontractors. I'm sure Mr NSN was thrilled about that! Anytime he can get Chef on his own and gossiping with him pleases Mr. NSN to high heavens.
- thinkthrice's blog
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Free labor
I think you nailed it when you said they wanted cheap or free labor. Good luck, guys.
Has a new house to built. I am sure there will be a thank you. No money but a thank you